I know I’m
late on a ramble about this. I had to
get myself in order. My mind kept
repeating these words…what kinda imbecile’s ass MUST YOU BE?!?! To mug a reporter on live tv? If at any point, you saw me walk by you since
this happened and I appeared dazed and confused? That woulda been why.
peep this…there is a R100,000.00 reward for ANY INFORMATION leading to their
Blink. Blink.
(With the cartoon sound)
Turns out that
we’re the only imbecile’s asses around here since it’s our money that’s going
to be paying either one of these fools when they get wind of that reward. I’m sorry, but? I’m not very confident in their loyalty to each other. And I might be wrong, but it looked to me
like they really (cough) needed money. Poor
things. R100,000.00 will bring out the
rat in anyone who can go ahead and rob a reporter and his crew for cellphones
and laptops.
I’ve been
doing my utmost to imagine what their parents’ reaction to this was. I did.
Because I’m imaginary…no I’m not imaginary, because I’m imaginated… the
hell is imaginated?!?!? Sound like an
imbecile’s ass. Because. I. am. Here we go.
Imaginative. I’m pReTTy sure that
when they saw this on the news, at least ONE of their dad’s turned to his wife
and asked, “Mabel. Did we really make
that?” And out of sheer terror in the
realization that it was from her now very embarrassed vagina, (it happens,
vagina’s get embarrassed sometimes).
Hers had to be so embarrassed about a moron of this caliber having
escaped it, that she swore then and there, never to have rrreLLLations
again. To sew it F UP! With gut!
I say
escaped because had she known, I’d bet my cellulite that she’d have clenched
so damn hard tryna keep him IN that her cervix woulda cracked! CUUURACK!!!
She owed it to Africa to have clenched and cracked. I’m just sayinnnn, and let it be a lesson to
moron makers of the future. It was just
irresponsible. More thought and
consideration ought to have been put into going allllll the way on that
birthing bed because we? We don’t
deserve this. I mean I know there’s no
comparison because you have to look at them daily and think, “You stupid
f&%$#er, I wish there was a way I could shove you back up my birthing canal…”
but you can’t. What’s done is done. Learn from it. It’s just…we can’t keep giving up R100,000.00
for the lack of clenching on Mabel’s part.
me? 1 + 1 will always equal 2. Everything is just as it should be when you
have a buncha circus freaks controlling shit!
Uhhh-huh. Nod with me now. Now let’s all say it together;
gets real. Shit, I mean. Yup! For-AHEM-for
reporters and their crews.
>_<! How in the world did
they not see the camera light and lens pointing straight at them? And then?
And then, they’re parading back and forth like runway models in full
view of whomever was watching…not one single policeman, clearly, since they
need any information that could lead up to their arrests. Here’s what they were probably doing. 

video? I watched in shock. Frankly, I’m shocked that I was shocked and I’m
tempted to say that I’ve now seen it all but you and I both know that we can’t
draw lines in the sand of that sort with our current president still in
power. I blame him for this.
I’m still
at a loss as how mr. president…no! No, I
shall not! I am not wasting capital
letters! WTF!?!?! You save those for when you’re showing
respect or-or-or trying to pass an exam.
Right now, I’m stubbornly doing neither but I’m still tryna figure out
how he can’t communicate six figure numbers in televised speeches yet he can so
easily steal so many from us. Told you,
we’re the imbecile’s asses ‘round here.
But there’s NO mention of “six million three forty four seventy hundred
cents” and alla that shit then, is there?
Not when the calculations are in is favour!
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