Exhaustion!! Is. Not the word.
Frustration, is! I blame me, though! Had I resolutionized at the top of the year, not to get involved in the wheelings and dealings of Grade 7? None of this would be happening! So now?!? A girl has to wait an entire year to right that situation! And it is a situation, too! One very, very, very, draining situation! Lemme warn you. I'm seriously contemplating inventing a "Late Resolution Day" for people like me. At this point? I'm frenzied enough to attempt anything!
Tuesday night? I was so fraught...hmmmmm? Frenzied annnnd fraught? I'm so full of f words? Anyhoooo....I was so fraught about making sure that my son evaded detention for failing a test? They threatened us like that at the meeting last week. All we heard was detention, demerit, detention, don't, and mayyyyyyybe a few positive nouns thrown in here and there to soften the blow! I was thinking that too. School meetings aren't what they used to be where all they wanted was our money. They are now demanding our emotions too!
Yeah, yeah, I just saw that. And I'm gonna correct it, because it's, well? The proper thing to do, and possibly the correct perspective to have. What a pity that nary a person can assign detention to me. Because I? Have not reach that place of correct perspective as yet. Still on the anti-detention phase! It's a process. Like South Africa and democracy? Yeah! We may not live to see if the two ever really do meet at some point. Cough. As if nineteen years isn't long enough. But guess what? Patience. Aaaaah yes. That, wait...I need to....one, two, three.......double-edged eight-letter word....where on one side sits many a like-named woman who probably voted for the circus running this joint....and on the other side? A virtue thrown around by people who regret voting for the circus, but won't admit it.
A-hem! Not sure how I got there.....but........
For the sake of correctness? I wassssss also desperate, seriously...I was. Wink. Desperate for those history definitions to be a source of valuable education for him. I can tell you right now?!?! They certainly were for me. Yep! I can't even count the number of times I use the term, "Palaeontology" in my everyday conversation. You don't even realize just how many people approach you with, "What do you call the study of fossils?" Just yesterday? I looked at Mavis and thought, "Archaeological source." She's the tea lady at our office who insisted that I find out from H.R. whether pension age is 60 or 65 years old. Seems, at 58 years old? You can apparently tell that you're gonna be olllllllld once you reach 60!? LOL! Her words not mine! She coupled them with actions too! While the voice in my head roared with, "Why me?" The voice in hers was like, "Perhaps, if I do the slight head bend to the side with the sorrowful look, she might know what I mean when I say, Olllllllllllllllllllllld." Who knew that our very own tea lady was the Black Charlize Theron! O_o!
Aaaaargh! I've lost track of...OH! Tuesday night! Desperate for him to pass! No detention! Right!
By the time 10pm rolled around? After a day, for him, that consisted of nothing but school work, three meals, and a shower? When I noticed the fact that his eyes began altering their normal appearance and functionality? My desperation to avoid detention soared! I mean, uhhh, for the history to enhance his band of knowledge! I sent the boy for his cellphone? Ohhhhhh yeah! While he?!? Looked at me both drained and confused. I voice recorded myself. That's how I deal with desperation! Recording my voice calms me. Haaaahahahahahhaa! LOL! Alllmost had you with that one, huh?
I did voice record myself, though. And this time? Totally, not out of vanity or usual belief that I become one with whomever sings my "at the time" favourite song. Instead, I was purpose driven! Driven by the depths of desperation to the need to brainwash him! Yep! I said, "need to, brainwash and him" allllllllllllllll in the same sentence! Detain me, why don'cha! I'm being pushed to my limits here! Retaliation becomes a must! Mmmmmm-hmmm!
Heh-heh-heh! I always mistake myself for Black American when I say, "Mmmmmmm-hmmmm!" You know like when I'm singing? And mistakenly believe that I can? It's such a beautiful world in my head.
But! Hey?!? Desperation is one of the strongest emotions there is! Right?!? It has to be if it's brought out the mind controller in me. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I'd stoop that low, but yohhhhh?!? Shawdy got low low low low low low low..... Much like Damon's eyelids. My first step was to create my tool. So, I voice-recorded myself reading out that entire page of terms and definitions.
I then told him to hook his ears up to the soothing sounds of mummy's history definitions for the weary! The boy listened for a few minutes, awoke?!? And was then knocked the fackkkk ouT! To add insult to injury? I then had to sit up while he slept, to hit the play button on the cellphone after every 4 minutes.....that one I didn't see coming but I had no choice but to carry out the plan to its completion....If I didn't know for sure that he was so worn out? I'd have taken gleeful pride in the fact that my voice sent him packing on an all expenses-paid trip to dreamland! Although, I'm doubting wholeheartedly, that I could squeeze any glee out of these pockets of offence that I feel towards teachers at this moment. Harsh? Yes. But, nevertheless, true!
And the truth shall set me free. Or?! Cause my boy to be upped to the level of victim if one of them actually read this. That was the reason he begged me not to write them a letter regarding the detention that he so rightfully earned. Well? If you're now wondering how I've gone from brainwashing the child in order to prevent him getting detention to now, writing letters because he got detention?
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! He gets detention for not attending sports practise on Monday! As if? As if he has his own vehicle and can simply drive his twelve year old ass home once his daily transport has left! Something's soh wrong with that reward! I was about to let them taste the wrath of the Rambler? Until he pleaded with me not to. Hence me setting your eyes on fire with all of this! Sorry. I am sorry, but I needed to let off some of this intense steam bubbling in my brain right now.
Look? I'm definitely not opposed to discipline, especially in school, but not attending sports practise because you didn't have a way to get home, thereafter? Bullshit, if you ask me! And then we get a circular last night, talking about how they're being detained for good reasons! So with all of that? I'm sure you're able to deduce the reasons why both him and I, are quite the nervous wrecks by now! It's like? A touch is a move! If you knew me? You'd know very well that walking on eggshells isn't something I enjoy on any level.
I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around the reason why sohhhh much work has to come home. It's daily homework. Unfinished work from that day's lesson. Whatever Oral presentation is due. Whatever test is due. Whatever assignment is due. The kid hasn't been able to play, a thing, after school. It's just been school, from morning to night, literally!
I was in Grade 7 twice before. No, noh! No, noh! Once me, and once Paige! This whole scenario that's playing out with Damon? Didn't happen with me, and neither did it with my daughter! Infact, I can't recall one time where my parents sat doing schoolwork with me until it had gotten so late that they had to formulate brainwashing methods to force me to remember what I'm being tested on. And I'm talking about righhhhhhhht up to the last day of my schooling career! Yes, yessssss! You won't find me arguing that alot can change in six years but in another twenty years, I don't want my son singing, "Have you seen my Childhood?!?"
Nevermind, I'll be right there as backup with, "Your primary school has it packed on the shelf along with the childhoods of all your classmates....!"
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