Saturday 23 April 2016

A Switch In Time

I'm home.

Annnnnnd, what's changed, you ask?

My weekend routine, that's what. Switched it up a bit. Whoop-whoop, right? Routine is one of those things that drives me absolutely bananas but that's not why I did it. My weekends are normally about as exciting as a boring history class. Ofcourse, the odd party comes up but other than that....

Friday: Home sleeping early
Saturday: Home vegging out on the couch
Sunday: Home cleaning

When I got home yesterday? Mannnn, I felt as though I was sleepwalking. For some reason, probably 'cause I was so exhausted, I felt seriously down. Like miserable down! Down like my emotions were dragging their lips on the floor, down. Cried while driving home down.


Once I got home, my eyes dried up as soon as I noticed that the time hadn't come yet where homes would spontaneously clean themselves. Was it shock?
Doubt it.
So I got the washing done and cleaned the house. Took all of that useless sad, tired energy and I poured it into all-purpose cleaner, a cloth and a vacuum.

Today? Emotions sprung back but vegging out on the couch was strictly prohibited. Ya Rambler had things to do and people to see. I was up bright and early at 4.30am to do what I needed to, hanging the washing in the violent wind at 6am. It woulda been earlier but uh-huhhh----I'm not tryna hang washing in the darkness. What if those grey monkey's aren't morning people? Grumpy grey monkey's with neon blue balls? No, thank you very much!


I-I just dozed off while typing this. Falling asleep and it's barely 8pm on a Saturday night! I should be ashamed of myself! But I'm not. What I am is, walking backwards to my room with Cruz hot on my heels while I finish off this post.

I'm sorry for the abrupt ending to this post but I really gotta lay me down to sleep. I'm seeing double. When I wake? It will be my dad's birthday and one less finger I'd need to include in my countdown.

Night, night!

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