And then? I put my mouse into my laptop bag, right? The chord wasn't tangled. I repeat! Was not tangled! I then wake up illegally early this morning so I was like, "Sighhhh, Well, I AM up. Why not start singing at the top of my voice and wake Paige up too?" I shouldn't suffer through this alone. All for one and one for all.
Then I remember that on an ordinary day, like when nobody's doing things they shouldn't be? 'Cause sometimes, she forbids us to speak. Damon and I are in morning noise prison. :-/
So with THAT in mind. THAT she's not a morning person on a normal day? I really can't tell what her reaction would be if I startled her awake tryna reach notes that would shatter eardrums. And I'm not tryna find out either, she's strong plus if she thinks I'm a burglar with a high pitched voice? Eeeeeeeven worse!!! For me. And I've got big plans for my future, you know? So what other option did I have but to tiptoe on the side of caution?
Then I go to plan B, "Lemme, transfer my written edits from my book to the laptop, then when I'm done, transfer the updated version to my secret hiding place." YEAAAAAAH babay, fathom THAT!!!! All women should have those. 'Cause we have allllll sorts of things to hide. Celluliiiiiiiite and grey hair and...know what? Let's forget about that for now. Unfortunately, I don't have one single cupboard that locks, >_<! Not that I woulda been able to keep my cellulite in there but in keeping up with that tradition, all I can contribute to that initiative is to hide electronic documents. Ay, ima team player, what can I say?
Hmmmmmmmm? You shoulda never asked me that.
I can say, if it's anything but sports. Don't choose me for the ladies soccer team, I'm fine with being the last person to be chosen. IF it's sports. Actually, you'd recognise me by looking for the person standing there, staring you down. Yep! Deep, deeeeep in thought. In life you have the thinkers and the players. Since I'm not the player? I'll be thinking of ways that I can break my own leg just by staring at you.
I saw little to no danger in that plan, so I went with it. Wait? Which plan was this again?
Plan B, update future hidden documents. Got it! So I open the bag and the take the mouse out! The thing is TANGLED TO A STANDSTILL! In March! On the 1st! O_o?!? Immediately, I start wondering whether it snuck out to my cousin Inky's social club Mardi Gras dance that they held last night? But then I remembered, "Uhm-mmm, it doesn't have a remote for my gate."
As I sit here right now? I'm confused.
I haven't yet fathomED, how the mouse chord got that tangled up if all it did was lay in the bag all night. I lay all night, every night! Nobody needs to untangle the Rambler?!? See what I'm getting at here?
To make matters worse? I was listening to music yesterday morning, getting my stubborn streak on with La La La! Put it in my bag when it was time to leave! In a SEPARATE pocket in my bag. I take it out to listen to music while I'm editing and THAT too is tangled to the point of loose knots! Can somebody please tell me what goes on in our bags with our chords when we're not looking!?! Please?
'Cause I couldn't fathom that whole ipod chord knot thing too. Nobody deliberately sits and knots their chords before they put it in their bags. Thas all I'm saying. I'm sayinnnnng....There's a whole lot of unfathomable things going on in my bags. And when I can't fathom things? Think about what it's doing to my equilibrium?!?!
I-I can't even begin to fathom that!
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