Saturday 23 January 2016


Durban is suuuwelTering hot today. My aunts and I are stuck in my mums room where there is nooooooh breeze even with all of the windows open. Dad is watching cricket in the lounge. We're having the energy drained from our bodies by the heat but that's okay. It's okaaaay, Da!!!

Wtf?!?! Woah!!!!!!!! I thought that helicopter was tryna land on the roof here! I wonder who the hell they're looking for! Has to be SOMEONE if they're flying that low! Shew! Shouldn't be flying thaaaaat low! Low enough for you to feel as though they're two metres from your ears! Would I even have ears if it was flying two metres from me?


In other news......

I'm mentally saluting the scriptwriters here, there and everywhere right now! I've been trying to teach myself how to do it and eishhhh! Don't be looking at those scripts and snickering about, "So little words on the pages!" No, no! That is hard freakin' work! The formatting alone?!? Is time consuming as a mutha! I would have to take me a trip into the woods or something and cut life off to finish a script because if you thought writing novels was time consuming?

Lemme put it to you this way. After having written two full novels and way into the third, a childrens series of seven short stories, blogging and writing poetry upon poetry upon poetry? I'm not gonna sit here and say all of that is easy peasy lemon squeezy. It most certainly isn't. Definitely not when you have so many other commitments that demand your attention. But the formatting does make it seem less complicated and I'm harping on the formatting because with novels its just type and type and type while scriptwriting is NOT!

So, here I sit? Paying MUCH respect to scriptwriters all over the universe!

But I'm not giving up. I WILL finish a script or two or three or fifty in my lifetime. That's a promise! In time, I won't have a choice which is why I'm teaching myself as a head start. One day, I will talk more on that.

Talking about the universe? How's yours going? I'm fascinated once again by time since we're a week away from the end of the first month of the new year!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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