Monday, 22 July 2013


As thought provokeless as a Wilson Block might appear?  Never judge a sweet by it’s ability to confiscate a filling from your tooth.  I’m sitting here, chewing up a storm and IIIIII dunno.  I think it might have something to do with how I feel about the dentist?  Don’t mean, I wanna chew the dentist.  But as I’m skewing my mouth and trying to feel with my tongue if I have any suspicious holes in my teeth?  Road rage came to mind.  It left for a bit but it returned.  Might be the alluring smell of whatever they make Wilson Blocks with.  So, lemme ask you….? 

What are your thoughts on road rage?  Do you think it’s;

a.  something that is provoked or
b.  just a thing’re just an angry somebody.  Period.  or 
c.   the driving school instructor taught you how, or
d.  like randyl said this morning, “and you wonder where I get it from :-\”

Ofcourse, being the Rambler?  I always have an opinion.  Not one that I share with many, in person.  Which is why I have a blog.  Now?  I hear the sounds.  So while some of you might be off scurrying to open a blog of your own to exercise the freedom of opinion that you, yourself have held captive for decades?  I will address those who, unlike me?  Make rather good use of their mouths.  Disclaimer: I’m in no way being crude or suggestive.  I am referring to speech. 

Not drama.  -_-

You know, I’m rather soft at heart and merry by soul.  Just…hey look?!?!  Just believe me.  Looks are deceiving.  That’s something they teach us the minute we exit the canal and the doctor smacks our ass and makes us cry and then while we’re being rocked into silence, wondering why our daddy’s aren’t choke-slamming ol’ Doctor Fast Palm on the floor of the delivery room, we get no answers.  Only enduring gazes.  Then we have to enduringly gaze back while confusing tears trickle down the sides of our new eyes.  Those looks deceived us.  Deceived us into thinking that when we’re smacked on our asses, we should gaze adoringly.  Annnnnnnnnnd?  There you have it.  A freak is born.  They don’t just…they don’t just happeNN.  :-\   

But for the most part, I’m not scowlish looking.  That again, is my opinion.  HoweVer.  If you’re one of the taxi drivers that almost ran me off the road this morning?  Those looks weren’t meant to be deceiving and neither was the vociferous tone eminating from my throat.  Not that you cared.  I wasted my vociferosity.  It’s like, if you’re in the lane and they want to be in it.  There’s no, “please can I get a gap?”  They’re like, some begging gesture while driving into you.  And then they still have the bravado to rub it in your face and say thank you.  So now how are you meant to virtuously curse at them?  

And then one person, two blocks down, in a crowd of ninety-two seems to be looking their way and walking a bit faster than everyone else.  In their minds?  They’re calling out to them to stop!  Cool!  They stop dead in front of you.  Does.  Not.  Matter.  Where!  And then beg your forgiveness and again.  Every word that would question your morality and that of your parents, is coming to mind and oozing outa your mouth and they hit you with that noble, thank you gesture.  Aaaaargh.  If you’re gonna be a danger to my life?  Be a danger to my life.  Please don’t thank me for it!

Think about this for a moment.  Not like that.  Not any ol’ how.  I mean think.  Hard.  Like you mean it.  How many of us would be calmer drivers if everybody just stayed in their lane?  And guess what?  That applies to life in general.  Can I get a honk-honk.  Get it?  Honk hon…’cause…I’m…see?  ‘Cause taxi’s are vehicles and they honk.  Or we…honk….before they try to…kill us.    

I have one message for these pitiless scoundrels!  If the goat you’re carrying in the passenger seat has crapped all over it?  (Readers?  I’ve shown you proof of the live-stock. Haven’t I?)  If you missed it, don’t worry…I got ya!  We…us that are not in front of the wheel of a 18-seater, packing thirty-six people and the youngest member of the cattle herd!  We had nothing to do with that.  It’s most probably your driving that led to movements of those kinds.  Let us not suffer for the bowels of the flock.  All we ask is for a peaceful ride home.  A peaceful ride to work. 

But then….sigh, it’s hopeless.  ‘Cause then there are the pedestrians.  CRAPPPP!?!?!?!  

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