Saturday 9 April 2016


Once again, yesssss. Say it! I know you want to! "Y'all celebrate too much!" You just saying that 'cause I was out celebrating my nieces' 30th birthdays last night. And now here I am all deep in the celebrations again! What you want me to do people?

It's a bit better than it used to be. These days, I choose to choose my celebrations. There's no running like sheep to any and every party going. I've been upgraded to a cow. Heh-heh-heh. Ya Rambler has grown since we first met.

Lemme tell you what I'm not celebrating? This week? I worked my ass off eating low carb alllllllll week long and what did I do? Blew it all tonight. Flushed it right down the toilet! I'm not talking to me right now. A girl was good! I was GOOD! I was better than good to the point that I began cursing every low carb item I came across. Low carb diets are not cute. Neither is fat, I guess. (Shrug). Argument settled.

As I type this, I'm considering whether or not I should just forgive myself and let carbs be bygones. You seriously don't wanna give yourself the silent treatment when you spend so much time with that self of yours. My advice would be to become your own best friend. Besides, tomorrow I can simply go back to cursing protein and vegetables. I gotta. Gotta get ready

Well today is a new day. It's a lil before Sunday, less than an hour from, actually. One of my favourite nieces turns 21 when the clock strikes twelve. Cinderella! Uhhhhh, maybe not quite the same story but that's how rumours get started, huh?! We hear "strikes twelve" and whether it was a clock or a serial killer, suddenly Cinderella's involved! Sorry.

Sorry for misleading you.

I'm sitting here in the midst of ultra loud music and lights that could make a sane person start hallucinating! I'm not even sure that I wasn't dancing with myself just now. >_<! I didn't carry my tested night glasses, okay? I see now that that was a bad idea. I've learnt from it. Now I shall move on and make sure I hold my cousins hand when we dance next. Just for ease of mind. That way I won't be the drunk aunt who was recorded, battling herself on the dance floor. That wouldn't be fair, I'm not even drunk.

Now? Me and my not so favourite carb-gobbling friend. Still me. We're going to leave so we can get some rest!
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