Sunday, 15 December 2013

Happy birthday, BD!

One of my bestest best friends in the whole round world was born today! If ever I've known of an unconditional anything, I've learnt it from this unexpected friendship! If you knew the dynamics of our encounter, you'd understand why I call it an unexpected friendship. Why I referred to unconditonality?Lmfao! Hey? At least you know fo shizzle that my blog wasn't hijacked by a proper speaking imposter!  Well?  I guess when you make it through the ups and downs that often accompany any type of relationship, whether it be friends, cousins, siblings?  Unconditionality is what get's you there!

Great news?! I'm off work 'til the 6th and if you thought this vacation had anything to do with rest? Think again! That's not what the holiday's are for and you know it! If right now, you're over there roooooooolaxin? Best you check yaself! There's definitely a ridiculously long queue that you should be waiting in. That isssss, in the midst of getting bumped, left, right and centre, mumbling Christmas cheer. And by that I mean, all those vile curse words you can't remember being taught, but know anyyyyyyway.

Can you tell that I'm beginning not to like shopping this time of the year? Just a tad. Not altogether. How else am I gonna use those infamous curse words then? Can't have them bubbling inside of me indefinitely! You already know what that does?!

Please don't look at me with that, "What it does again?!?!" expression! Have you not heard I word I've typed?

There ya go. Thatttttt's right! That person who just said, "Aaaaaaah yeah! I remember! It makes you nothing but a bitter ol' somebody who everybody avoids like a diseased ridden locust plague!" I feel better now.

>_<!  Just realized that the person who just answered me, was me.  No thanks to you.  Lucky me?  I've outgrown it. Bitterness is not a good look.  Physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  If you never remember anything I've ever said.  Remember that.  It deepens your frown lines and ages the crap outa you.  I don't think that you would carry any kinda pro-ageing cream in your cosmetic bag that promises to do that, right?  So then why carry it in your heart?
Well, I gotta run now. Noooooooooooooooh, oh no no no!  Not exercise run.  Don't be nasty.  Santa's watching!  Besides?  It's past midnight in South Africa.  I would have to have a death wish or a powerful tazor to even think about that.  Just a word of warning?  Wendy has a tazor and she's itchy to use it.  So, if you're feeling a little low on voltage, give her a call and she'll be only too happy to help!

Seriously though, I've been really busy these past weeks. It never stops, does it! But I'm happy for the gift of life, and for the fact that I'm blessed enough toooooo be busy. And alive! That's always a plus. I'll see you guys soon!

Happy birthday, Baldy! Can't imagine this world without your craziness!

And last but not least. The world said a final goodbye to our former President, Nelson Mandela today! May he rest in peace. That's all he was after on this earth, afterall.

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