Wednesday, 1 October 2014

October's Herrrrre!

October's rolled around with a CRRRRR-CRRRRR-CRRRRACK BANG! That's the sound of trees all over Durban being blown over into the streets by violent wind storms. What's worst?!? Nobody's even trying to pull them outa the way! I mean? You see a tree in strewn across the street? You move it, right! Don----don't you?


Who me? No, I do not but that's not the point! Last I checked, my vagina gave me the right to have trees moved outa the street forrrrrrr me. Says me, an independent woman who can do anything that you can do, better! BUT!?!? My anatomy just doesn't believe that it's chivalrous to have me lug wet wood off the streets! I shall drive around them until they're either forcefully removed or they get up and walk themselves over to the paper mill. Whichever comes first.

Man?!? The weather's been seriously menopausal these past two days. The poor sun doesn't know whether its arthur or mar....wait?!?

Tell me something? I grew up and who knows where I got this crazy idea from but I grew up knowing that a rainbow meant that the rain is finished. Was I wrong all of these years? 'Cause this morning, we had a thick rainbow, WHILE it was raining! And then this evening, we had another rainbow, while it was raining again! Can somebody please enlighten a girl on what's the actual deal with rainbows? Or are these millenium rainbows different to the 20th Century ones?

If this turns out to be another one of my inarguable childhood beliefs that it was shoes that did the shrinking and not our feet that did the growing! Then clearly I have lots to rethink! But I'm not gonna start rethinking 'cause I don't wanna waste my re---uhmmmm---my---rethoughts so until I'm certain that I had the whole rainbow thing wrong....I'll wait.

If I did, then I totally answered all of those questions in my English matric exam wrong too! DRAT! They had this piece, I think it was about a hair salon or something, I forget, but they used the word, rainbow as a metaphor in it and I confidently wrote that it signified change! Depending on what you tell me, I might demand a rewrite because I don't really know who to sue at this point. Someone taught me that...I just can't remember who but justice must be served!

Talking about justice. Oscar Pistallofusoff was found not guilty of murder. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Shocker, huh! I guess that shooting you don't' know whoooooooo, four times, in the throws of fear, is meant to tickle them, not kill them. On purpose. But this is South Africa, isn't it! The place where unless you're having the sense strangled outa you by someone you didn't invite to come and steal your belongings while you're asleep but then your bladder decides to feel full because you're doing your utmost to get rid of your cellulite by drinking gallons of water so you wake and catch them in the act because well? Your bladder made you! You cannot hurt them. They must hurt you first! It's the law! Maybe bladders should be illegal! Eh!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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