Sunday, 8 September 2013

Music and My…Opinion

Hmmmmmmpf!  It's finally quiet around these suburban parts, I see!  :-/ 

Last night, on the other hand?  Every nook and cranny inside my little Coloured head was being relentlessly pounded by house music.  Believe you me when I say, there was only space left in there for three words, "Kill.  Me.  Now." 

You kinda know me, don't you?  We've spent a considerable amount of time together as Rambler and reader, right?  So you kinnnnnda know that music is a colossal part of my existence, but dammmmmmmn!  That deep house music is enough to drive me drink neat paraffin!  Especially when I can't understand a word that the artist is saying. 

Look?  Don't all rush at me at once, I know some of you live and breathe house music and I have all the respect in the world for artists of any kind.  Plus I never said I don't like Micasa.  That's cool house.  HoweVer?  If I am forced to, I will!  I have no problem getting all Biblical up on this blizzog!  Because God did say opinion.  That's where, and share alike, stems from.  He didn't mean only sweets.  And share alike means, share your sweets, your good fortune, your jacket, your opinion.  All of it…Ya feel me?

Here's the thing.  Music for me, is a four-fold experience.   The melody, the lyrics, the emotions and the vision.  You take any one of those away?  And you lose my attention.  Period.  When I hear a song, and all I see is black barrenness in my minds abyss?  Then what's the difference between that and me just being asleep?  Music is meant to feed your soul.  It's meant to inspire you.  It’s meant translate from it's melodic form, in through your ears, seep into your mind, trapse and saunter around in your mind, into a story only your eyes can see.

Lemme ask you this?  What vision do you get from a beat that is just constant for twenty, if not more, minutes, like a brainwashing beat or something?  And then the lyrics sound like, "hfd wsosecelwox gjs aaofgfgfjaloooooo"  To me?  In my opinion.  God said I must share it, don't forget!  That's not music.  That's a tranquilizer!  That's what you use to torture prisoners of war!  In Taken 3, I think they should incorporate this, when he catches one of the bad guys.  He should tie them up and put earphones on them, hit play on the house music folder and leave them in that underground room…there’s always one of those, and then you watch.  When he comes back hours later, he wont need to lift a finger. 

So?  Amongst the other weird and wonderful things I did yesterday?  My heart was set on getting as much writing done as I could.  And I did, get alot done.  I just wasn't quite finished.  It was quiet, I was home alone, you know?  The setting was flawless.  Until the sun went down and something told my neighbour that we all wanted a piece of his party.  It was at that point that I was then forced to huff and puff and shut my laptop down. 

The thought of going out and purchasing a bow and arrow?  As anti-violence as I am?  I'm not afraid to admit, it had crossed my mind more than once but they started too late.  The stores were closed!  I coulda been in here, my bbm status set to "No calls: Stakeout in Progress.  Mission: Snipe a Speaker", peeping through my lounge window, with my lights off, after putting together the best sniper outfit I could from what I had in my closet, aiming at the speaker if I couldn't....the one song had machine gun and typewriter sounds in it, by the way...o_O...if I couldn't get a clear shot of the power cable!  Shut that muthafucker down!  I saw the smoke.  From the barbecue!  Nobody said, “Come over for some chicken since we're frying your brains with this music.”  Which means I was invited for a headache only. 


Worst still is that this neighbour is a few metres from my bedroom window.  I thought of just throwing things at them?  I have a box of colourful straws in my kitchen cupboard!  Too light?  Yeah, I figured that too.  And I wasnt about to use up my kitchen utensils and then have us eating dinner with our hands until paydayHmmmmmmm?  That bow and arrow woulda been perfect. 

I'm thinking that they mighta gotten bow and arrowed before which is why they knew to start their house party only once it wouldn't be possible for anyone to run out and pick up a set.  That's some sneaky shit right there, doncha think?!?  I shoulda called the police!   No...noooooh, they wouldn't have pitched.  And if they did, they might've offered them barbecued meat as a means to bribe them into letting out who exactly the call came from.  HahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHHAHA, you know what that reminded me of?  The last company I worked for?  We would have karaoke sometimes, right?  On one of the karaoke nights?  One of the residents called the cops for us.  I see the police come in.  We all did, they had guns.  Not aiming at us, but none of us had guns, so we recognized the fact that they weren’t one of ours.   Bree, a crazy friend of mine?  Next thing I look?  And I don’t know how she did it?  But I look again and she has the cop singing karaoke with her, hahahahahahhahahahaha!  

Last night though?  By the time I couldn't hear the movie I'd succumbed to watching, I was at a complete loss.  I considered going out there and yelling at them but then something said, "Rambler?  They might just turn around and start shooting your ass with a bow and arrow.  Then what?!?"  

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