Tuesday, 14 April 2015

As Teddy Pendergrass Once Said....

Turn off the lights......and light a candle....do-do-do-doooooooo!!!!!! Doodoo is right 'cuz last night? That's exactly what I DID-DO while I waited for the power to come back on.

You must be wondering what's up with the picture. Well, wonder no more........ya Rambler will tell you. That's the view from most people's eyeballs right now! Nohhhhhh, no! A sudden plague of blindness has not befallen the land. Not in that sense, at least.
I've seriously had just about all that I can take of South Africa and it's steady regression.
Currently, we're on Stage 2 of loadshedding where our power is being turned off for hours at a time, daily because well? We're running out of electricity. Who coulda guessed THAT would be the case, huh? Shocker?!? No, not really.
And these blackouts are not just limited to residential areas. They're blacking out businesses during working hours as well. Wellll-in-advanced planned parties are not excluded either! At our office Christmas party last year December? We had to dine by downlights for two hours. Yeah, those were the only ones that stayed on when the power was switched off in the hotel venue, thanks to a generator. That's why when Wendy put her plate down once she'd dished her selection of food and salad and couldn't see that she was putting it down between the gap of two round tables. Hmmmmmmm...let's just say? She had to fix another plate.
I'm sitting here right now, along with thousands of other aggravated South African's, in the dark, typing this.
Well, I really can't say for sure what it is that theyyyyyyyy are doing, but me? I'm can surely say that I'm typing this. I sincerely hope that those who can? Are taking full advantage of the darkness. Yes, I said it! And I meant it in every single, dirty-minded way possible. Exactly like Teddy did. He had the right sentiment too. Might 's well make the best of a bad situation, right? Just make sure to put the kids to bed first.
Meanwhile? We've been told too that water will soon become a problem. But I'll complain about that when the day comes that I sit here, typing--------parched at the throat.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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