Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Silence is Golden

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!  It is fureeeeeeeeezing in Durban!  And that?  Is the weather report for the day...brought to you by the Rambler’s blue-nailed fingertips!

Have you ever, in anger, called someone a twit?  Do you know that you’re actually saying?  “BLAH BLAH BLAH, you pregnant goldfish!”  I just saw some interesting facts on my computer.  I dunno how they got there, but it says a pregnant goldfish is called a twit.  My entire life?  From the point that I can remember, is flashing before my very eyes right now.  Trying to recall if I’ve ever called someone that and who the pregnant goldfish was.  I’m gonna go out on a limb here and willlllldy guess that it was that thief that stole polony when I was very young and casually working at OK Bazaars.  But while we’re on the subject of limbs?

Seems my mum and Aunty Di are having a timmmmmme over in Canada!  Just received pics of them striking poses in a photo booth at some soul festival?!  Di was tryna be all gangsta, like a K1 Truck and Lovey was like...”Vogue...vogue...let your body move...”  Lemme tell you something, for nothing.  The “meet and assist” airline staff would feel relatively deceived right about now.  I’m certain of that.  I hope that none of them were at the carnival.   “Are these the same two that we were just pushing in wheelchairs to Gate D7 less than a week ago?”   BWAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!   That’s how hard I laughed when Wendy bbm’d me on Friday to tell me they’re running wild in Johannesburg airport in wheelchairs!  Thank goodness a Mafikizolo track didn’t start playing!  They woulda immediately given themselves away from how fast they giant-stepped outa the wheelchairs to tear it up! 

You know what?  Hold on a second.  This music is giving me separation anxiety.  O_o! 

The pleasant part of my singing voice appears to have detached itself from my epiglottis.  You see now?  I’m speaking, on a personal level.  My epiglottis is special.  It doesn’t just hang there like an ugly bat all day.  If that’s the only duty you have assigned to yours?  Ay, cool!  But mine kept the pleasant part of my singing voice, safe.  And now?  The pregnant goldfish has lost it

I remember a time when my kids would enjoy my singing.  Okay, I may be overstating that a bit, because they were never like...sing Ma, sing Ma!  But even in saying nothing?  You say something?  Right?  But this morning, Randyl sends me a bbm after I just woke her.  Obviously tired.  Traumatized?  Could be both, I dunno.  I’m still trying to get pass the pain. 

The bbm read, “Ma.  Please can you stop singing so loud in the morning, it wakes me up.”   Now, I can’t speak for you?  But to me?  I’m a sensitive soul.  I think.  But to me?  That’s saying something!  You can’t go from not saying anything to saying don’t do what you were saying nothing about all of this time and expect the recipient of the bbm not to feel somewhat slighted?  It’s different to the other time when she said something about, “Don’t play that song, don’t sing that song...you’re killing.  That song!”  Adele...Don’t You Remember.  I was depressed.  Adele knew how I felt, okay!  Sometimes?  To feel better?  You need to just let it all out.  You need to just come out with it and express other people. 

I-I dunno?  Maybe I’m just being thin-skinned or something.  She could have just been saying, “Ma?  Please just let me have my last few minutes of sleep...in silence.”  But the latter-mentioned...hehehehe...the latter-mentioned comment was specific.  The initial...hehehehe...I sound reallllly bright.  The initial-mentioned comment was too broad not to have a small piece of me feel as though somewhere in there, she was saying...”Rather sing when I’m not in the house”  

Sniff.   But?!  Luckily for me?  I’ve been in places where I had to sing...inside.  I would move my mouth to give myself the illusion that I’m on stage, singing to millions of screaming, adoring fans?  But I wouldn’t allow any sound to come out of it.  I think?  Tomorrow?  Just to make sure.  I’m gonna wait for her to wake, then sing.  Dependent on her reaction?  I’ll know whether, moving forward?  I should just do the whole mime-sing thing.    

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