I kinda love how even when you're in a roTTen mood from, let's say, forgetting who borrowed your small suitcase, now you have to use a ginormous bright pink one that even blind Marsians are able to see! That's not so much my problem though, that's between them and their optometrist. My problem is that I know that THAT's gonna cause me to look like I suffer from a chronic disorder! COP! Chronic Over Packing!
Ay look. Reputation counts. There are certain things I take very seriously...obviously remembering who borrowed my stuff's not one of them...A-hem!
However, being labelled an over-packer? I told you this before...I was rumoured to be a hot lesbian once! Okayyyy, okay twice...or wait, was it...? Three...HUNDRED times? Ehhhhhhhh....I've lost count. I really hate being this honest. Didn't bother me in the least, though! But I have to draw the line somewhere, ya know!
And just so you know? I've stayed true to the adjective lessons that I was taught in high school. HOT was never part of the rumour, but last night Wesley did say I'm vain, so ima stay true to that too. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!
'Cause what if!? What! IF! I only planned on taking like fivvvvvvve items? Five items in this huggggggggggge bag?!? I'd raise suspicion if my bag was inspected, wouldn't I? Not everybody believes you when you say that someone borrowed your smalll bag and for the life of you, you can't remember who! I'm not tryna be left here and then Leigh and Paige and Linds and Wendy and Gills and NOT ME's all, "Whooooooooooo-oo-whoooooo! On the deck while I'm being forced to come up with idea's like flinging my bag into the harbour and floating behind the MSC Opera 'cause I can't bear to stay behind!
A-hem...........Moving on...
What I started off talking about is how just the sight and sound of someone can just pull you right outa certain moods! Yeah! That's it! That's all. My blog shoulda been three lines long, buuuuut....you know ya Rambler is a chronic drifter too.
Well? We're off to board the ship soon...dunno what youuuu thought I was packing for. Plus! Plus! The suns just come out!!!!
>_<! And now its gone! Sun got jokes, I see...hmmmmmpf!
Once we set sail, we'll be cut off from the normal people. Those with cellphone signals. I'm saying? To myself. These mofo's have built space cars! Hey! I saw the pictures! If there are pictures! It's real! And if they didn't build space cars? I know for a fact that they've done something, spaceyfied and if they've done that? You wanna explain to me why we can't have mobile signal stations? It's totally unfair that only the captain gets to talk to the special people in his life. You know? Those people back at the lighthouse! Or wherever they sit when they warn the captain of gangster sharks or something!
Lemme pay attention to my mum and dad for a bit! I'll see you later!
PssssSssssssST! When I get off the ship, I will no longer be a virgin!
Shame. On. You!!!!!! Hahahhahahahahahahhahaa!!!!
A virgin cruiser, I mean! Lmfao!
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