Friday, 29 January 2016

Healing Is A Journey

I heard something yesterday and I've been thinking about it ever since "If two people have such a strong love for each other then nothing outside of them can come between them."

What do you think?

I'm on the fence on this one. I'll tell you why.

I look at my parents and then I look at myself. They are close to being married just over 50 years now despite whatever challenges they might have been faced with or are faced with. That's not to say that I don't know other married couples who are together for over thirty years who feel feathers for each other. I do and I've heard all sorts of reasons for them staying together. Reasons that go from, "Aaaargh, I'm too old now, what's the point?" to "It's cheaper to keep her." And the list goes on. Hey, if I'm being honest, I had a list of reasons mydamself.

The more I watch my parents though, the more I lean towards the statement holding truth. My dad is now 73 years old, they both are and like every other couple, they are not without their little arguments and their clashes here and there because of differences in personality or opinion but at the end of the day, I still notice how his eyes light up and that grin that he can't get rid of when my mum has been away for a while and he sees her again. To me, that in itself speaks volumes.

People talk about things like when poverty steps in, love walks out. My parents tell us about how much they earned back in the day. How they had to borrow on every Monday and pay back every Friday. Before we moved to our family home, we stayed in a room at my grans. No love walked out. My dad never cheated on my mum and vice versa. So they never had that particular challenge. My mum had a miscarriage before my brother, no love walked out. People talk about sometimes when two people are very different, it doesn't last. They are different as different can be by way of personality. For starters, my mum loves a full, noisy house and she always had her family members living at our home when the need arose and my dad is someone who likes peace and quiet and he likes his own space and even if he didn't always like it and even when he was vocal about it, no love walked out. I think that real acceptance of each other's differences is a major part of the glue that keeps couples together.

Then I look at my own marriage annnnnnnnd that makes me lean towards thinking that no matter how much love exists within a relationship, at any point, it's only as strong as the ability of the two people involved to recover as well as their ability to FORGET. Because forgiving? It sure does melt the burden a lot but it's just one half of the battle. When I was married, I couldn't do either simply because I refused to look anywhere but outside of myself for the root of the problem. Meanwhile, I was part of that root. I can admit that now. It doesn't matter who does what first, wrong is still wrong. I sometimes sit and wonder whether things would have turned out differently if I was willing to do that. Uuuh well, guess I'll never know and that's okay. Us right now is the us I enjoy being a part of.

See? I've lived through the fact that when you can't see what your OWN ACTIONS DID to help create that mess that you were a part of, then you will simply go on living believing that nothing that you might have done helped cause it! You will never be able to fairly view things from the other person perspective and that in itself puts a wall up against total understanding.

Even I got tired of hearing myself whine about he did this and he did that and for soooooh long I was satisfied with just stopping there and sitting in the victim seat but NOT ONCE, did I even think to take the time to FULLY UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT WENT WRONG AND MY OWN ROLE IN IT. The focus was CONSISTENT! I wasn't letting go of my crutch because if I did, then I would have had to find something else to blame and it wasn't gonna be me, no thank you very much! So it was he blah blah blah to me, he blah blah blah to me and walking around with the perception that my ex had did me wrong, point-blank period with no intention of considering that, "Maybe it's bigger than just him, maybe I could have done something to avoid his need to look outside of our marriage!". While I, was justifying looking outside of it too.

But that all changed from having just one conversation about two years back. That one conversation opened my eyes and my mind and my heart to truths where even though these truths were referring to shortfalls on my part as a wife, I didn't feel ashamed of myself. Instead, I felt as though a light had come on where at the end of it, it had me sitting down and saying to myself, "You know what? I absolutely understand why he did, this, this and that, now."

As I sit here typing this, I am able to own my part in the downfall of my significant relationships. Say them out loud! I'm able to acknowledge that I did the best that I could and for what it's worth, the other person did too, except both or one of us made mistakes too and some we were just not yet equipped to move past. To me, that means a lot to acknowledge. It's helped me heal in so many ways. Because of that I am able to let go of much and let go without grudges and bad feelings. Instead I can be thankful for the lessons and grateful for the memories since at one time, I really did love these people. Healing is a journey and everyday you progress a little further.

I don't believe that we intentionally set out to hurt the people that we love. But I do know that it happens and sometimes, it can't be fixed, however much you would like it to be. I've also come to the understanding that we are where we are meant to be at any particular time, that every success and every failure is part of our grand story of existence where after shifts and changes, something is always revealed. Which then leads to better understanding of why we lost or why we won and why we shouldn't look back with more regret than gratitude.

Don't give up! Not on love, not on dreams, not on goals.

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Wednesday, 27 January 2016

What Is This World Coming To?

Saw this story on Yahoo and all over Facebook yesterday morning. Horrible. I don't know exactly what transpired inside that bar except for what the article states but I do know that nobody, woman or man, deserves to be shot and killed for something like THIS. Nobody--------woman, man, child, teenager deserves a pointless brutal end to their lives and there has certainly been too much of that senselessness going around.

When I saw this particular horror story this morning, one? It reminded me of just one of the reasons why I've made a decision to deliberately stay out of the potential dating scene. Why I don't go to bars, clubs or any of those places where one can be approached in this way. I don't drink alcohol either. That doesn't make me any better than those who do populate these places or even take a drink, don't get me wrong. And I've been called boring and a granny but gimme my cupa tea and my house and I'm good to go.
It's just...I have all sorts of anxieties about going out to these places and entering the dating world in general so the way I look at it, avoidance is better than cure. The thought alone closes up my throat. You just never know and I'd just rather not know.

Two, while this wasn't, I have experience with long distance relationships and I believe myself to be very fortunate that I didn't wind up dead from taking the chances that I have. That's not to say that I was dealing with crazed psycho's and I miraculously got away. No. In my particular experiences, I can't even say that I felt as though I was in any kind of physical danger. The reality of it was that I wasn't, which is why I said fortunate.

But that's only half the truth, being it from my point of view, isn't it? Because the perception of these kinds of situations is always that the man will hurt the woman even though we're quite aware that men are not the only ones who hurt women, violently. Women hurt men violently too.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that there are many cyber stories that didn't end like mine did. There are stories, period, cyber or not, just like this one, that didn't end like mine did because whomever I was dealing with, long distance, turned out to be the same person, in person and not some crazed lunatic luring me to the ends of the earth to harm me.

We're alive right now, to remember the good and the bad, the laughs and the tears and it's crazy, it really is, when you read or hear about an article like this and then somewhere in trying to process it all, in reflecting on the could haves, somewhere in your mind is a voice that whispers, "Thank you." Crazier too is feeling the need to give someone accolades for not physically harming you when that is just how it's meant to be but I am genuinely grateful since that's the world that we live in today. Nothing's as it should be. Where in this day and age, it's a risk to do things both conventionally as it is unconventionally.

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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Water Share Project

East Coast Radio has started a water share drive as well to help people affected by the drought.

You can read about it here.....

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Hope Grass Project

I think this is a pretty amazing project. The drought hasn't gotten any better, only worse in certain area's in South Africa and what these guys are basically asking is that you donate your cut grass for the animals who are and have run out of grass to eat.

I did query with them on a drop off point in Durban but unfortunately they haven't been able to arrange one as yet so I suggested that they contact the municipality to maybe set up points at the dump sites. I hope that they find success in that!

Here is the link that will show you where the drop-off points are in the different provinces. I urge you to take part in this Hope Grass Project.
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Sunday, 24 January 2016


Have you ever been in one of those toxic give and give more relationships? You know, where it doesn't matter how much you GIVE, it's just never ever enough and all your partner does is drain the life, money and good spirit outa you?

Well you have now! Annnnnnd in walks Eskom! Right on time!

They told us to be sensitive and considerate with our electricity usage, didn't they? And we listened like the obedient little fools that we are, didn't we? Is it just me or would anyone with a semi-working brain know that if we use less, they get less?

Simple mathematics?!?!? You'd think so. But the more pertinent question anything ever simple in this place?

Those incompetent bastards!
Are asking for a 17% increase in electricity YET AGAIN! I gotta tell you, the fact that we have to keep picking up the flack from the blatant mismanagement going all the way from government down to these national service companies, is enough to give me motion sickness, sitting down!

It's not as though the prices of food haven't increased due of the drought!
It's not as though our Rand isn't worth a sliver of shit since our president woke up one weekend and decided that it was game day!
It's not as though we're not already paying through our asses for fuel!

Do they know how much the pensioners receive on a monthly basis? R1420 and a whole R20 more if you're lucky enough to have lived beyond 75years old! Oh wait! They don't care. Sorry, that was me not using my semi-working brain! Lol, my bad!

Meanwhile? Over R60million was spent by Eskom by way of executive salaries and bonuses. So seriously, how broke are they? How broke are they that they can spend that amount of money despite poor performance?



Why........why am I not working for Eskom?

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Saturday, 23 January 2016


Durban is suuuwelTering hot today. My aunts and I are stuck in my mums room where there is nooooooh breeze even with all of the windows open. Dad is watching cricket in the lounge. We're having the energy drained from our bodies by the heat but that's okay. It's okaaaay, Da!!!

Wtf?!?! Woah!!!!!!!! I thought that helicopter was tryna land on the roof here! I wonder who the hell they're looking for! Has to be SOMEONE if they're flying that low! Shew! Shouldn't be flying thaaaaat low! Low enough for you to feel as though they're two metres from your ears! Would I even have ears if it was flying two metres from me?


In other news......

I'm mentally saluting the scriptwriters here, there and everywhere right now! I've been trying to teach myself how to do it and eishhhh! Don't be looking at those scripts and snickering about, "So little words on the pages!" No, no! That is hard freakin' work! The formatting alone?!? Is time consuming as a mutha! I would have to take me a trip into the woods or something and cut life off to finish a script because if you thought writing novels was time consuming?

Lemme put it to you this way. After having written two full novels and way into the third, a childrens series of seven short stories, blogging and writing poetry upon poetry upon poetry? I'm not gonna sit here and say all of that is easy peasy lemon squeezy. It most certainly isn't. Definitely not when you have so many other commitments that demand your attention. But the formatting does make it seem less complicated and I'm harping on the formatting because with novels its just type and type and type while scriptwriting is NOT!

So, here I sit? Paying MUCH respect to scriptwriters all over the universe!

But I'm not giving up. I WILL finish a script or two or three or fifty in my lifetime. That's a promise! In time, I won't have a choice which is why I'm teaching myself as a head start. One day, I will talk more on that.

Talking about the universe? How's yours going? I'm fascinated once again by time since we're a week away from the end of the first month of the new year!

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Tuesday, 19 January 2016






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Saturday, 16 January 2016

AUSSIE'S Are Back!

Life seems a liTTle less abnormal now! Shew! Had me there for a minute! Just knowing that my mum is home,'s been a whole month! I mean, A MONTH! A long month! A long, no mummy month! Now I know how both she and my kids would feel when I would go overseas for that long a period!

Not cute.

Things like this serve as reminders for me. I hope it does for you too. Our parents may not be perfect, just like will never be. But they're here and while they're here, we shouldn't pretend as if they aren't. Because the truth is, one day we won't be pretending. But we will be longing. Longing for the days when we could open the door to their home and find them there!

Either way, lemme not type myself to crying, it's Saturday and me?! I've waited all week for this movie. Ride Along 2......Whooooooop, Kevvvvvvvin Hart is the hizhouse!!! Ya Rambler is a huge Kevin Hart fan. His smile is amazeballs. That's aside from how funny he is and funny? Always a deal breaker for me. So yeah, he's not painful to look at annnnnnd he's funny. So the deal broke! FANtastic!

It's been an ultra-exciting week! We will be seeing my daughter before mid-year. YESSSSS! Her move has been a blessing in sooooooh many ways. It's crazy how little faith we sometimes put into our kids ability to make it out there on their own. But it's been leaps and bounds growth since she left the country. She's earning her money, loving her job and those kids, paying bills, running her home, thinking.......OMG! I should be saying----------- overthinking about her future. If there is such a thing!

I had to tell her in the week, "Baba, it's really good to think about the future, I'm not at all saying don't. It's a must. But don't think about it every minute of the day and then forget to enjoy your present!" I get the Whatsapps constantly. 'Cause now she's thinking about where next to go, so it's this country, that country, dollars and pounds, etc!

On the whole? I believe that there will be loads to celebrate this year....things are finally moving where they should be moving and to that, all I can say is-------watch this space!

Lemme go get ready for Kevin's smile! I mean...the movie, ;-)

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Sunday, 10 January 2016


We cast our eyes on things that cause us doubt
Things, situations, lives, that aren't ours
Maybe they never will be or maybe not yet
The discomfort is, we're the least certain of what we'll get
Does that stop our curiosity of a different story?
One that we want to own where to ours is contrary?
Human nature seems to breed dissatisfaction
In what we have, who we are, the attraction
Of what we hold in our hands, of the pebbles on our path
Unless we're just afraid of looking as though we're last
But what makes for first or better, better off than we are?
More things, a different love, friends, last name?
Do we even know the answer or are we just slaves to disdain?
Disdain in ourselves, in time, in our true value
That consistently we're prone to wanting new
Wanting that and this and ignoring our chest of treasure
So much so that we cast our eyes on us, never?
Where their only direction is outward and far from
Our own talents even, God-given and strong
Taken away or forgotten, by ill-focus, buried and stolen
From ourselves, by ourselves, by dreams so swollen
Wishes that never come true, places we never can reach
'Cause we just won't let now teach us what it was meant to teach
Stretching the length of our journeys from here to the next pillar
By trying to claim what we haven't yet earned
We should be still, if we remember how
We should find comfort in the belief that now won't always be now


(c) 2016 Stacey Kell
2016 January 10

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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Ain't That A B I T C H?!?

Eh! I'd say. I'm standing with him on THIS one! Ugo, I-I'm standing with Ugo.

Making memories with the wrong person/people is quite haunting, to say the least. And it's a two-fold reason. At least, that's my take on it. You? You might feel differently and that's A-OKAY. I've said it before and I'll say it again. My psychiatrist (for a brief period) told me that no-one can or should argue your feelings, only your actions. So let's just all be allowed to feel how we feel.



What I do know about actions is that wrong is wrong and right is right. Whichever banner one chooses? Most times, those are influenced by upbringing, personal philosophies, preferences, etc but there are list of general wrong and right actions that are just understood, no matter where you come from. However, my belief is that right actions should be given just AS MUCH credit as the wrong ones are given. Human nature ofcourse, gives a fuck about that sometimes. Sometimes, one wrong action, or two or three puts a blanket over any and every good thing you might have done. To the point of non-existence. Even if the ratio of good and bad is something like 15:3.
Not all of the time!

That becomes one of the reasons that I'm like, "Ugo? High five on this one, bro!" That is one of the reasons that make me look back and say, "Hmmmmmmmm, well then I wish I'd spent all of that time making memories with someone who was upset enough to remember the bad times but also grateful for the good times. At least then, it would feel as thought it was worth it."

I don't agree with that solely because there are memories that I wish I hadn't made with whomever I made them with in my past. I certainly DON'T feel that way because I wish that NONE of it ever happened. If none of it ever happened, who would I be right now? Everything and everybody has a hand in moulding us, the good and the bad, the ugly and the funny. Sure, we all go through periods of "If I knew then what I know now" but you only know now what you know because of what happened then. So embrace your then. And use what it taught you, now.

No, on the other side, I agree too because I don't enjoy being regretted. It sucks, to be honest. Doesn't it? But who does, anyway, huh? Who DOES enjoy being regretted? It doesn't matter if you don't feel anything for that person, present day, the thought alone is unsettling. I really just can't imagine that there is anybody out there who wants to be that particular someone that a person spends the rest of their life wishing they never ever met.

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Thursday, 7 January 2016


At any given moment, in time or in place
Nothing resembles familiarity, not even a face
Just you standing there, still, in this spinning lair
With no recollection of how you actually got there
It's a maze, crazy, confusing, periodically deafening
Muffling the sounds of everything you're questioning
The answers lying somewhere beneath the barrier of chaos
In your mind or your heart or the parts that you lost
Sense? Such a thing claims the status of a memory
From somewhere in your past, huddled tight with serenity
And control sneaks away and hides behind the fog
Of a life without a handle for you to grip on
These moments stretch time like an elastic band
Until it gives out from being strained as much as it can stand
Where it simply breaks into two or refuses to compromise
Then either scatters in opposition or stands taught in an uprise
See the moments come first, right before the dissection
It seems you have to get lost before you find clear direction

(c) 2016 Stacey Kell
2016 January, 07

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Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Pleasant Poke!

Annnnnnnnd THAT it was!


No, don't.
Guttered minds are indeed a lot of fun! Heh-heh-heh! Let's not get started on two guttered minds coming together?!? Whoooooooooo-hooooooooo!!!! Nastyfreakinlicious, right?!?!

I could think o-------------A-HEM......what I was tryna say is? The poke I'm talking about was that needle in the gum that every human with a heartbeat is petrified of. Don't even try it! Men are too! I know a real human man who passed out from petrification!'s a word today. When the smelling salts come out, you know shit just got reallll up in that dentist chair! He was like, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH (thought screech) NEEDLE!" KO'D! Sissy! A-hem, I mean, one mississippi, two mississippi.....ay, I can't tell you the WHOLE story but all ima say is this. The dentist walked him to his car!

That gel though?! Shew! A Godsend if you ask me. Thanks to THAT gel and my dentists' pleasant personality, my appointment went ridiculously well today! So much so that I'm looking forward to my next appointment in two weeks. He couldn't numb both sides of my mouth. I wish he could've but he didn't want me dribbling like a circus clown when I went to visit my aunt after. Not like she hasn't seen grown folk dribble before. But at least liquor was involved then.

See, I'd donate my kidney! I would.....just don't hurt me! That means, don't take my kidney out while I'm awoke or not sedated. Doctor Poovan? He didn't hurt me. By the way that I was fisting the sides of my t-shirt in my hands, for nothing? You know when you're anticipating pain? Yeeeeah. Always good to be prepared. 'Cause you don't wanna feel the pain and THEN fist. Who DOES that dumb shit? He could tell, Ima chicken for pain.

But he was drilling and stopped when he heard my Whatsapp ring tone. It's a song. For the first time I wasn't ridiculed for having an actual song as my messenger ring tone. He stopped drilling to ask me who was singing. I told him. The assistant, myself and doc had a conversation about music of the then and nowww. So chilled. I didn't care that my lips were dry as fuck or that my thyroid was almost exposed. Admittedly, some of my answers sounded like this, "nnnn nge ngungiing ong ngongay ing ngong ang ngoong ang ngengore....." but he completely understood me.

Here's to Doctor Poovan!

To the rest of you......enjoy the rest of your Tuesday and Ramble Responsibly! ^_^!

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Saturday, 2 January 2016


You never can tell from one day to the next, what awaits us, huh? Thinking about that poor person whose car was burrrrrrrning when I left the mall on New Years Eve...O_O! Burning burning! Inside and out. I hope that he/she is alright 'cause you know some peeps------they get pretty attached to their cars.
"So? You came alone?"
"Ahhhhhhhh, jus me and Mildred...."

Then they have you nosily looking on top and around them for ol' Mildred, the new chick. O_o! It gets confusing people. Stop that crap!

When you name stuff, you automatically become emotionally attached! Everybody knows that. Not to hurricanes but other stuff like cars and penis's. Look, I'm in no way saying that you shouldn't already be emotionally attached to your private parts. They least they feel like they do. And hey, what would life be without them, right? But me? I've only named my kids. I'm not naming nothing that can't hug me or go to school!

That car though? On the bright side? Found a bright side, ofcourse! Whomever was in it, wasn't in it when we arrived at the scene. Not in the police way. In the driving outa the undercover parking way. I'm not a policewoman. Jus-just clearing that up. I don't like running. Or guns. But that means, they're alive! The car ofcourse is dead as a doornail by now. All I see when I drive pass that spot is the grey stain on the road. That thing was on fiuuuuuure!

Worst? It was burning directly opposite a petrol station! The street was already chaotically busy. New years Eve. Everybody needs bread rolls or liquor on New Years Eve. The mall that we were exiting is attached to the petrol station. It was ridiculously flooded with people! So the side brighter than the flames coming from that engine is that a whole lotta other people are alive too! Including myself, my son and my nephew being just four cars away from it!

Loss sometimes is a blessing in disguise. I'll bet it's kinda hard to find it in that situation because watching ya car go up in flames means, well now you have no car. But you have your life and more than anything, I really hope that the owner realizes that. I'm glad that they had time to exit, and I'm glad that nobody was hurt. It definitely coulda been a lot worst.

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Friday, 1 January 2016

Take It Back To The Beach....

That's one of the best local songs I've heard in a long time!

Today is the first day that I shall put my note in my happiness jar! And it shall not have one piece of NEGATIVITY in it! Shewwwwww, ENOUGH ALREADY?!

What's todays note? Nooooooooh, I'm not tellin' you. Lol! And besides, today isn't over. I'll write my list here on the last day of 2016!

So, here I is on the beach! If you know me, you'll know that I don't often beach it! I live ten minutes from the beach and if you catch me on that sand once a year, you're lucky! Why you'd be lucky, I can't say for sure. Meanwhile? I woke at the CRACK. Two hours sleep, fighting heat and fire crackers and my cousin Nadia, who told me she would be here at 6am, only woke when I arrived at the beach. Nevermind that the beach was her idea to begin with.

That's not cool.

Surprisingly, the weather is though! Perfect day for the beach. Not tryna roast like a Thanksgiving turkey up in this mutha!

Well? Lemme pay attention to my cousin that IS here. Yo? There's a family to the right of me? Alllll of them are knocked the F out on that blanket! I dunno if they slept over? Not allowed! But they're laying there like sardines, bodies on the sides so they all fit and dreaming! I'm imagining someone carrying that blanket and throwing them all in the sea like, WAKE UP! YALL TAKING UP OPEN-EYED PEOPLES PLACE HERE!

2015 has been a long year. 365 days long! He-he-he! I feel like all I did was work, at my job where personal accomplishments? I haven't made much progress far as my current books. I already said that in a previous post but?!?! I intend making the next 365 days count. Nothing major but I plan on doing better, even a page a week would do...........ohhhhhh ohhhh, ohhhhhh wait, she's arrived! With my son! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

......................... To be continued!

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Happy New Year!

In South Africa, it's 2016, January 1st, a noisy one at that, and no I don't mean, my family having a normal conversation. We're way too scattered right now for that.

These firecrackers, bear in mind that it's 1am here, are reeking havoc with Cruzzy boys nerves, poor thing, even WITH Calm-Eze for dogs. He's breathing heavier than me after seven steps of jogging! Hence, I don't jog. That breathing? Urrrrgh, no thank you very much!

Looks like I'm gonna need my eze calmed on the beach tomorrow from lack of sleep since I have to wake up before the sun tomorrow! Thank goodness I don't drink. Hangover plus exhaustion plus Durban's sun?!! Horrific combination.


It's been an interesting or rather, different, start to the New Year. Ofcourse, I spent the latter part of the evening at home with my faithful heavy breathing sidekick----Cruz as well as on Skype, but that's nobody's choice but my own. I was out earlier and found myself craving the silence of my refuge. My home. Might be age. I'll never know. Not like age comes clean at some stage like, "Hey! Remember when........"

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