Monday, 28 November 2016

My High School Reunion...

Is this Saturday. O_O! It's been twenty six years since my final year of high school. O_o! Mannnn! Time is a ruthless muthafucker.
Just wondering, while I'm typing this, if there is anything I would do differently. YESSSS!!!! YES I WOULD! I wouldn't have went to march for the ANC with my fellow school mates. With their crooked asses!  Not my school mates.  The ANC!  I didn't even know what the ANC was, I just wanted time out from the classroom. We didn't even learn about Nelson Mandela in history class. If we did, it must have been for five minutes in one lesson because I could swear I didn't know what the fuck I was going to march down West street for. Viva viva.  I was vivaring.  I didnt know why but I was vivaring like a fool!  And happy too!  Met my dad there. That was cool. But the truth is, I was as interested in politics as I was in walking on hot coal.
Let's see. What else...I would have eaten healthier, worked out often, not started smoking and definitely not chewed on so much ice. That's just for starters.
Teeth? Teeth are one of those things that we take for granted. Shameful. Until we realize there are no third chances in life. The life of molars and incisors. Once your milk teeth fall and your REAL teeth grow out? Listen to me when I tell you.......these should be the top priority on your list of "must take care of's." No matter how addictive ice is. If ya body's lacking something and forcing you to eat the ice, drink water. Water's good for you. Because I've got a story for you. Once upon a time, I want my enamel back! The end!
The reunion? I've been milling over it for a while now. Attending, that is. Up until this morning, I was under no circumstances attending. As of now, I'm still torn but leaning more to the side of attending. Or not. Like should I, shouldn't I? Uuuuuurgh! I dunno. I dunno. What do I do?  What would Jesus do?  Hmmmmm, nope.  He didn't have a high school reunion from what I know.
Back to square one.
Dammit, Libra's don't do this deciding thing well.
The good thing is that so far, I've secured a date! My sister in law just so happened to be free. Hahahhaha! Don't look at me like that. -_- Whaaaaat? Do not under-estimate the power of my extrovert-ism. Extrovert-ness? Extrovertitis?
Fuck it!
The point is, don't under-estimate it. Don't pay any attention to the fact that it doesn't exist either. Just play along. We'll get through this blog post much faster if we all agree.
Thing is...'Cause I'm thinking that you might be thinking that maybe I can't. But I can. I can get a proper date just as much as you can if you had a high school reunion to go to but you weren't married anymore. If I wanted to. But see, I don't do that casual dating shit. It's crap. Firstly. Because talking to and holding strangers....NO! And secondly, no proper date will be good enough if it's not MYYYY proper date! Ya know....?
Therrrrre, hmmmmm, hmmmmm------see, I knew you'd understand.
I'm still no closer to a decision.
>_<! I suck at being excited about events!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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