Whatever is it about? Luckily, for you, I haven't been ducktaped and locked away in a padded room for expressing my humble and sometimes not-so-humble opinions....yet, so lemme share with you, once more...before they get any closer.
Yesterday was somewhat of an emotional day. I went to bed the night before feeling kinda cranky and lost and just....up in the air. Could be because I slept, hanging from my bedroom fan. Or was I dreaming? Think I just might be onto something here. If I wasssss dreaming...then I wassssss sleeping...but was I hanging? And was Mr. Cooper with me? I'm confused. Either way, after I woke from doing what I'm not sure I was doing, with Mr. Cooper...and my ceiling fan.
Morning bloomed! Damon's lunch made itself! Correction. That was Friday. I'm not even kidding. On a Friday? I hand him money. And a miracle happens. I don't have to scratch my head about what to make him for lunch. Here, we call it tuck. I also call it, TGIF! >_<! I? I'm going to ignore everything I just said. My plan was to be profound but as usual I somehow end up with things like miracle lunches and hanging upside down with comedians. We have bats for that, ugly bastards. I will never believe that God created those...those things. A-hem...and now? Where was I? Composure is key when scrolling up and reminding yourself.
So I woke up. I'm wide awake. I see a Facebook notification on my cellphone...open it? And I have a message from Nehemiah Woody. If Geese recalls, I called him over to the computer every so often to look at some of the pictures he'd posted. We had giggled if not laughed out loud to more than a few of them. As far as Nehemiah? He's not a friend that I grew up with. Not a friend that I've coffee'd with. Coffee gives me acne. He's not a friend that I've even met. But he is a friend, no less.
All the way through my journey on Facebook? I've come across anti-social-media people who've expressed their dislike for these sites....where it was, social media this and social media that! I think.....soosh! I mean...shoosh! Not because I'm rude. But because the reality is this. Not evvvvvvvvvverything, is for everybody. You say tomatoe, I say chocolate. Mine tastes better and doesn't instigate gout....A-hem! I couldn't resist. But guess what?
When I woke to Nehemiah's message where he explained that he was going through his FB friends list and letting them know how they've in some way, made an impression on his life?
Yes, I meant, on...To say that I am honoured, is an understatement. He called mine, his "Stacy Kell moment". And this is what he said, Fine print: (kindly note that permission has been granted for me to share this)
"Hope you are well. I've been writing the past few days and I thought about you. So here's my Stacy Kell moment (I'm going thru my friends list and letting people know what I think about them) I had just gotten a message from my niece that she missed me and I got sad. I posted about it and you talked to me on here all night. Love you and I hope you know how much that meant to me."
I don't know about you. But to me.....That is what life is all about.....not only is it about counting your blessings rather than your pain. I'm trying to get there. But more importantly, it's about the footprints you leave on somebody's soul where for as long as that person still breathes? You are unforgettable to them. Whether it be because of a gesture, a passing comment, a gift...whichever part of your own existence that you took the time to share. And if you happen to peg off before they do? That footprint will have you live on for as lonnnnnnnnnnnnng as they don't develop Alzheimers disease.
Acknowledgement does wonders, doesn't it? And here's where re-writing Damon's school notes, comes in handy. An American Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, where after he studied successful people, created this pyramid called the Hierarchy of Needs. Trick to this is that once you're stuck at one level? You can't progress to the next. I've been stuck. I am stuck in certain areas right now. You might be too. But what reminded me of that Pyramid is that the need for belonging and worth are actually two separate need levels on it where it explains that the sense of belonging (social need) comes from a sense of love and belonging to a group, family, etc, and the sense of worth, there were two...self-esteem and the esteem we get from the recognition by others.
I've watched a movie, a very long time ago, called "Pay It Forward" and this is exactly what, what he is doing? Reminds me of. I've seen his profile and over the past days, he has written countless moment messages to countless people that he has crossed paths with at some point in his life. That's what you call, Rambling Responsibly! It is not only inspiring to me, that people like this don't only exist in movies, but it's something, where, he has begun this fantastic chain of positivity. I believe that it would cost none of us a thing, to take his example...and do the same. It's inconceivable, the effect this chain could have on people, worldwide.
One needn't do this on Facebook. In case you're chewing your fingernails to a pulp, stressing about, "I really really really really wanna do this but I don't have Facebook, what am I gonna do....?" No. I'm sure everybody has some means of communication. I just really think...one needs to do this.
Thank you for sharing your "Stacy Kell moment", Nehemiah! ^_^!
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
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