Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Thanksgiving Ramble

Happy Thanksgiving, to all of you celebrating this holiday tomorrow!! ^_^!!!!

I'm just sitting here thinking.


Heyyyyyyyy! Don't run! Come backkkkkkk! Please? Hmmmmmpf! Well, ima type it out anyway, 'cause I know one day when you're bored...or drunk, you're gonna come back on here and read!

Every country should have a Thanksgiving Day. Don't you think? You're welcome to answer that upon your return. It should be a pre-requisite, like..."Hmmmmmmmmmm? So (tap fingers on desk). You wanna be a country, do ya? Well, you gotta have a Thanksgiving Day! If not! You shall remain a nameless piece-a-earth for alllll time!"

Whoever passes the "Become a Country" applications? They haven't given any thought to world peace. That much is clear! And I'm not tryna win Miss Universe here. Ya Rambler is merely a citizen of the earth, wanting each country to experience at leeeeeeeeeast one day where everybody is thankful for everybody else and everything that they have! For me, that's the first step to peace. Accepting and appreciating what you have and who you have in your life.

'Cause, look! When countries declare war? You think it's because they're happy with what they have? Oh hell no! They're happy with what that ottttther country has! They've peered their sneaky little spying asses over that border and they want it! First sign of unappreciativeNESS! Tsk. Tsk. Tsk! Even though one of the Ten Commandments state clearly that we should not covet our neighbours possessions! Heathens!

And and and!!! We should allllllllll have Thanksgiving on the same day! At the same time! Uh-huh! Yeah. Okay I admit, that one will be a teeny tiny bit tricky. Some of us will begin Thanksgiving at 9pm or something ridiculous like that, you know? Depending on how far away you are from the Equator or-or Antarctica...but the main thing is that the whole world will be sharing a meal, together! I would give you give permission to eat late on Thanksgiving!

Added to that! There should be a non-negotiable clause forcing the government of each country to forfeit the millions they're saving for "important things", at least some of it, let's not cause them to break out in hives, and feed the homeless too, on World Thanksgiving Day!

Me? I'm yet to experience being in the US over the Thanksgiving weekend and ohhhhhhhhh how I want to! I've made sure not to cross it off my wish list! And you know what happens when I do that, huh? That's right! I leave it righhhhhht on that sucker!

It looks so much like Christmas with my family here at home! In the movies! I watched that Madea movie. Heyyyyy, don't shoot the messenger! >_<! Rats! Wrong cliche'. Don't shoot the learning from the movies concept. They're based on some level of reality. Not those alien ones, but! Those are based on someone's nightmares. Or dreams. Orrrr, something their parents threatened them with as a child, if they didn't go to bed by curfew. Depends on who it is, I suppose!

I'm not into those. If I'm answering "what is your favourite typa movie?" in the Cosmo? I would need to be high on anti-nflammatories to nail choose c) Sci-fi! That's what I do, I make a line through my choice with my nail. Just in case I change my mind when I don't fall into the best category of whatever quiz I'm taking. Hahahahahahha, you know you redo them too if the answers you chose, lead you onto be the worst girlfriend/boyfriend, ever known to history.

That by no means, means, that they're bad. They're not. I honestly respect the creativity and imaginative effort that goes into those and good for you, if you're running to the movie house on opening day but sci-fi?!? Eh! I'd crawl slower than a tortoise with knocked-knees to see those. Each to his own!

Howevvvvver?!? I did enjoy the last Men in Black where Will found out about his dad and everything. Something about sadness in movies makes me happy watching them. O_o! Call me sadistic and I'll be very sad. Uhhhhhhhh, I mighta left that open to misunderstanding. My own sadness? Doesn't make me happy. Just others'. Getting paid to pretend to be.

Well? My shoulder's on fire, lemme rest it for a while. Here's wishing you a wonderful, family-filled day with lots food and leftovers for breakfast! Be safe and blessed!

The Random Rambler

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