Monday, 30 September 2013
Sunday, 29 September 2013
Going, Going...
Meanwhile? My beloved sister has had about nine farewells by now, if you count the ones in Johannesburg. Lovable soul that she is.
But yeah….last night about thirty of our family members STORMED THE BASTILLE! That's what, I'm almost certain, the waiters thought! I could be wrong. But im not. Well? It was a restaurant. We stormed the Ocean Basket. Now I know? You see the name Ocean Basket and immediately you have visions of baby Moses drifting along a river, don't you? Not me. I used to imagine the tiny rolls they brought out before the meal. You know. The free one's. And the chilli paste and that mayonnaise mixture and the garlic. M-m! Now, however? I shall forever be reminded of Lynn's farewell and the fact that she asked Inky to send all the pics he took at dinner, to her Wuzupp! LMAO! She meant, whatsapp. With her, one has to read between the letters. While laughing 'til your cheeks hurt! Just-----just forgive her. She knows not what she says.
And like many senile elders? The waiters weren't old. But?!? Those energetic, youngsters, got a little taste of the effects that ageing sometimes has on our previous generation. I can bet both my thunder thighs that after a while, they were asking themselves, "Am I Arthur or Marthur." I don't know how that turned out. I should've asked before I left. Like, "All the Arthurs in this line and all the Marthur's in that one. Thank you, now I can tell my blog readers what the Arthur:Marthur ratio was." That's why its so important to carry your ID. But even still. Last night, not even an ID could save them.
But you know what? I'm just glad that for once in our collective gathering? People have shown that they have the ability to accept us. We didn't hear, "You are never to set foot on these premises again." Not once! By the way, that's very hurtful, other places that barred us! We will make it our duty never to return to your establishments. Not that we have a choice. But still. It's the principle of it. We won't, even when the ban period has ended. To date, we haven't had any correspondence to that effect from any of them, so at this point, a ban period, is purely an assumption. They're clearly not risk takers! That's no way to run ya business!
So thank you, Ocean Basket! At least you know that we were just born this way. Plus?! Plus?! Bonus! We weren't approached by police officers, just for talking. Too loud. Not once! They even let us re-arrange the seating. Twice! Eric and his team were on their best behaviour. Someone had to be. Lynn was refusing to leave because she thought it was 10pm when it was 11.30pm. Ali was arranging chairs outside for the elders for a group photo that wasn't taken. Then she sees light in the atm booth and suggests we move the shoot location to inside there. Zhar and Mish learnt what, "whatsabought" meant via my mum who was quietly, (but I heard), telling them that she doesn't know what she would do if I ever moved to America! And one of the many reasons why? Because when we were little, they brought us whatsabought and now? I bring them whatsabought. She obviously really likes whatsabought. A lot. We did too. We would run home when we saw my dad car pull up. We obviously liked whatsabought too. A lot.
What?! O_o
It's whatsabought. You knowwwwwww man!? Whatsabought. When ya dad or mum brings you goodies on a Friday. Like chocolates and crisps and soda and stuff. You don't know? Okay. I'm here to educate. Don't mention it. It's quite a sweet memory, actually. Whatsabought? You listening? Okay! Is short for "What you bought." Annnnnnnnnnnnd? There you go.
It doesn't end here….The storming of the airport hasn't happened yet!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Friday, 20 September 2013
The Time Has Come
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
When One Door Closes…
Saturday, 14 September 2013
The Early Bird…Sits and Waits
Friday? I was given a deadline.
Yesterday? I worked to my own deadline.
Saturday night.
Today? I feel dead, you know like that line? Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! Flatlined! Yeah! Yeah!! That's it! That's the one!
So, basically, after writing all the way up to 1am, I literally started falling asleep on the keyboard! On this key...//////////
Ay, don't be asking me tough questions when I'm sitting here flatlined?!? I dunno why that one in particular, I just know, I had to delete them twooooo many times. My English teacher's punching her fist in the air right now, like, "Yessss!!! She remembers what a pun is!" Miss Canada, I'm talking 'bout! She would be happy! SHE knew what a pun was! And do you know why?
Because typing that? I just remembered that in grade 11? You know when we had to write those letters to a television station or some place where we haven't sent one into since we learnt how! As if they didn’t know we’d have email by now. Or Whatsapp! My subject was?!? TWO Many Advertisements! My other “English” teacher, Mrs. No-Idea-What-A-Pun-Is?!? Underlined TWO and marked it WRONG! I feel victimised, I telya! For when I was in Grade 11! O_o! I do.
Where was I?!?
Oh yeah!
So I made sure to finish off in the midst of deleting those stroke thingies and passing out rather quickly after that. I woke at 3.47am. Tirrrrrrred...and afraid.
Not of the boogy-man! Come on now, we all know those only exist when you're little and you're being tricked into sitting ya ass down, by a cruel adult! Yes! It's cruel! Yes, it is! 'Cause one minute y'all tell us there's a boogyman in that other room and the next minute?
Wait for it!................................................................................................................................
We're being SENT into that boggy-man laden room to fetch a scissors or a pillow or something! And then we're standing there looking all crazy, trembling-lipped, like, "What if the boogyman catches me?!?" All and nervous and shit? Then!!! Then y'all still add a promise of a spanking, if we don't agree to walk boldly into boogy-man land!
Ofcourse, it's cruel! Okay-okay?!? In all Libran fairness! What IS cruel? If that's NOT cruel?!?! I know…JZ’s still our president. But see? You can tell exactly whose done this to their kids! Over there feverishly searching for good debate swing on why it infact, isn't as cruel as I just said it was.
You should be going to kiss your little one, even if they're forty-five years old, and apologising for the deep-seeded fear they now have of the unknown! And any place with no light!
It's never happened to me.
I'm just sayin'...it happens!
I'm up, early. So, I'm just fighting for the cause! That's how much fight I have in me! Enough to share some fight on behalf of victims of the boogy-man trick, everywhere!
You're welcome!
DammmiT! Where the hell was I?!?
Ima have to check! Gimme onnnnnne second. There we go.
Tirrrrrrred...and afraid.
No. I was afraid of my hearing...or lack thereof! Sometimes when you're tired, and knocked the f&$% out, you can't hear, you know. So, at 3.47am? I laid in the bed. And laid in the bed. And laid. In. The. Bed. Until I said, "You know what?!? @+#! this! Ima get outa this bed!" So, I laid in the bed. And laid in the bed...until I finally carried out my threat.
The good news is? I did hear the alarm! 'Cause I was up. So my plan worked.
By 5am I was in the shower and ready to go meet the team at 8.45am. :-/ Now, it's just passed 7.30am and I'm sitting here, constantly blinking, having lost out on sleep, talking to you...all dressed up and nowhere to go. Yet.