Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The Next Natural Step, Lemons into Lemonade…! FIGHT!

Good morning from Philadelphia!  (Yet another blog post magically appears while I check my eyelids for holes…hahahahhahaha…that’s HIS excuse for when he needs to sleep.  All of a sudden his eyelids feel like tea strainers!  So good morning from me too.  ‘Cause I’m awoke now.  And he’s over there with his tea strainer eyelids.  I think when he’s snores like that?  It’s actually his eyelid hole detectors at work.  You know? Sounds like hard work, LOL!)

Well, I can’t honestly say it’s a good morning. Time is winding down on the Rambler & I and it is by far the worst part of our relationship. (Gospel truth right there.  I always hate having to watch him stand there, and nod.  It’s like he’s saying to me, “You can do it…just…lift the other foot now and place it in front of the other…thatttttttt’s it… one step at a time…”  And of course that means one step further away from him and closer to where I have to go through the “non-returnable” section of the airport where the only direction left to walk is away…until at some point I can’t even see his encouraging nods while his heart is breaking as much as mine is but because he’s a stickler for doing the right thing…he encourages me anyway.) 

Whenever it is time for her to head on back to Durban, it is always the worst part of us being together. We’ve talked extensively about getting onto that last page & finally getting married & moving our family’s in together, which will make for an interesting family portrait, to say the least! A total of four children with two being grown & two same-aged boys wanting to be grown. (We’d make millions being the face of “The Rainbow Nation”.  Who better than a family consisting of Two Black Americans + One Russian Jesus + Three Coloured South Africans.)  

I’ve honestly talked about moving to South Africa, since I am the more adaptable of the two of us.  (Change is uncomfortable for me, and I’m not talking about a new accounting programme at work.  And even that would make me horribly unhappy for a few days until I get the hang of it.  Most of my family would agree that, that part?  I get that from parents.  Look?  They had DSTV installed?  Which I would say is the equivalent of cable here in the States.  My mum?  Would not budge from the local SABC channels while clutching the remote tightly inside her fisted hands!  So?  What hope do I have of transitioning, without difficulty, to a new country, new way of doing things, new side of the road to drive on, new new new?  But that’s the keyword right there.  If you don’t have hope?  What do you have?  If I never had hope to begin with, then at which point would the long distance train had fallen off of its tracks?  Granted, Geese is a huge part of us even reaching this point because I am more of a quitter than he is, but this, my friends, is not for the faint hearted.  I wouldn’t have thought that it was for the wrong-side hearted too, but we’re still here.  Still going strong.  Still…have hope!)

I constantly worry about her being so far away from her family & friends, but the viability of me moving there is not really a smart move all the way around.  (Especially since we’re taught to sit on our mouths rather than open them and honestly speak about what we think and feel. Instead it’s the “better” way to grumble underneath your unhappy breath and just find a way to live around the crap going on…around you.  Unfortunately, that’s not the school that the Geeseter attended.  And even in our discussions about him moving over there?  We’ve always looked at the fact that universally, it’s always the same.  When someone comes in to upset the applecart, be it on a personal level, family level, or country level?  Nnnnnnnnnnnn…good things don’t alwayyyyys follow.)  It’ll definitely pass the “creature comforts”-test & the “feel-good”-test, but not the “WTF this makes no sense”-test!

First of all my child support payments to my not wrapped too tight ex-wife, would get extremely complicated. The RAND doesn’t hold up well to the Dollar & then making sure that I find a decent job in Durban, is a huge must, because the last thing I need or want is the local domestic court thinking I’ve fled the country to evade child support or some silly s—t like that. My main concern after that is the random crime that I was well-aware of before I ever met my sexy rambler. What are the odds that I’d go to an American high school while apartheid was winding down in South Africa, WITH SOUTH AFRICANS, WEST AFRICANS & AN ETHOPIAN! HA! Then again I also went to school with Central Americans, some European-Whites of non-American descent & I threw that part in there because of the craptastic American Census Bureau’s listing of Hispanics. When HISPANICS AREN’T A RACE! Yes, yes, yes! Look at the Black American being American & being obsessed with Race, ay look! When in Pre-Christian Rome you can act Christian if you want! There’s a lion with your name on it & its teeth ready to partake of your sweet Christian ARSE! Hahahahahahhahaah, I said arse! HAHAHAHAHAHH! If ya like getting bit on the bum then I guess you can act dumb, right! CRIKEY! Damn manta rays don’t know how to take a freakin joke!

All disrespectful tasteless humor aside, that pisses me off. Because the actual second largest majority in America are, you guessed it fans! BLACK AMERICANS! Nothing like minding your own business & then finding out, wait, what!? How the f—k are you gonna replace our standing as the largest minority in America with a FAKE RACIAL GROUP ETHNICITY CON GAME! Well, I’ll tell you how, it’s because we haven’t actually garnered enough real power to put that fear in the White American lawmakers to say “I don’t think they’re gonna riot & burn down their own neighborhoods this time. These cheeky bastards & bitches stop buying s---t up like it’s goin outta style & start savin their money, we’re gonna be in serious trouble if they just stop spending money on s---t we directly control & profit from!”

Heh, & you thought I was gonna say take to the streets & protest, HAHAHHAHAHAHAH! THAT DOESN’T WORK ANYMORE! ANYWHERE! You can toi toi & Bishop Tutu all you want, doesn’t work anymore. But you take your hand out your pocket! Raise it in the air in a fist full of dollars, OR RAND! And then STUFF IT BACK IN YOUR POCKET WHILE YOU SCREAM AT THE IDIOT THAT PISSED YOU OFF “F YOU!” Then you consciously keep your money to yourself & spend it in a manner that YOU KNOW is gonna hurt that a-hole!? Watch how quickly they come running when their profit margin goes from a FRIENDLY BLACK! Into a not so friendly RED! Then they wanna talk. They wanna “hear you out”. Then they wanna “how can we make things right”. Mind you, you can only play this cockblocking card, ONCE! Rest assured in this age of greedy bastards & bitches they’ll do everything they can to try to figure out a way to avoid you holding them by the monetary nut sack & telling them to cough or else! So you gotta be ready for when they come calling to try to get you to start spending money on them & their goods & services again. Prime example; the Southern Bus Boycott in the 60’s by Black Americans. It put A LOT of White owned businesses out of business & not just the White owned public transit companies who kept talking about give up your seats to Whites & Blacks to the back. But instead of Blacks understanding that we’d not only saved a pretty penny by boycotting these idiots, who wanted to pretend like they didn’t know that most Blacks in the south were poor & needed the bus systems to get to work & essentially wipe White Americans collective asses! But with necessity still being the mother of all inventions, Blacks during the boycott created a carpool system to make sure people got to work. It is amazing sometimes when you see someone or a group of people just get it done & then NOT REALIZE THAT THEY DON’T NEED TO GO BACK TO THE IDIOTS THEY JUST GOT AWAY FROM!

(By the silence that I now speak?  O_o!  You can clearly see that I don’t partake in these conversations…I don’t know enough about history and my brain doesn’t know enough about memory…so, I’m here…listening and acknowledging that I shoulda paid more attention in History class.  But no.  No.  That’s not even it.  We didn’t cover all of this in History at school.  Van Riebeck and the Voortrekkers and Dick King and trade with the East for curry powder and gheera powder and Shaka Zulu and Dingaan…Overdressed Whites and Underdressed Blacks….uuuuuuurgh.  And see that?  That reaction is precisely why I don’t remember History.  Geese’ll tell you?  I don’t like something?  I block it.  Bury it.  Barbecue it.  Anything to make it Be gone!)

Bottom line is that during that boycott, Blacks had crippled the southern economy of the United States, & by default, the US economy as a whole. Simply by refusing to ride the buses in the south. They then created a carpool system so that those who had cars would pick up & drop off those who didn’t. The bus companies & various state & local officials came crawling & instead of being told “Uhhhhhh, why exactly would I go back to YOURRRRRRRRRRR, public transportation system, WHEN I JUST MADE MY FREAKIN OWN YOU MORON!” And they did. The next NATURAL STEP, was to start charging a small fee amongst themselves, which I’m sure they probably were already getting in people giving up gas money to the drivers. Next NATURAL STEP is the more enterprising members of the boycott, trading in their cars & using their cash to buy vans, not buses. And continuing to provide service & working out a decent fare rate or fee. The bad part is that the “RADICAL CRAP” I am talking & typing, was considered just that by leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King. Which is RARELY MENTIONED. It is rarely mentioned that it was considered RADICAL, to go the next logical step in the process of becoming & being self-sufficient & independent of someone, anyone! Who only wants to get the best from you, get your money, get your services, get your intellectual ideas. But then give you slop, s----t & crap back in return.

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, am I saying all of this? Because this Blackman, is tired of having his woman having to ramble back home because he’s not making enough money to be able to bring her & her family here to stay. OH YEAH! Times are hard for the Geeseter, but I’ve reached the point that this whole “I’ll see you next year” thing, is old. The Rambler & I have been working on a book & as a matter of fact she’s typing up chapter two, as we’re moving closer & closer to her having to head back to Durban on saturday. She wrote a book called Broken & began shopping it for publication. But she’s always wanted me to work on expanding her book & even reworking, rewriting it, as I saw fit. At the time I was working on something of my own, but much like the Blacks during the Bus Boycott, I wasn’t really trying to follow things out to their NATURAL NEXT STEP. Mmmmmmmm-hmmmmmmmmmmm, yeah, I tricked ya! You thought, look at this guy with his racial bitching & moaning! He has a point to this pointlessness or am I wasting my time reading his SLOP! Heh. Heh. Heh. I’ve allllllllllllllllllways got a point to what I’m doing. It’s usually a plan, inside of a plan, inside of a plan, leading to a TRAP! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Le Rambler can attest to that! (Mmmmm_M!) And I realized that she’d finished Broken & I was struggling with my own book & she’d been begging me for awhile to just use her book & expand on & rewrite whatever I felt was needed to make the book even better than what it already was. AND SO!?!?! That is my main goal gringos! To finish this book & see where it takes US, because of course we’re both in it together, as we should be! But like Michael Cain said “I don’t wanna be a chimney sweep, so? I’ll see how this whole acting thing goes & if I can make the same amount as being a chimney sweep. Then I’ll stick with that.”

And I understand EXACTLY, what he meant. Most of my adult professional employment life has been as a BILL. COLLECTOR. >_< And I hate it. Grrrrrrr, asking or demanding people pay bills, when I have outstanding bills my damnself!? HIPPO! CRIT! Hypocrite! Hate bill collector jobs. But at this point I need to find one for the money, but I can’t stand them, SO!?!?!? Soon as my sweetheart heads out of here I’m gonna have to stomach another bill collector job, BUT!?!?! IT’S ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL, A TRICK! To be able to pay my bills while working on OUR BOOK! And because Stacey’s original book was called Broken (You know he’s serious when he calls me Stacey…:-\), I had to come up with a way to maintain her book while creating something that I myself could really dig into & thus the new title & concept for; Broken Griffin.  (If you enjoy sci-fi, you’re gonna enjoy this book immensely.  He’s taken my Romantic drama, maintained the characters, introduced some new ones, maintained the core original parts of my book including my written work, swung it this way, beat it that way and VIOLA!  A future sci-fi MOVIE in the making!)

And now it IS a good morning, because I’ve gone from being down about my woman leaving. To looking at a REALISTIC WAY to solve our long-distance dilemma & work towards a future where we not only don’t have to worry about saying goodbye to each other anymore, but!? Doing something professionally that we’re both good enough to get paid for! ^_^!!!!! (^_^!!!!!!!)You can always stomach crappy times when you have a better & brighter alternative that you know you can HONESTLY REACH! (I don’t like it when he says that because I’m like, “I demand the liberty of being depressed about this here, crappy time. It is crappy.  And depressing, hence the need for me to be react this crappy depressed way.  It’s called, action and reaction.”  And then, strolling through my eardrum, comes the voice of reason, “But I’ve always tried to teach you, Precious, that if you have to suffer some temporary discomfort for what will bring you a permanent positive result, in the future?  Then it’s worth it…C’mon now. Cheer up.”  And then I grind my teeth about, “Stop making so much sense all the time…?”)

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