Wednesday 28 January 2015

Reporting Live.....

I thought I'd wait for them to give me that special blue tablet that makes me sleep for a day and a half, before I came up on here. More to wake up tomorrow to see what kinda blog sleeping med's caused me to post, heh-heh-heh! An experiment of sorts. My future self was real excited at the thought of what my present self would be thinking in that delirious state but my sensible self remembered that I'm here to ramble responsibly and said, "No! What d'you think this is? Blog of a high-ass patient?" My future self was like, "What kinda boring......!"

But I stopped. I gotta listen to my self, you know. The less mistakes you have to fix in life, the better. Plus it's raining.



That piece of information is very relevant to some people, you know. Like farmers or-or-or people waiting to wear a new raincoat.

Yeah, yeah, I'm in the hospital once again. Soon, it will be "Live from the red ovaries." Hahahahahaha! -_-! I'm not laughing. I am. No, I'm not. At least, not because it's funny. Just....I handle these things better when I can find humour in them.

The camera crew goes in on Friday. I'm having those procedures that end with -----scopy. Two of them. But it's all good though, I have my eyesight, my ability to speak and walk! I have my health! I mean, I'll have my health on Saturday. But I'm chilled 'cause I'm gonna be better for it. I mean it. I'm not afraid. Matter-o-fact, I'm so chilled about the procedures that I'm hypotensive.

I have to say, through the years, (I won't lie, I hit a few snags along the way---that sorta happens when you have help to stress!) it's been good to watch the improvement I've made in handling things like this. A good support system helps a lot. Near and far. I guess that knowing without a doubt that you are cared for and loved, is what helps the most. To add to that, my boss has been really understanding. It's made a real difference to my stress about being back here.

Sometimes, I watch those sitcoms like Big Bang Theory and say to myself, or whomever the poor sucker is sitting next to me that's heard it before, "I wish I'd experienced living with roommates and having fun like that!" Now, on some level, I have my wish. We have the loudest, most cheerful room in the house---pital! Loving that! I'm rooming with the coolest buncha women. Fo rizzle my readizzles!

Two of them leave tomorrow, :-(! I'm thinking we should all put the goodies we have left, together and have a farewell. The hospital provides the food and drinks anyway! It'll be perfect. Our cellphones are all charging, that takes care of the music! What d'yall think of that idea?

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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