First things first?!? ^_^! I
am pleased to report that I am no
longer suffering from RNS. O_o! I
see you! LOL! After much
deliberation and a sleepless night here and there? Dreaming that you're about to be blown to smithereens
tends to set off insomnia. Go figure.
But all was not lost because I
came up with what I believed to be an
appropriate term for what was wrong
with me.
Rebellious Nipple Syndrome. Mannnn!
I just amazzzzze myself at
times. Clearly, having to go to these lengths means that I haven’t been to the doctor as yet. I have good
reason. Fear. Until I build up the
courage to go and voluntarily have my
breasts assaulted like waffle dough. The only
amazing thing at that point will be how loud I wanted to scream but didn’t.
I’ll have good reason for that too.
I'm willing to bet the larger
parts of my thighs that they were not made for that! At nary a point in the
Bible, did it mention aNnnnything
about mam........'Cause it states...
women will give birth painfully. We give
birth painfully, right? Cool!
We were fully aware of that when we became
women. Unless you have an epidural. But still?
That biblical fact still remains
just that, because had you gone au naturel? It most definitely woulda felt like nineteen hands were gripping and twisting your organs and in an attempt
to uproot them.
Uhhhhhhhhhhm? If you're pregnant for the first time? And you just read that? IGNORE IT! I was just being dramatic. Evvvven?
Even if you saw that picture
that stated “The human body can withstand
only up to 45 del(units) of pain, yet at the time of giving birth, a mother
feels up to 57 del(units) of pain, which is similar to 20 bones being fractured
at the same time.” If you’ve seen
that picture before? Pay it no
mind. It's not thaaaaaaat sore. Even without an epidural! *_* GULP..............I pr-promise.
I-I'm not laughing at anything
that has to do with pain or birthing a first
child. I'm not. SMH. M-hmmmmm!
Someone's doing something funny. Somewhere. You know when they do that-that funny thing? And you laugh hard even if you can't see them?
Yeah! So, I am laughing. But not 'cause
I promised you a practically painless,
epidural-free, birth.
However, in the name of all that is true
and just? By the time you have your second baby? You'll come to see that there aint no such thing. You can't have both. That’s called, being greedy. Which is how we landed in this excruciating situation
to being with. But worry about that when
you're having your second baby. For now?
Concentrate on visions of slivers of sun rays bouncing off of fluffy white clouds that are hanging
aimlessly between the vast mellow
ocean and stunning baby-blue sky. Also, on the promise I made....and maybe some laughing gas.
Meanwhile? You know what? I still
haven’t found that cereal.
Sigh.................................. :-( It
hurt pretty badly to have to admit to
myself that I’m not as good a detective as I’d imagined. Do you even have to be a good detective,
though? To find clues to a box of----to
a box of cereal? Do you even have to be a detective at alllllll? Couldn’t you be like, a detect...? With half your senses and still find a motionless object!?
Not helping. I’ve just watched in horror as
my self-esteem crashed and burned.
Either way? I give up! I’m hanging up my
detective bandana and filing that
under Cold-Case No.2012/Cereal
Disappearance. It was probably bad for me, anyway. If you ask me? Probably
what caused my RNS! Probably? They had to remove
it from the shelves 'cause it has some kinda delayed reaction to nipples or some weird shit like that. Jussss's probable.
With that said? School has officially opened for the
year! Which means?! Time belongs
to no man for the next three
months. By no man, I mean those parents
who become so occupied with their kids’
school workload? That they’re just short
of attending class. If you
belong to this club? How about we stage
a strike before the teachers this
year? You know? Switch things up a
Kidding, kidddddddddddddddding..........
put. the. rulers. down!
Knowledge is power! ^_^! Knowledge
is the key to success! Uh-huhhhh! See? Positive
role model. Knowledge? YES!
Strike staging before the
teachers? NOOOOOOH! O_o? I-I
wasn’t nodding my head when I said
>_<! Geeeeeeeez?
On a serious note? I’m crossing fingers for the safe journey of
the text books to their destination schools this
year. Wait! Wait!
My bad! Lemme not put the cart before the horse. What was I
thinking!?!?! I’m crossing fingers for
the safe departure of the text books from their place of storage. Therrrrrrrrre ya go! It would be such a shame, yet somehow? An expected one!!! For history to repeat itself. Not to
mention how many student are repeating history.
Thanks to that entire textbook circus.
Pssssssssssssssssst, don’t forget...strike before the teachers....meeting date and time TBA!
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