Tuesday 5 April 2016

So Much Appreciation

So here I am, minding my own business, right? On Facebook. No, see? Don't be nasty on a Tuesday. Okay, be nasty 'cause even I said that to myself as I typed that. "If you can call it minding your own business while reading everyone else's business."

And then a very dear friend sends me this-------------"Hi there. A friend of mine who is on a business trip to Kenya sent me the following........ Bru when u speak to Stacey again please tell her that if no one enjoys her writing she had a brother from Durban who constantly finds himself in other parts of the continent and reading her blogs.....she keeps me going"

Now? Normally, I start sweating after a shower 'cause it's 912 degrees celsius in Durban but tonight it's cool. It's actually raining. My perspiration was brought on by sudden appreciation. Don't pretend that's never happened to you. We're all adults here. We all have different reactions to kindness too, don't we?

I don't know who my brother in another----wait, I'm thinking---------------------------my brother in another----damn, and I have the nerve to call myself a poet! I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm not. That's that for tryna be cute but I don't know who my brother from Durban is but if you are reading this right now? THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME AND SUPPORT, NOT TO MENTION YOUR KIND WORDS, IT'S NOTHING SHORT OF INSPIRING TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE OUT THERE IS POSITIVELY AFFECTED BY SOMETHING YOU'RE DOING!


The week started off partly stressful and partly wonderful. Unexpectedly, we found ourselves at the mercy of work last night until almost 9pm. I didn't sweat. Just? My veins were sore. I'm so serious! I was like, "Cuz? My vericose veins are sore! Now you know when ya veins are sore....." I thought I was being funny, until she cut me off with, "Mine too! Must be our age." At that point, I stopped complaining about sore veins and started complaining about backache. That didn't help my attempt to ignore what she said about our age but we got the job done and for the most part? Tired as I was, I thoroughly enjoyed it because it reminded me of baaaaaaaaack in the day when I joined and we all worked together. There wasn't a thing of departments and that's not part of my job and whatnot. We were all in it together.

I've got Cruz laying here next to me, not feeling the best. I can't tell you what happened yesterday while he was home alone in the daytime because I left hime well and when I got home, he was clearly in pain. Breakdancing can do that. Just-just a theory. Dogs are pretty intelligent you know! 'Course I didn't say that to the vet today though but he did say that he might have jumped down from somewhere and hurt his back.

See what I'm saying? Everything points to my theory!

Doc stuck a thermometer up his ass, not hisssss ass, Cruzzy's ass. Why would?!? Anyway----to check his temperature, gave him an injection and then literally shoved an antibiotic down his throat. I've been doing it all wrong! I've been putting whatever tablets in his mouth and then holding it shut until he has no choice but to swallow. He wouldn't take them otherwise and I'm new to this being responsible for a dog thing. But that doctor?!? He put his entire finger down this little throat, my eyeballs near jumped outa their sockets like, "Nooooooooooooooo, what the.....!

I dunno. Cruz has somehow made me feel, more. Is that normal?

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