Wednesday, 27 February 2013
After Action
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Chill Pill
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Love You to Death...
Even Oscar Pistoffius! Pistoffatus? Pistori....Pistori-something. Granted! That side of him might be a biiiiiiiiiiit difficult to see right now? Since it is alleged that he kinda....shot his girlfriend four times on the morning of Valentines Day!
Ahhhhhhhh yeS! The Valentines Day gift that evvvvvvery girlfriend wants! No pulse! But?!? I'm sure he cried when he was being arrested for murder. And there you have it! Proof of soft and mushy. I-I think O_o!
I honestly thought I was being singled out and picked on by Venus when today rolled around and Geese didn't magically appear in front of me? In person. Couple that with being banished to the interior of my home for now, the fourth day straight and being unable to stay awake for any decent lengths of time? You have to admit. All evidence pointed squarely in favour of my theory.
But ay? After reading that? Like, I kept seeing, Oscar this, Oscar that, and then with the broadcasted jokes and everything. Now you take that and my already deepening-by-the-minute feelings of isolation at the hands of Venus? Ofcourse, I did exactly what any interested citizen with an internet connection, would do. I googled, Oscar shot girlfriend!
I've been humbled. And thankful that at worst? Let's did Geese put it? Hmmmmmmm? Oh yeah! Thankful that at blood pressure is as low as a dead person. I know. You're asking the person to your left, "But why would she be thankful for low blood pressure?" Because I live.
Unlike Oscars now, ex-girlfriend. A FHM model, I might add! For her to have been a long-time girlfriend and then be mistaken for a burglar by none other than......Oscar, the long-time now, ex-boyfriend? You think you know a person...smh!
All that tells me? Is that Pretoria must have a wholllllllllle 'nother calibre of burglars. Eh? Our burglars? Police Files models at best! I hope for his sake that he didn't kill her on purpose. Although? Four times...hmmmmmm? Kinda hard not to get that impression.
Look?!? Was she covered from head to toe that she was thaaaaaaaaat unrecognizable? And then? Okay. Okay. Benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people don't switch the light on when there's a burglar in the house. You don't wanna scare them. With light. Did he just shoot wild in the dark but then just so hit the target....four times? The scream from when the first bullet hit? Still not enough of a clue, huh? No?
Allllllll that aside! What confuses me the most!?! Didn't he know that in South Africa, it's illegal to shoot a burglar...BEFORE they shoot you?
And now? On that cheery note? I wish all the love birds out there, a wonderful Valentines Day. Love is a beautiful thing. When you find it? Treasure it, nurture it and most of all? Don't mistake it for a burglar!
Happy Valentines Day, Geese!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Ellen Lent Me Kindness
Speaking about dreams? Leigh called me an awwwwwesome this and that and then finished off her compliment by whining about me being responsible for her having nothing to read before bedtime. Can you see how everything inter-connects? Well, no? She said nothing about not being able to dream because of it, but I'm covering all my bases.
Have you ever felt as though you're walking sideways? I see crabs everywhere going, "Duhhhh!" As disorientated as I feel right now? I've come to satisfy her thirst for my ramblings like the good, little dizzy blogger that I am!
I've been out of action these past days due to a viral bug, hellishly low blood pressure and get this......? Adrenal fatigue! Which we all know is a cute alternative to "stress". All except me, that is. I had no idea wtf doc was talking about. As my mouth opened to ask, "Wait! My adrenal is tired? I-I mean, my adrenal-in? Wtf?!? Hmmmmmpf! Trust me to be saddled with lazy-ass adrenal-----in!!!" But before I could judge my adrenal----in harshly? He quickly said, "Stress!" Musta noted the skewed confusion on my face?
There's always that one moment where you either begin to outright, panic or just, feel that everything's gonna be okay. Unlike that morning in LA where I could taste my own fear? I knew then that I was in good hands! Yeahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Doc was super observant and quick on the uptake too, but?!? Because it's been a while since I practised fickle-arity? It didn't take me long to change my mind.
All it took was filling out my prescription? A sure sign that my fickle reactor was still in perfect working order. Forget that he was able to diagnose me from a few words and a pressure testing machine? Once I got to the pharmacy and saw that he'd prescribed me five tablets to take, aside from the two that I'm already having to take? That was all I needed! In the midst of a vigorous protest by my throat? He very swiftly turned from the good doc to some seriously offensive adjectives.....doc.
For want of not having my blog shut down by the Internet Offensive Adjectives Committee (I bet you that the IOAC actually exists!) I can only describe those adjectives as @+*#:;?!@#####!!!!! But more importantly? Lent begins today and if you can't be symbolically offensive, then? You have to wait 'til after Lent is over.
Throughout my life, many a year of Lent have passed by. But what always stands out to me is the Thursday to Sunday of Easter! I've never been one of those deep thinkers, you know? Then again? Maybe I was, and just didn't share my thoughts....with myself. But I somehow don't think that because Jesus reverted to being alive on Easter Sunday? It meant that, we should then revert to being who and what we were before Lent began. Merely my opinion! I'm not tryna start a religious war. I'm sick. So? Just saying. Why not allow Lent to make you a better person forever, instead of for just forty days.
Last night while scrolling through my news feeds on Facebook? I was inspired by Ellen's Kindness Week and because of that? Paige got her hair ironed by me despite the state I was in. And after that? I posted a status on Facebook that read, "Have you done something kind for someone today? There's still time!"
I received some comments on it, all of which were great but two of them said that they would adopt that concept for Lent! Which thrilled me because it's my way of knowing that I've inspired someone, positively. Just like Ellen had inspired me. And that's what paying it forward means, doesn't it?
Personally? I've witnessed many, including myself, fall off of the "giving-up wagon"! And then you're guilt-ridden, because all you're seeing is that image of Jesus on the cross, and then being mind-thrashed by thoughts of, "He sacrificed His son for me and I couldn't even sacrifice chocolates?" And then you look around, the refrigerator is glaring at you. You turn your back to it, only to see the dishes giving you that same, "Shame on you, look!" You take one more bite of the Snicker Bar in your hand before you toss the last, very small, piece in the trash, outa embarrassment that you've failed in the company of your cutlery and large household appliances! While still chewing. Which then ultimately causes you to turn to the bottle for solace and retribution as soon as Easter Thursday comes around! Excluding me. I turn to marshmallow Easter eggs.
That's why I feel that adopting a kinder heart over Lent? Where your sacrifice comes from within. Where you're giving a piece of your own goodness to others instead of giving up the goodness that you are well aware you're addicted to? Is a really good idea. To instead, sacrifice, selfishness, over this period and hopefully have it become so ingrained in your person, that you don't actually stop once Lent is over?
Think about it. Seven billion people in this world...... tryna fit in....uhhhhh?!? That's a Justin Bieber track, sorry! Although? While we're on the topic? His voice? In that song. I love it because you can tell just how much it's grown and matured over the years. But I'm not here to stroke Justin's ego.
I'm here to stroke the ego's of many, many more people in the hopes of making the world a better place! Even if it DOES only last for forty days.
Thank you Ellen!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Thursday, 7 February 2013
The End is Nigh
Well done to the Baltimore Ravens on their Superbowl win! Whoooooooop-whooooooop!