Saturday, 30 March 2013

Quantity vs. Quality….

Good Morning from Philadelphia!

Well, I’m back! It’s 4:17am in the morning & probably, thanks to my molasses typing it’ll probably be 5am by the time I even hope to dream to finish this! So? In our last episode I talked about the movie “the Coalition”. Yes, I had more to say about it, but I realized that getting you to commit voluntary suicide from reading more about its missteps would incriminate me in some way, shape or form! So I just stopped. I’m sure if the people responsible for making the movie were to ever read my blog post they would either wave me off or demand that I cut them some slack, neither of which is going to make them make sure NOT to make such a craptastic film again. And why am I back to the Coalition? Because me & the misses sat & watched Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Rings. And our Rambler was quite shocked that she enjoyed the Fellowship of the Rings because it’s epic fantasy & not her normal cup of tea. (Yes, I did!  I even fell asleep, noooooh, not because of boredom, but tire-dom…and asked Geese to pause it!  Can you believe that?!?!?  Normally, I would just let it play.  Like on the plane where I start watching a movie and then…wake up and wonder how it ended!  Funny though?  Even when I watch a movie from beginning to end…after a while, I wonder how it ended, ‘cause my movie memory is shot!)  But as she watched the film it was the fact that the actors & actresses, the director, the scriptwriting, all of it! Was top notch & that’s what it’s all about for me.

I can’t possibly believe that the Coalition is gonna compete with Fellowship of the Rings in regards to BUDGET MONEY TO TOSS AROUND LIKE A SICK MAN AT A STRIP CLUB! Because right now too many Black American rappers are still on that strip club crap, last thing we can have is 2013-type Public Enemy, KRS-1 & Intelligent Hoodlum, & yes I said INTELLIGENT, HOODLUM! His biggest song was Arrest the President back in 1989/90. And the last thing anyone wants on the airwaves is anything that might get Black Americans to stop throwing their money at women in a strip club & realize it’s probably better to simply go & rent a porn movie than toss $100’s of dollars in ones at a woman’s g-string. And no, you didn’t misread that, I said it would be SMARTER! If rappers today told their mindless audience to toss a quick $5 to $10 at buying a porn DVD, instead of telling them to run to a strip club & toss a minimum of a $100 at some woman’s g-string. (Those are rich g-strings…damnnnnn!)  Does that make me the Intelligent PERVERT!? MAYBE! But it won’t make me a BROKE ONE! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Stace is gonna see this & either laugh her ass off or turn beet red AND THEN LAUGH HER ASS OFF! Of course she is sleeping, again! I’ve no idea why she keeps sleeping all the time when I go to type posts! (He’s lying his Black ass off…he knows why!  He makes me walk in the wind and my eyes get all watery!  That’s why I’m always tired.  After weather abuse?  Don’t your eyes just wanna close…?  And then he swears that there is just no other windy-less way to walk to 69th Street…look?  By now I’m quite the pro at walking to 69th Street but I let him say, no…I know he just wants to put me to sleep so he can post blogs!)  Although it could be because it’s usually 4am in the morning when I do these things, eh! Go figure. But getting back to the Intelligent Pervert analogy (And he’s quite the pro at that too, heheheheheh!), my point is, & watch me tie it ALLLLLLLLLL TOGETHER, YOU’LL SEE! WATCH ME! (Watch him! OR DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!  A-HEM!  SORRY….That’s a joke between the two of us, something he made me watch on utube where you had to eat something right…or dieeeeeee!  Okay…you had to be there, I guess…moving-moving on) Coalition, Fellowship of the Rings, Strip Club Rappers, Porn DVD’s & Black Conscious Rappers! How does this all tie together!? It’s all about PRESENTATION! It’s all about QUALITY! It’s exactly what my love was talking about when I showed her some old PS1 games that I still have. For the video game challenged a PS1 is the Playstation 1 video game console. But I showed her the opening sequences for NBA Live 96, NBA Live 98, John Madden 2002 & I showed her the XBOX 360 opening sequence for Madden 13, the best one they’ve done in a LONNNNNGGGGG TIME, for that thieving ass franchise.  (Can you believe, I watch NBA Basketball now?  I even know some of the players’ names…yeah!  Gone are the days where the only team I support is Damon’s soccer team…I support the Sixers…Philadelphia 76ers to be precise.  However?  Geese does a lot of cursing when they’re playing, I’m starting to doubt very highly that he supports them, he says he does, but…I’m not convinced though.  I don’t curse at Damon and his fellow team mates.  So?  You know?  More time with that one, I need.  I need more time…)

But I let her see & just showed her, this is how it’s supposed to be done to get people really wanting to see just what the hell is going on with whatever it is that you are trying to show & sell them. I mean even as I am typing this, I’ve got the headphones on, because I don’t wanna wake my precious up, & I’m listening to the 3rd Menu Song from NBA Live 96 by Traz Damji. (Crazy music…shhhhhhhh….If you tell him I said that, I will never write another blog post again…uhhhhh?  Okay, strike that, ‘cause I may have shot myself in the foot there….let’s leave it as?  Shhhhhhhhh…..I never said that!  There!  Denial is the best medicine.  Cure!  The best cure for getting caught saying that someone’s playlist is crazy.  I keep telling him to listen to slow, RnB love songs, and for some reason he appears to wanna throw up…O_o!)  Even the music from the two NBA Live games I showed her was absolutely memorable, but it was because of the efforts put into the production of the product (production of the product…I like that one!) they were trying to get people to purchase. Here in America it’s no longer about QUALITY but QUANTITY & it’s a big reason why damn near everything is fly-by-night fad over here. The Coalition didn’t even have the music credits in it when the closing credits were crawling up the screen, wtf? Who the hell makes a movie where the closing credits don’t include the music featured in the movie? What exactly does it say when such a basic thing IS SKIPPED? It’s says CRAPPY, that’s what it says. Conversely, & I don’t mean Chuck Taylor’s either!  (BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!  See?  Crazy!)  But conversely, Peter Jackson was able to make a goddamn ring have more of a screen presence than all the actors & actresses in the Coalition put together! (I-I have to agree.  The ring had better acting skills.  That’s a shame.  Shameful if you’re a human actor and a ring…beat you!  You should dig up your acting teacher and strap them to a chair…force them to sit and stare at a jewelry catalogue for a coupla hours!  That’ll fix them for giving you a pass in acting class.)  How the hell do you let that happen!?  (Easy?!  Rope, chair and that thick silver tape…oh?  Okay…you were talking about the-the acting….my.  bad!) How do you, OR ME, as a LIVING PERSON, WITH A HU-MAN-BRAIN! GET BEAT BY A GODDAMN GOLD RING IN ACTING!?!?!? (My sentiments exactly!)

Yes I’m a little hyper because it’s EMBARRASING! The Rambler was GENUINELY CREEPED OUT by the One Ring in the Fellowship of the Ring, where she honestly felt like that creepy gold ring was actually ALIVE LIKE A PERSON! While the entire cast of the Coalition was as dead as disco!  (Dead!  They couldn’t even use onions to make that lady cry properly!  I can tell you right now!  The ring didn’t need onions or any kind of vegetables to show any kind of emotion…she was like…force myself to cry.  Not.  Working.  Crap!  Force harder!  Okay?  Im just gonna try to make it believable.  Shit!  Okay?  Lemme just sit here and look like an idiot whose crying for five minutes with not one tear dripping down my cheeks!  NOOOOOOH….CUTTTTTTTT!!!!  Get the damn onion for crying out loud!  She didn’t even cry out aloud!)  They weren’t believable in their roles & it was obvious from the word “action”! So at what point did the director of Coalition say, damn, that was wooden as s----t! Lemme talk to these mofo’s before we never make another movie again, EVER “CUT! C’MERE! WHAT DO THINK THIS IS, PLAYHOUSE IN THE PARK! GET OVER HERE! MY GRANDMOTHER CAN ACT BETTER THAN THAT! AND SHE’S, DEAD!”  (MMMMMM-HMM!)

At some point someone has to step up &/or step in & dance all over the delusion that the THING in front of them is not just a bunch of idiots pretending to be professional actors & actresses, taking up the viewers goddamn precious time with craptastic non-acting! Oh & ya like that, huh? I just made reference to the dance movie Step Up & the horror movie the Thing! If you saw through that then like me you have too much time on your hands & I’ll see you at my therapy self-help sessions! But for real, for real, it’s about quality & the Rambler saw it first hand when she had to endure Peter Jackson’s, the Hobbit, An Unexpected Journey.  (See now that one?  I slept out of boredom!  Not to mention that when I woke?  Dan was about ready to hurl furniture at the television!)  It was an unexpected journey alright, an unexpected journey to CRAPSVILLE! Which shows that ANYONE, regardless of name & budget amount, can screw up a movie. Yes, yes, I know the Hobbit made a lot of money, it’s to be expected since the Hobbit is of course a globally popular book, just like the Lord of the Rings, with a rabidly massive fanbase already in existence, BUT!? This movie, unlike Jackson’s first movie the Fellowship of the Rings, was TOO MUCH CGI! (Why did the nice Wizard man have to die though?  I’m still quite broken about that…)  The characters in it were idiots & a-holes, it was just a trainwreck of loud coma inducing noises that myself, my oldest son Dan & the Rambler herself, SLEPT THROUGH! Dan was so angry with having watched that crap he couldn’t get on facebook fast enough to trash it! But the reality was that the extensive details that Jackson put into the Fellowship of the Ring, just wasn’t there. It was too cartoonishly stupid & the characters just weren’t interesting at all.  (Wreck it Ralph – awwwwwwww!) So anyone can fall victim to poor quality & production, even a blockbuster “success” like the Hobbit. So when you look at that FACT, then when you’re Team Sizzle…

Team… Sizzle… Seriously, Terrell Suggs, look man, you’re a GREAT AMERICAN FOOTBALL PLAYER! And before any of you say; why must you tell us he’s an American Football Player, you Americans!? You’re all alike! Well? The reason why I needed to include that is because I don’t want anyone thinking I mean a soccer player & then searching for a soccer player & saying this idiot is an idiot! There is no football player named Terrell Suggs!

Unlike some, I am well-aware that the world doesn’t revolve around America, at least not without the butt of a rifle or a well-meaning preemptive invasion meant to bring you freedom from your oil & natural resources & ultimately your life. But all that aside, GO AMERICA! -_- Coming back! My point is Terrell man, Team Sizzle, makes me think about CRISPY BACON! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, DELICIOUS! Till all that grease clogs my arteries & kills me, BUT UNTIL THEN!?!?! MMMMMMMMMMMMMM! DELICIOUS-DEATH! (He said that in an Irish accent…!)  So to name my company, production company, movie company, whatever!? TEAM. SIZZLE! THEN THAT S----T BETTER SIZZLE! You can’t NOT HAVE MUSIC CREDITS IN THE CLOSING CREDITS! WTF!?!?!? (I was so looking forward to seeing MU WET, Tonight!  Rolling all over the screen…(tongue click!)  I needed a smoke after that…ask Geese!  Not to mention that they had the nerve to play the track twiccccce in the movie!  But you think they credited them ONCE?!!  No!  Bullshit!  That’s bullshit!  It’s bullshit because who’s in charge of the end credits?  Are they fired?  No!  I speak as if I know…but?!  They should be and why?  Because if they at least got that right?  People would know who sang Tonight!  Twice in the movie!) 

ALL IT SAYS IS; ghetto. And not GHETTO IN A GOOD WAY EITHER! Hip-hop came from the ghetto & was ORIGINALLY MEANT TO STOP GANG VIOLENCE! COOL! GREAT! So that’s what I’m talking about people, good things can come from the ghetto, never doubt that! But when you’re stepping out there & you know that you’re gonna get one shot & one shot only to really make an impression. You don’t have the big boys backing or approval as far as the TV & Movie entertainment industry. Then that means you gotta get it done & get it done right & its gotta be RAZOR SHARP & RIGHT ON POINT! Like Spike Lee’s, She’s Gotta Have It! Like Rakim from Eric B & Rakim said “It can be done, but only I can do it. So put up your hands & clap your hands to it!” THAT’S HOW YOU COME OUT SWINGING WHEN YOU’RE THE UNDERDOG!

As far as the whole analogy between the strip club rappers & just getting a porn DVD, it’s also about quality too! Look, men for the most part, go to a strip club to get off on naked women gyrating around, but the reality is once those ones are done? YOU’RE BROKE SON! (Hahahahahahahahaha!)  It’s really that cut & dry! So you’ve blown your paycheck or bill-money on what? BUT!? You spend $10 on a porn DVD, you can get the same thing & pocket the rest of your money! You still pay your bills & don’t have to wonder why your lights are out, but Bunny from the strip club is hopping her ass in her newly financed sedan! Thanks to your dumb-ass spending habits! Every time you go to “the club” you have to pay to get in, pay for drinks, pay for Bunny, blah-blah-blah! (And not the Easter one either!)  But once you get that porn DVD? ONE and DONE! You bought it, it’s bought, no more money is lost. WHY am I bringing this up? Because of the sheer stupidity amount of current “club-rappers” encouraging men to run out & burn up paycheck after paycheck on strippers, as if Black American men really have the resources to even do that dumb-s----t anyway! People tend to spend to excess in entertainment when they’re really trying to escape the stress of some sort of situation going on in or around them. I don’t need a degree to know that if I give a damn. And encouraging people who already have x-amount of uphill battles to contend with on a daily basis, to then run & go drown their depressions or whatever in g-strings & gyrations is really some crazy s---t, for real-for real!  (I’m very quiet here because I agree one hundred percent…and?!!?!  I don’t go to strip clubs…so…he’s talking to you, here…not I.)

So even in this it’s about the quality of the decision-making, look? If you’re gonna roll around in the gutter, at least don’t break the bank that you already don’t have, by deciding to burn dollar bills on something that requires a continuous commitment to keep getting “goods & services from”.

I’m sure you expected to read that, right. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! Last line. The fact that the low-quality club-rappers are overabundant, while the high-quality conscious rappers are rarely if ever afforded any airtime at all. (Like the mall guy who was credited twice, one below the other, at the end of the Coalition…and MU WET wasn’t credited once!)  These two forces are factors in producing QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT. Which leads to making the listener want to produce as a person, QUALITY PRODUCTS. To an audience that values quality over quantity. I’ve told my sweetheart over & over, anyone who can produce a quality product in today’s times, even if it appears to fail at first. They will always ultimately be rewarded & recognized for what they’ve done, because the current climate is oversaturated with quantitative crap.      

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