Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Another April

Unbelievable that it's April already, isn't it? Take my hand. There ya go. Let's all pretend! Come-onnnnn, just for the fun of it...let's all widen our eyes, O_O, thaaaaat's it, and GASP on three as if we didn't say that on the 1st of everrrrry month of last year and the year before and the...A-hem...in keeping up with tradition? GASSSSSSSSSSSSSSP! That's a third of this year, POOOOF!!!!!! GONE! If you can't imagine, POOOOF!!!! GONE? Then just think about ya pay cheque two days before you get it! Yup!



Almost as if it started sprinting in advance and you're there with both hands out on pay day and all you feel, is WHOOOOOOOSH! Hair blowing back and shit from...

Hold on a second. Cruz is tryna eat the paint off my bedroom wall?! Smh! He must get that from my sister.

Okay, he's gone to harass Damon now. :-/

Do any of you know what a shnigal is?

...............................................................................I'll wait.

Anybody? ..........................................................................

.............................................That chicken laying an egg?

Hmmmmmmmmm-m? I'd suspected as much. So, here's yet another collection of carefully placed letters that only Lynn can explain or n-not explain. She called me a shnigal the other night....the biaaaatch! Lol! Being the pro-activist that I claim to be, I'm retaliating jusssssss in case it wasn't as endearing a name as I thought. You really never can be too sure with her. Not that she goes around cursing people out. Just? Sometimes, even she doesn't know what she means. Eh! I blame the paint. What if? What if she was calling me something reallllllly really mean in Dubai language?

First? She was like, "I'm with it!" Good lawwwwd! I-I said that to myself, I did! I said, good lawwwwwwd! And why? Because I knew at that point...I knewwwwwww not to fall for it but then 'cause I'm sort of a "benefit of the doubt" kinda Rambler, who do I blame? But then as if that wasn't bad enough? She then tells me that it's 12h30 and its a little bit drizzle there...(Mannnn, I sure hope she meant in Dubai 'cause then the only piece of solid knowledge of the conversation that I actually believed that I possessed? Becomes nul and void) and thennnnnn called me a shanizzle. The biaaaaaatch! >_<!

It woulda been then, after I laughed the tears outa my eyes that I closed my them and prayed, "Jesus? Have mercy on my poor, confused soul." He ignored me. But!?!?! BUT! That's alright. He only does that when it's something that I want, not need. I no longer question His methods. Embracing them keeps me calm. Admit it, though....I went from sounding like a little rodent to something that would tickle your nostrils enough to incite a sinus attack, didn't I?

Maybe? Maybe, I should have asked, "You're with what?" Maybe it woulda given me a little more insight into what a shnigal or a shanizzle might mean. Maybeeeeee, I can just sit her down and ask her when she arrives to spend Easter with us. Maybe? She can shawangle up an explizzanation for a sister!

Anyhooooo, enough about how my March ended! What are your April plans? Hey, guess what happens in May this year? It's the National Elections. Why do they keep referring to it as historical? I don't get that. 1994 is long gone. That election was historical, yes! Not those that followed. Those that followed should be referred to as mistakes! So in May, we vote. The prisoners also get to vote! Hehehehe! How 'bout that?! Hell, I'm surprised the animals in the Pietermaritzburg Zoo aren't allowed to vote too!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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