What kinda life are you over there settling for?
Draggin yourself along that extra mile while he keeps fallin' short
Don't you even believe that you oughta be treasured?
Against what is it that your worth is being measured?
Look at you, so beautiful yet you've turned blind to that very fact
That mirror that you're lookin' into is riddled with lies cracks
You've got so much more to offer than you even realize
It's all waitin' beyond the reflection you see in his broken eyes
Don't give up on your self, you've done all that you can do
For someone who won't show a lick of appreciation for you
Begin feedin' your own spirit with some-a-that honour from now on
'Stead of plantin' it in places from which you should be long gone
Maybe you thought your constant sacrifices would mean somethin' to him
Sometimes they do, or they don't, depends for whom you're making them
Release it all, everything you've been desperately clutchin' since
Take those arms of yours and wrap'm around your chokin' confidence
It's okay to be without a him, lonely is better than being stripped
And when your dignity grows back, you'll find that we all at one time, tripped
So now rise to a kneel, then crawl and stroll before you run
'Cause you will, you're beautiful, don't give you up for none
By (C) 2015 Stacey Kell
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
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