Monday, 25 July 2016

Weather Woes!

We're stuck in traffic now. I'm not driving and typing. Worry not. Annnnnnd now, we've diverted, so we're on our way once again!

Up until about 5.30am this morning, it was still hell windy and pouring!

At 7am, I waited for Wendy on the road and this is what the weather was like....apparently the rain is not finished with us but it is for now until------well? The clouds decide to do what they're gonna do.

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And The Rain Came Down In Torrents!!

Ooooooooo-mannn! O_O!!!

When I tell you that today we had one long, scary drive home from work?!? Believe I! For I?!?! Do not ever recall driving in that much water in my lizzzife and I'm driving for many years now. The water was like THIS--------- high! It was herrre for the cars (if by some miracle you can see me? I'm showing you hand to ground measurements!) It was here!!! For the cars.

It's been pouring down since the weekend and hasn't stopped. Good for the drought.....horrible for the thousands of people in KwaZulu Natal who don't have proper shelter or any shelter at all.

We diverted from our usual highway route because ambulance with flashing lights were heading that way. I don't know what it is about drivers and rain but they lose their mind. Wouldn't you be extra careful? Yeah? Well, we need more of you on the road.

So then we head for the alternative route right------nope! I was like, head fall with a curse mumble and a sigh!

As if that wasn't enough? Right before we enter the flooded road? My back windscreen wiper falls off. >_<! *#?!#@*#!! Someone's ears musta been on fiuuuure because that's what I was thinking about that petrol attendant at the petrol station at this mall up and down the road from my house who broke it a few weeks back and was tryna leave it on the floor until I noticed something was missing. (Breathe) So I got out and there's my little back windscreen wiper lying all lonely on the concrete floor. I didn't bother saying a thing, I had no proof. I just know that it wasn't broken before he cleaned my windscreen. But still, I had no proof. Meanwhile? I'd just replaced it. About a y-(cough)-ear ago. Hey?!? I expected it to last eleven years like the original one and it would've too if----------
Okay, I'm over it.

Now where was I? Oh, right. Luckily, I was making an illegal turn to avoid that traffic build up on attempted route number two so Igshaan was able to get out and retrieve it. It's broken. Poor thing. But it was retrieved. It was my fault, I should have replaced it before the heavens opened up on us.

Lesson learnt! Replaced AGAIN, it shall be. #*?!#*@ petro-------
Okay, I'm over it!

These pics were taken by Nicole, stretched from the back seat between Wendy and I....

We reached home, safe and well-----cold! To those of you who are still out there, however you are travelling, I hope that you too arrive home safely.

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Friday, 22 July 2016

Good Still Exists

Came across these pages on Facebook today, I'm gonna share 'm because well? I think we need to see that good still exists on planet earth.

Have a great Friday! My work day? Is ovvvver!

Oh? And running wild after Pokemon? Seriously! Yall getting knocked and crashing cars and shot at for some dumb non-existent thing in a game?!? The timing of that app coming out is way too suspicious for even ME, the benefit of the doubt giver.
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Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Woahhh, That's Going Too Far!

Wednesday already.  Wow!  Happy Hump Day to ya!

Hold on a s…………aaaaaah-ti-shoooo!  Shew!  Bless me!  My sinus is running rampant this past week.  Hate it, hate it, hate it!  But I'll live.

I see a new painting from Ayanda Mabulu has emerged, portraying the controversial relationship between the Gupta's and Zuma.  Look, you all know that I am anything but a fan of our president but like many others, even I think that this painting is in bad taste.  Despite the story behind it being what it is, he has a family.  The painting has already gone viral and if they haven't seen it yet, his kids surely will.  Their friends will see it.  Their rivals will too.  Which makes their job a little easier.  Kids are ruthless when it comes to teasing and embarrassing other kids.  Especially when they don't like you.  Matter-o-fact, I'm certain that even if they are not teased about it, just knowing that their peers have seen something so vile about their father, is more than enough to have a harmful effect on them.        

There is no doubt in my mind that Ayanda is an extremely talented artist.  There is also no doubt in my mind that Ayanda, like too many others here, is angry enough at the current state of affairs of this country.  That he is motivated enough by that anger to let his feelings spill out on that canvas this way.  But, it's still not the best way to tell his story.  I'm saying that because now that it's out, now that another one is out, he is the one being ridiculed, not Zuma.  Zuma is being regarded, over this painting, with sympathy, regardless of how people feel about him or his leadership.

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Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Home Safe

The boys are back in town, safely! My daughter is fine.

A good ole time was had. Damo looked so grown and got to go with Chicken, (yes, the guys name was Chicken, bwaaaaahahahahah! Too cute!) and Noon to play soccer! But the rain ruined that so they just kicked the ball around. Zane, like Zane does, made friends, brothers, as Damo said, hahahahhaha! He was like, "Chicken said, 'I cry now coz my brother go home!'" Apparently, they were invited to a wedding in April next year, hahahahahha!

My dad wouldn't stop talking, LOL! I see that he noticed the same thing that I did. Something that hit me quite hard, in a good way. Clearly, him too.

As we were leaving last night, he said, "It's a different life over there. They live very differently." I said, "It is, I love it so much." He then said, "They are poor but they're not crying about it. They find some way to make money. But they aren't sad and miserable, they are still happy." And I couldn't help but smile because it's something that I'd told everyone when I came back from Chiang Mai. And I said, "I knowww, you don't see anyone coming up to you and begging. But you do see many of them coming up to you and selling something they've made. Even if they are simply flower chains that they've sewn together. They are doing something." I already knew, because he was always such a hard worker and still now won't sit still, that he would notice that.

I respect that about the people of Thailand. I have no doubt that they were given the gift of hand. And they use it well.

It made me miss being there even more.

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Reconcile, Relive or Release

Sometimes that's really all one can do to keep from letting those "other" emotions take over.  I'm feeling sooooooo much as I type this.  I'm feeling cold too, by the way.  Brrrrrrr and all that. 
But life, mannnnnnn!  Life also has its Winter's sometimes, doesn't it!  And so does love.  But the sun always comes out---if you let it.  Remember that.  You gotta let it.  Brooding over pain, over hurt, over negative, keeps a strong grip on that very place in your life that you would do anything to get away from.  It becomes a very unhealthy crutch.  That's not to say that you shouldn't feel and you shouldn't process.  That's how you go from being a work in progress to tipping the scale on the other side, you know?  I'm just saying, don't live there.  Come on now, don't you deserve to be released from all of those damaging feelings?  Hmmmmmmm?  I'd say.  
When you find clarity in situations as far as why this happened and why that happened in your life, in your relationships, in your friendships?  Especially if you're able to admit, "Wow, that ones on me, I royally fucked that up."  That's when you're able to decipher what about you needs to change.  We can't do anything about the faults and flaws of others.  We all have them.  You, me, the president, the gardener----nobody's exempt.  That's for them to change.  And like yourself?  They have to realize the changes they need to make for whatever result they are hoping to achieve.  Whether it be for reconciliation purposes or next relationship success purposes. 
Being the victim of someone else's indiscretions is painful.  There are times when it's so excruciating that it results in you laying a blanket of judgement over that entire gender (allllllllllll men are like this and all women are like that) and then push you towards choosing either to date the opposite gender (again, don't look at me as if you've never heard of this) or simply never to date again.  Sure, that's the extreme but you haven't heard someone say I'm sick of pain, I'm better off alone?  You haven't heard someone being hurt by men too often or too badly that they turn to women?  Or a notch less extreme, you continue dating but you refuse to trust.  Another notch, you can't let your total guard down and even will go as far as making sure you do the hurting before you get hurt.  Nothing foreign about anything I've just typed, is there? 
If you're the one who's hurt someone, ideaaaaaaally-------------ideally, at some point, it should cause you to rethink your own behaviour and work on improving the parts of you that were broken enough to break someone else.  However, that can only happen if you're able to admit that to yourself.  You can always go on believing that it's never your fault, sure.  Then you can also go on believing that you're perfectly intact.  Even though, none of us are.  But you will forever question why all of your relationships end, won't you?  Granted, there will always be a place in our past that we don't ever want to revisit.  A time when you were the worst possible version of yourself.  Sometimes wilfully so because you've locked it away and sometimes because you've worked your ass off not to be that person anymore.  The absolute last thing that you then NEED, is someone constantly taking you on an emotional roller coaster ride back there with the constant, "Remember when you….remember why you"  Remember, remember, remember--------------the old you.  Shocker, but?!?  Not everybody is who they were in their past.  Rehabilitation is not unusual and highly recommended, right?  But unless they have journeyed that road of progress with you?  Unless they have witnessed who you are now as opposed to who you were then?  They will never know and rightfully so.  They weren't there to see it happen and they're not there to see the results now.  All they will remember is who you were when you….? 
Hurt them.   
Guess what?  It's not supposed to be any different than that.  If they weren't there.  They will not know!  They're not supposed to know.  So ofcourse, in their thoughts, in their memories, that's the person that they are referring to.  Only? 
That person no longer exists. 
As far as reconciliation goes?  Why would you even attempt to reconcile if you feel that the other person is exactly who they were when you parted ways, that they're doing exactly the same things that turned you off from wanting to carry on with them in the first place, etc, etc.  Why would you want to invite that same drama and upset and confusion into your life once you have had a taste of living without it? 
I believe that the safest place for both parties?  Is nowhere near each other.  Wouldn't that be like being a recovered alcoholic and then deciding to frequent bars with your old alcoholic buddies from back in the day?  One has no place in the life of the other any longer. 
'Cause it means that already there is a gap in understanding. 
'Cause it means that in order to be with them, you have to be willing to go back to someplace that is detrimental to whatever progress you've made. 
'Cause they are stuck at a point where you both were when whatever happened, happened and you are long gone from that spot.  
If they are expecting to deal with you as the person that you were, they will already be anxious about specific behaviour and anticipate signs of them, even when they're not coming.  No peace for either of you. 
It means that they will make specific accusations out of mistrust of what "just might happen" because it happened before.  
It means that what you have tried to move away from, forgive yourself for, grow out of, they will continuously pull you back towards. 
What all of that means in a nutshell?  It means that the slate is not clean and in that case, it's never a good idea.  Never a good idea to mar a second chance by still begrudging the mistakes of the first.  I believe that for any couple to reunite and have a lick of a chance at success? 
Firstly, forgiveness is key. 
Secondly, after forgiveness, those mistakes should never be brought up again. 
If one cannot do either?  Then that attempt towards reconciliation should NEVER be made. 

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Sunday, 10 July 2016

Cody Banks

Meanwhile, I'm kinda wide-eyed, listening to this movie that's on tv right now, Cody Banks, where they're talking all openly about "mind control is a reality, God help us all", "the world leaders are meeting at Buckingham Palace". Anthony Anderson's character goes as far as introducing himself as Cody Banks' "handler".


I'm not shocked by what they're saying. Nope. I've read enough and watched enough over the past months to know that yes, that shit and more, is a reality so I have a pretty good idea of what's going on "behind the scenes". I'm just surprised by how openly it's being displayed. But then am I? Am I surprised? Since that's what de-sensitizing is all about, right? Put it out there, keep it out there until it no longer has that shock factor.

Researching this has opened my eyes to such an extent that I can't even believe that the sky is blue even when I'm looking at it. I won't say that it's made me paranoid. More so, sceptical of everything that my eyes can see. I also was able to answer a question that I couldn't get answers to no matter how hard I tried to make sense of it. The education system. I now know that the OBE system was introduced to do exactly what it's done and still doing now. Fuck it up!

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Saturday, 9 July 2016

Ocsar Update

Front page of the newspaper states that Oscar has been cleared to take part in the 2020 Olympics. The man got 6 years, pathetic, for murder. This is the year 2016. Something doesn't add up.

Or does it? :-/

South Africa must be seriously desperate for gold medals.
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Can't Wait!

This little guy already has my heart.  A month with him is gonna be heaven.

Hurry, December!

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Friday, 8 July 2016


I've spent some time last night, today, watching the video's and reading the articles.

It's been a very emotional morning. All this death around us, for what? And then I've been talking to my Uncle earlier about our lineage and then about my late Gran and remembering her, how encouraging she was to me, my heart feels heavy right now.

My condolences go out to all of the victims of these just senseless killings in the US, in Turkey, in Bagdad, allllllll over the world, I'm sorry for your pain.

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Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Fifty Shades Darker

Because I caught some of the movie the other night on the telly? The way that it ended, I was compelled to read what happened next. Curiosity hasn't killed me yet.

So I'm finally reading the second book, Fifty Shades Darker. I've had these books for ages and I still haven't read the first book.

Lemme tell you something? Yes, there is sex all over this book, almost every second page and as entertaining as that is, I'm finding the book--------- just heartwrenching. In sooooooooo many more ways than one.

His horrific past. The effects that it's rightfully had on him his whole life. His pain and his deep fears. His protectiveness over this woman that he loves. His desperation not to lose her. Their attraction. Their connection. The way that she'd changed the very core of who he's been. Her innocence coupled with her strength. Her calming effect on him. The comfort that she finds just being near him. It's as if she is saving him slowly, from one day to the next on so many levels. She's dragging the human out of him, slowly, from one day to the next. The way that he regards her a treasure to him. I'm assuming that this book digs into the reasons that he was who he was since I haven't read the first one.

But reading? I can't stop and I can't stop feeling as though I wanna reach into this book, take this fictional man, just like Ana, and hold him close and show him that life is not as cruel as it is in his nightmares. That he is worthy of being loved despite his pounding belief that he's not.

I didn't expect this. At all. Not to mention the way that it's draining my own psyche. And very little of that has anything to do with sex.


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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Memories of Kebab House

If you're ever in Chiang Mai and you love Indian food? This is the spot to go to!

Zane reminded me today of how fantastic their food was, they're eating there as I type so he took a pic of our pic of the wall inside the restaurant.

The owner takes pics of all of the restaurants patrons and puts them up. Love that idea! So ofcourse, he took a picture of us as well when we ate there and I see that he knew exactly where to put it! Right below Paige and Kana's.

What a nice surprise!


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Monday, 4 July 2016


Don't worry about the fact that it's just passed 2am! I'm not. Don't even worry about the fact that I gotta be up in under 3 hours. I'm up now.

I watched the news earlier while I was at mums and saw all these people with tape crossed over their mouths. My first thought was, "Oooo that's gonna hurt you, man with a penis and balls, when you pull it off. Unless you just waxed." Those were journalists. Journalists pissed at the SABC for demanding that news about the president be censored. Apparently, he deserves our respect. He just doesn't need to earn it.


Me? I'm thinking then just shutup then. Cancel the news broadcasts. Don't tell us shit if all we're supposed to hear is how great he is when behind the camera's he's running a clean mock. And while yall at it, SABC, in the last news broadcast? Officially announce the end of democracy too, okay? Oh, oh, oh, and don't forget to announce that we shouldn't pay for the tv license too! Cool?


What a mess.......!

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Burning Question

Brrrrrrrr! Can Winter end already! And then it's tryna be cute with blue skies, sunshine and white clouds as if we're not gonna feel it's invasive icy wind penetrate the fabric covering our goosebumped flesh! Hmmmmmpf! I don't appreciate that attempt at deception.

Nevermind that my son is holding the tail of a tiger and quadbiking almost into bushes in Thailand so I don't even have his hot breath to warm up my home. Who I'm supposed to talk to? Cruzzles? Fine. Until even he turns around and walks off in the hopes of finding Damon to rescue him from human gibberish!

Hey? O_O!

I wonder what we actually sound like to dogs? Loud as shit, that much I know but what do we sound like? You ever wonder what you sound like to your pet? Let's see. Who can we ask? Studies will not suffice. Then we might as well just believe what we already believe. I actually don't know what I believe in this particular case.

I went to see what Google had to say and ofcourse, there's a study that says something about left hemisphere of the brain and when the human voice was heard, the dogs turned to one particular side. Blah! Blah! Blah! See how interested I was? I can't even tell you which side. Why? 'Cause that's not what I wanna know. What I wanna know, only a dog can tell me. Do we sound like ourselves or do we sound like we barking? I need this answer to come straight from the hors----from the dog's mouth!

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Happy 4th of July!

Just came by to wish all of you out in the US, a safe and blessed 4th of July!


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Saturday, 2 July 2016

Grans Baby Is A.......


I laughed so hard when I watched the video of the ultrasound! It was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes this morning. My grandson practising to be a contortionist. Just look at how he's laying, those are his legs over top of him, hahahahahaha, like he's doing a breakdance stance, hahahahahaha!

Maybe he'll be a gymnast?! Hmmmmmmmm?

I was real surprised that Paige couldn't feel those movements because he wouldn't lay still during the ultrasound. Hypers like the mum. That was my first thought. She said because he is still so little, 100grams, the movement is not as intense as it will be once he's grown some.

I just canNOT wait 'til the end of the year to meet this lil pumpkin of mine!

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