The Rambler at it again and all I can remember is the swearing I got at the side of the bed caused by that little pain inducing bastard…….13 years ago. (LMAOOOOOO! Lies I hate, I was a dignified giver of birth..if I may say so myself! And no! I won’t be proving it!) Was a proud moment for a father to see his little prodigy and welcome him into the world. Well from my side, I now I have a “Gentle Giant” and I pray he stays as sweet as he is. He carries my name, shares my secret smiles and affection (So then what he’s saying is that my only input really was my placenta, right? Isn’t that what this sounds like? Meanwhile, just last week, he tried to claim that Damo looks like him…hahahahahahaha!) and all the while growing and making me proud (Now THAT I agree with!).
I’m definitely no Rambler (Further proof that the Lord, Jesus Christ DOES exist!) and try as I may, Rambling is a skill (thank you…thank you very much!) at which I suck eggs (…. Rambler? Just let that one go…j-just keep walking) but that’s my 5 cents worth im contributing until the real expense comes of feeding my monster (O_o)
On a serious note….(By the way, just for transparency sake? After I sent him my bracketed comments to review? He sent me this, (You are a Rambling Maniac honestly……..LMAO) Okay, shhhhhhhh now. Let’s let him speak. I promise not to interrupt. GO!)
Seriously though, I bear witness to the pain experienced by mums going through natural birth. You, Rambler have earned your right to own MY 2 kids……lol……thirteen years ago today, we welcomed a gentle soul into this world (Hmmmm-M! That’s ri---Ohhh oh, sorry. >_<). Ofcourse, decisions will have to be made for his future, albeit hard I pray for strength to be there to guide him along the way, as best I can. That may prove a task on its own as he has his Mother, who by bringing him into this world has already claimed rights to taking him out, if he should stray off the path. Just yesterday on giving my fatherly speech regarding smoking, and the repercussions thereof…to my amusement I was told by Damon that he is a soccer player and soccer players don’t smoke. Well, moral of the story. I got my warning across and was pleased with the innocence portrayed by my boy. Guess, rather let the Rambler do the punishing, she has done an excellent job thus far! Happy birthday, Manos…Daddy loves you!
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