Thursday, 9 August 2012

Childish Weather

Not to worry....^_^! I'm still here. Yesterday was a bit of a hectic day! What with that heavy rain and then sun coming out. Too much elemental confusion to concentrate on anything else. I mean, you leave home? Raining in torrents! Dressed with so many layers of clothes that your mobility is scarred for life? That's why I didn't blog. My mobility was scared. I mean, scarred! Come lunch time? Out comes the sun and dries up all the rain...and the incy-wincy spi...


Sun comes out and you're body temperature begins to spike! Nevermind that you're tight in a long sleeve t-shirt, hoody sweatsuit, winter coat, scarf and cap that you knitted last year! Who can blog at a time like that? When you're being held hostage by velvet, wool and cotton? And that coat material?

I'm sitting here now. Have you ever had a fever? On your face, only? That's what this feels like? Like I'm a fire breathing dragon! Just with the heat of the fire, though! You know what I mean? You ever felt like a dragon? You ever been...called a dragon? When your breath? Like when you breath outa your nose? Your breath is scorching hot. I could fry an egg on my...wait? I didn't think that one through properly. Even my eyeballs just Crap?!? I'm not in Vegas, am I? Ohhhhh no. I'm home. I know because I'm alone. At home. On Women's Day.

Sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself. But no. I'm just hot. You know when you're in front of the class, reciting an oral and alllllll eyes are on you? Not like that. It's a different kind of heat. Around the facial area and in your carbon dioxide, that's all. This feeling usually causes me to turn to my left and start a conversation, and then realize? Oh!? Oh! Therrrrrrre's nobody there! Just me and my feverish face! Oh! Annnnd JLO in the Backup Plan. Nobody here to even irritate with hot breath. Uuuuuurgh! She's allll the way in the TV. Plus she's got enough to deal with 'cause she's pregnant and confused. And now she's in labour in the car, OUCHHH!

Now see? SEE???!!! That stroller can give a child "middle child syndrome"! One faces the person pushing it? It's a double stroller. But one child faces the pusher and the other baby faces it's twin, who CAN see the pusher! If I was a twin? I'd also wanna see my pusher. Instead of a psychiatrist later on down the line to work out why I was the one not being seen in the stroller when my mum pushed me down Madison Avenue.

Luckily, I didn't have "middle child syndrome"! I am the baby in our siblingdom of four. At thirty-nine? I'm not much of a baby but that's my title and I'm sticking to it! Hehehehe...I am the REASON why one orrrr two, of my siblings feel middle childish. Bwaaaahahaha! Although, right now? Right this minute? I feel somewhat like a middle child...or nobody's child. That's bad because I have face fever too. A fever-faced lonely child! Geese found that very funny just now. He said, "HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FACE FEVER?" I thoroughly enjoy it when he laughs in capital letters! And anybody else too, for that matter! For some reason? I find it so much more inspiring than, "hahahahahaha."

I found some friends to keep me company now. We're just chilling in the kitchen. I'm on the chair uncrossing my legs. I just remembered varicose veins and the fact that I don't want them. Unfortunately, my new buddy's are sausages and I'm about to fry them 'til they turn another colour. Hmmmmmmmm? Don't think that union's gonna last very long.
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