Lmao! This is too funny! Some would look at this quote and say, "Yup, selfish biaaaatch you are!" Others, like myself, won't.
What I take from this quote, firstly, I do find it hilarious. Because it is. My sense of humour hasn't reached the levels of our rivers and I hope it never does. I hope that life never leaves me with just 25% of my sense of humour. That would NOT be funny!
Because I tend to lean more towards the benefit of the doubt side of things, I tend to be disappointed sometimes and sometimes I'm like, ehhhhh, could be worse. Don't get me wrong, first I stress and worry and think and think and think and thennnnn I get to that place. And I'm sure I'm not alone. Infact, I know that I'm not alone. Hey, I can't even deny that I've been the disappointer at times and believe you me, lesson learnt there!
Do not bite off more than you can chew.
People's hearts, most times, are in the right places, you know. You think you can handle whatever you're about to take on, and then that moment comes and you're tested and you're faced with the realization that you just can't. Right from when we were lil babies. Judging from watching my own kids, you think you can walk five steps and you try and fall on ya padded behind at three but you keep going regardless. I think that happens throughout our lives, though. We try until we fail and we try until we succeed. Doesn't make us bad people, does it?
Like if someone invites you over for a meal that neither one of you can pronounce and you arrive with suuuuuuuper-excited taste buds and then you sit down ready to devour something exotic yet still confusing but then you're served and it's mash potatoes and gravy. What's important? They at least cooked, right?!? It might not have been the skfghtvqutbrkargo that you were expecting and more often than not, they did try and failed and threw it in the bin and in that moment....watching their skfghtvqutbrkargo literally being tossed into the trash, they realize that mayyyyyybe, just maybe, they shoulda cooked something more at their level of ability. Now if you showed up and not a damn thing was cooked. Then you and your growling worms have every right to be hungry! I-I mean, angry!
I'm just saying, as a person, as a human, as a dog even, it's okay to want to aim for the sky. Even believe that you can reach it 'cause one way or the other, you're gonna find out what your limits are. Being ambitious was never a bad thing, I don't think, right? All throughout our lives, we hear about what a good trait it is to have. To be fair, I can't take away from the person who's expecting something more from you. I can't take away the fact that they have every right to be disappointed.
But when someone fails, they too feel a sense of disappointment in themselves, most times that's a sobering enough experience without....like if a person who is trying and when they only reach the clouds while trying to reach the sky because that's as far as they can go....humiliating them, chastising them or just plain labelling them useless and incapable in general? What happens to the parts that they do excel in? Nul and void? How long before they throw their hands up in the air like they just don't give a fuck? That-hmmmmmm-that didn't sound quite right.
Throw ya hands in the air like you-----gimme a second, I'm silent singing it to myself, quickly.....throwyahandsinthea----------oh yeah yeah---just don't care!
Same difference! O_o! I'm not gonna go back and delete and retype and all 'cause well, you know, my hair! No! My high cholesterol. No, wait?!! My low blood pressure? Okay, let's choose one and keep it moving. Come. Walk with I. But yo, my hearts resting rhythm is chilled. Thumbs up to that news, huuuuh, huuuh! I really should spend more time walking. I. Away from the chocolate aisle! But they place them so strategically for weak-willed sweet toothed people like I!
Have I spent a few hours at the doctors yesterday, you ask? Why, yes! But let's not dwell on the important stuff. Back to the problem at hand! The chocolate aisle. What a horrible existence it becomes when a person has to ban themselves from the chocolate aisle!!! So then, should I just throw my items with the cash at the teller like, "I'd come over but well, you know, my cholesterol?"
Should I petition to have them removed? Woolworths did that you know. Which explains why I rarely go there. That and their prices. Ambitious bunch those. They reach for the stars, I telya! Almost? Almost like they're only about catering for the stars, not-not the audience. That would be us. The average earners. We belong at Pick n Pay. In case you're confused? Woolworths, here? Is one of our upmarket stores. But when they have those prawn cocktail chips on sale...ya Ramblers running down those chocolate-less pay points like an Olympic gold medalist!
I haven't had much luck with chocolate vs my body lately. My broken tooth is still broken, by the way and I've made sure never to lay a finger on any type of nut since. Not an almond, not a peacan, not a peanut! Nut's are the enemy of me. Nuts all over the world are making crude gestures in my direction like, "How 'bout deez nuts!"
A-hem...see?!? I rest my case!
I have a question? What is life when boils and grills are your only option? I cannot thrive nor can I survive in a world where I have to eat an apple should I be craving "something sweet!" I wanna eat an apple 'cause I'm craving fruit. And when I'm craving a bag of peanut M&M's, then I should be able to chew on that too. See, in this instance? I don't mind at all having a sense of humour level of -25%! Because I'm not laughing right now.
So now with some of the results that I got today, it's time for a lifestyle change, whether or not I'm ready for it. I don't enjoy being forced to do something I'm not ready to do. Something about that causes me to do it grudgingly and worse, half-assed. And by lifestyle change, we're talking come rain or shine, aside from eating sawdust, I gotta gym at least three times a week-------haven't been for a month, but I HAVE been dancing! Probably BECAUSE of dance class that I haven't been for a month but you know what they say about assumptions---------something 'bout an ass of u and mpt!
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