Thursday, 4 October 2012

One Hundred And One

Congratulations to me!!!!!!  Yesterday.  >_< !!

What are you congratulating yourself for?”  Well?  Seeing as you asked?  (I quite like the two-way communication we have going here!)  I’ve decided to start randomly congratulating myself.  You should try it.  Even if you’re sitting and doing nothing?  Just turn to yourself and say, “Man?  (Maybe Man is your name?  If not, then use it to express pride)  Congrats for just sitting there and doing absolutely nothing.”    It will either cause your eyes to twinkle?  Or?  If you were meant to be doing something more important?  It would serve as the perfect shove of ye ol’ toe-cap to the derrière.  I always find that once you bathe in tub of guilt?  It gets your ass moving, verrrrrrry quickly!   Pssssssssst! Check it out?  Adoption of such self-tricking methods could do wonders within our government, don’t you think?  I mean?  With all the absolutely nothings they’re so hard at work achieving.  And I say that with all due respect.  Ofcourse, with emphasis on the word...due!

Seriously speaking though!  And brace yourself!  Things are about to get soppy up on this blizzog....yesterday was my 100th post.  ^_^!  I do feel proud.  Rambling At Random has quickly become my favourite little pet.  Thank goodness it’s not one of those hairy ones.  And I don’t have to take it to the vet for shots.  Or shoot it.  A-hem!  However, it does need to be fed constantly.  And that’s the part I enjoy the most.  Thanks to my ramblings?  I’ve interacted with people I haven’t yet met and have since met Debbie, whom I’ve never interacted with before starting this blog.  D-Did you see that?  You see how I just from haven’t met then...with the whole Debbie and the met and the never interacted, but I still made sense?!! 

And I just realized something important too?!?!?!  You need to be commended as well!  Clap-clap-clap-clapYou have faithfully read over 71,000 words at the hand of my fingertips!  Cue: emotional music.  Quiet please... A-HEM!  I’d like to thank?  Russia for the inspiration...Geese and Leigh and Debs and Mish and Isaiah and Sosh and Linds and Tyla and Sarel and Lauren and Shannon and Azra and Shariefa and Renaldo and Clifford and Eugene and Donavan and shewwwwww! If I forgot to mention anyone’s name, I’m getting old, okay?.....Alllllll my readers that I know of and don’t know of, from all the different countries and planets (covering my bases), for the constant support...and...nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn?!?!?  I just heard a voice telling me that this is not the Grammy’s so, before my computer starts playing that embarrassing “shut-up now” music to cut me off?  Come sit with me while I ponder upon my own mortality!

Do you know what today is?  Aside from just being Thursday.  I am exactly just one measly little week away from turning forty.  The door to my thirties is about to slam shut!  Like this.  SHUT!!!  And yet?!?  I remain calm!  As calmmmmm as an ocean breeze in the midst of a hurricane!  LOL!  Jokkkkkke!  That was a joke!  I really am calm.  Really!  For real!  Not for lie-lie!  Hahahahahaha!  For Lie-lie?  Remember that?  South Africans?  Who were born in my era?  Wait?!?  Was that just a Coloured term?  I can’t say for sure?  Hmmmmmmmmm?  I couuuuuuuuld, just say.  But then I wouldn’t be sure.  Apartheid only fell away when I was an adult and by then, I’d?  Long stopped using that phrase.  We had very little to no interaction with kids of other races our age when I was small enough to believe that lie-lie would be found in the dictionary.  I’m gonna leave it at that.  Part of me thinks that it was just a Coloured thing.  Amanga-amanga?  Just, m-mmm, just doesn’t sound right.               

Geese has been worried that I’m gonna freak out soon, the closer to my birthday that I get.  But I haven’t needed to be put on medication or broken out in hives or anything yet so I believe that I’ve slowly become one with my true age.  Saturn must have collided with Mercury as it was trying to retrograde or something.  'Cause this is just not like me.  For IIIIIIIIIIII???  Am a raging stormmmmmm!  A worrier of the highest order!  A fluffy ball of stress!  Under normal circumstances.  Not that I normally turn forty...but? 

I’ve turned twenty-five a whole buncha times which was great until Paige decided that she'd grow as well!  "Drat!"  Fifteen-year plan ruined!  Just like that!  I never saw it coming, I telya!  I was not planning on growing old gracefully but then without warning?!?  She went and turned seventeen on me and then I couldn't bare the thought of being pretend-pregnant at eight years old so I moved on from my pretend-age and embraced my real age

Twenty-nine.  No.  Thirty-two.  Wait, lemme get this right.  Did?  Did someone just say, lie-lie again?  Stop distracting me.  Thirty two minus seventeen...>_<!  Aaaargh!  Hate the subtraction sums where you have the smaller number on the top and then you have to borrow and all.  Your luck if you’ve just happened upon a selfish only-child non-sharing number!   Nou gan die poppe dans!  Fifteen???  O_O!!!  Ohhhh hell noh!  Thirty-five then.  That's as high as I'm gonna go!  Bidding is now closed.  

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