Sunday 8 November 2015

'Tis That Time Again!

Hello Movember! Growing those moustache's, I hope! We're already more than a week in, I know. Thought I'd give you a minute to settle into the realisation that we're already rattling the gate of 2016! Yup! Hobbled our way to that time of year where you're either eagerly awaiting the Christmas holiday or well? NOT!

In other words, bonus or NO bonus?

:-/ Hmmmmmpf, I dowanna talk about it! Dunno why you brought it up. Like that time I wore socks and sandals with my white tassle dress and still had the nerve to pose for a picture. A few of them actually. Hey, I was young and I thought I looked real cute. Still, there's just no excuse for why my eldest sister didn't haul me back into the house and demand that I change my dress! I mean, take off my socks!

So now that we're here, how's ya body feeling. Like as a whole? Mine? First it told me that under no circumstances can I join in the men's health movement by growing a moustache. And then it told me, "You have two options! From this day forth, you're either dragging yourself outa bed or you're dragging yourself outa bed!" So much for freedom of choice. Thank you body. Dunno about you guys but my energy levels closer to the end of the year? They take a sharp nosedive into chronic fatigueland where I just wake up tirrrrrrrred. I battle all day to stay awoke, except for in dance class, come on now, not like you didn't already figure that! And then I sleep.....exhausted but then still wake three or four times during night.

I haven't taken a vacation away from my everyday routines and responsibilities since 2013. A few weeks of healing from surgery, thrice, doesn't count. Not like the Dollar doing the great trek all the way up to past fourteen times the Rand is any kinda motivation either. To me, it would just be plain stupid to travel with the exchange rates as they are. I donnnnnnnnn't CARE if money is ya middle name. It's just both a waste and a travesty to indulge in such shrinkage!

You know what other conversation I refuse to be a part of? Half the family is off to spend Christmas with flies! Yup! Big ass flies! Big ass flies with foreign accents! Yeah, sister, mother, niece, nephew, cousin, daughter niece------They'd rather spend the holidays swatting those annoying bastards than here with the rest of us who only have to contend with periodically questioning whether we've died and gone to hell with the December heat! Personally? I believe that Christmas is about family so this whole new age travel during Christmas performance is way beyond my understanding.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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