Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Saturday, 27 April 2013
Re-United...and It Feels So Good!
Okkkkkkay! Shew! I'm back! You know how in This Christmas? When they do the soul train and the family members are on either side in a line and one at a time they do their best moves? Or funniest...down the middle? Remember that? It was at the end of the movie. Well? Nonnnnnnne of that going on here. This is a...a...soul circle. Which means the destination is the start. O_o! Now my mum and eldest brother are in the centre of it. OMG!
"Who? Who me?"
Gillian's looking at me with a dancing, bring it here, motion of the arm with that...that curling finger. Why is she sultrifying her eyes like that? She wants my cellphone. We'll fight to the death, lemme tell you! Ay? I hope she doesn't do that in the confines of her bedroom. I feel naked. How uncomfortable. Some men are into that kind of uncomfortable calling....way? I have my own bedroom, thank goodness. And there's nobody in it to call me....not thank goodness for that part. I miss Geese.
Loves got them dancing on the floor! And here I thought the melody was mostly to blame. You're never too old to learn, I guess. Annnnnnnd there goes Brindley again. This time with Sharde's mother, Lynn, my sister. My mothers other daughter and grandchild of my grandparents. That's what happens when you're the son of a Pastor. You progress from daughter to mother without anyone becoming suspicious. The onlookers just think they're encouraging you to stop dancing to worldy music, while they dance to it along with you. Trying to invite you to come to church in the morning. I don't know how anyone misses the fact that it usually takes all song long to do it. I'm thinking it's a trick. Or a stubborn, heathen, relative.
I'll be back! Billie Jean. Need I say more? Alrighiiiiiidy then. I love Michael Jackson! More? Uhm! Dead or alive. That's all you're getting. Oh? He was apparently spotted in South Africa. I'm not surpised. I spot people daily and they aren't even celebs. I'm not dancing. Just inhaling the greatness that is he!
Now the music's telling the ladies to let their bodies flow. Baddddd advice! Specially if you have spells where you believe you're a lady. Yet you normally stand to urinate. Ooooops! Eh. I've heard of that happening. Somewhere in a dessert. When it's hot. I'm not making this up. Google, "confusing effects of the dessert sun." And if nothing to the tune of what I just told you, comes up? Don't believe them. Use yahoo. But then again, they might be in co-hoots to prove me wrong? Walls aren't the only things with ears. Yahoo, ears, and you'll see how many your internet connection has. We're safe nowhere!
SEE? SEEEEEEEE? And look at that! Brindley's now jazzing with my MOTHER! That's climbing directly up the generation ladder, right there! Unnoticed! He's not even eleven yet! Even going out and coming in. You know how when your partner makes you do that? Yeahhhhh! Annnnd? Back to Lynn! Can't watch! Haaaaaahahahahhaha! The kid is as slick as....? What's a slick thing? Well? Whatever came to mind? He's slick like that thing.
I'm just kidding around. He's our little nephew. Can see his my mums grandson. That boy loves a good party! And shed's real, silent, face turning blue, tears when it's time to go home. Each and every time. Strange fact? This very hall we're having this reunion in? It's where they will come to church tomorrow, so earlier he says to his father. "Look at what they're doing to our church?" Meanwhile, com're, lemme tell you a secret.......you haven't gotten off the floor since! Little hypocrite. LOL!
And now? Now, I reallllllllllllllly miss Geese. You are my Lady, by Freddie Jackson, is playing. Nooooooooh, he didn't sing this to me or play this track for me. But I am...his lady. And I miss him and really wish he was here, not hundreds of miles across the ocean. Ironically, my mum and dad are the only ones on the dance floor, waltzing to this song.
So I need me a moment.
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Believe in Yourself
"If you knew then what you know now? What would you do differently?"
Sitting here, looking at the irony of that very status. Eh! There truly are times that I marvel at life's whispers. For me, this status was something of a foreshadowing for me. Because like I said, I'm sitting here, Friday morning, knowing exactly...aargh! I'm not gonna bore you with that. For right now, though....
I'd gotten some responses where ofcourse, not all were the same. Some were content and would change nothing. Like Crystal and Ralph. Liars! I'm KIDDING! I'm kidddddddding! HAHAHAHHAHA! Drop the bricks. I prefer my skull...closed. And dry. Maybe they were just shy to say. Maybe they actually werrrrre THAT content. Which would make them one or two of the few people I know, that are! And that in itself, for me, is an admirable place to be at in your life.
Either way. Some wanted degrees. It's never too late, Maree. You're still young enough to achieve that! Three years will get you one. Six months if you pay the lecturer! A-HEM! Others? Like one of my daughter-nieces? I have lots of those. Even daughter-unrelated ones! Would change a lot. I don't blame you, my child. Mishy wasn't specific, though. Oh! And Donny? Donny woulda waited for the water to boil before he put the noodles in! Lol! That was funny. Can see he's American! No. No, really, you can. He looks South African Black or Coloured, but I can see he's not. Helps to be from here to know the difference. Not only is he gifted, musically? But he's always hungry. Go-figure. Go figure, what? I don't know, but it seemed like following with that was the right thing to do.
But that's as far as it went, because I de-activated my Facebook account yesterday morning. Why? Well? Plainly put? EVERY CHOICE BEARS A CONSEQUENCE. I was taught and I've seen it with my own eyes too. I would have have to have some kinda powers to see it through anybody else's. That even NOT choosing has a consequence. Now? When you're a chicken with a choice? Like I am? Even worse! I chose a big loss over a small one. Which is horrible. It's beyond horrible. It's shameful.
Hey! Enough with Rambler bashing. Oh, sorry. I'm the one bashing the Rambler. But look? A word of advice. If you take that little sentence with you wherever you go? The one in capital letters that makes it sound like I actually have some sense? It might help you to stop and think, before you do. Anything.
My only hope is that my blog readers from there, caught my message to come and visit me here, before I mysteriously disappeared off of their status feeds. Globally, ofcourse? That's wishful thinking on my part. It would be impossible but I'm keeping the faith that they were all logged on and paying attention for the five minutes that it woulda been up. Ha! As if I live in the magical kingdom of Terabithia. And if they weren't, which I'm trying to constantly deny, then I've just lost over a thousand readers. That was my highest post view on my page. Butttttt?!? Such is life, I guess. Sometimes, you win and sometimes, you lose.
As far as the status question, I put up? For me? It's simple. Going back to my childhood days, I'd have believed in myself a little more. The possibilities woulda been endless! When you finally have that sense of belief, what should have come naturally......comes naturally. You explore your talents. You're confident. It's easier to express yourself. Even when you fail it doesn't become a thing of planning your jump off of the nearest bridge. No. The blow to your self-esteem is much lighter.
There's no fear of being alone. With belief comes strength. And with strength comes courage. With courage...(I'll stop soon)...comes the unmistakable feeling that you are the navigator of your own life.
You're able to stop just, drifting through life. I've drifted for the most part. Just....such a lack of self-confidence. All I knew was that, this is the path that I chose and whether or not it fulfills me? It's all I'm gonna get. And then I'll die. And sppend all of eternity regretting the things I never got to do.
I guess for us all, the reasons differ. But at times, belief in yourself or lack thereof, comes from whomever it is that you let into your life. The ones that you were born in the midst of. And the ones that keep in your life. I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I'm in a much better place than I was before. I didn't get here on my own. Not by any means. All I'm trying to say is, it's never to late to live the life that you were meant to. All it takes is something, significant, good or bad, to happen in your life. Or someone, good or bad, to happen to your life. When you have a point at which to compare? You then realize how much you're missing out on or how much you have lost, without being your own cheerleader. Much like when you begin to believe in yourself and you're going through the motions, you, at some point, are able to look back and realize how far you've come.
As I said, I still have far to go, but I'm a long way from where I've been. So? There...looking at that question in a long-term sense? That's what I'd do differently.
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Ranting at Random
Monday, 22 April 2013
A Little Victory, Leads to Bigger Things….
Friday, 19 April 2013
The Guru of Buttcheeks…!
Monday, 15 April 2013
Back to the Grind
Phewwwwwwww!!!!!! What a week it's been! Had this been Saturday? All I'd have been thinking is, "Thank goodness I didn't have to smile in real-life! These emoticon thingy's sure do come in handy at times. Can I call that an emoticon thingy? Hmmmmmmmm? I'm sure I can. And if I can't? I'm still thankful for them because I'm too exhausted to use however many muscles it takes to make my mouth smile. Not that I can smile with my ears. And if I could, I wouldn't have the energy to use the muscles to make those smile either. I cannnn move them back and forth though. Look!!!! No hands! I wonder how many people in the world can do that? My dad can...he probably taught me. But I taught myself how to plat my hair. And got it right sitting on a car as a little girl on Park Rynie Beach. How I remember that so clearly is beyond me. Hey? Was sunblock available to Coloureds then? I'll be furious if it was 'cause we came back from camping navy blue. I wonder what's the weather gonna be like tomorrow. Still can't believe how cold Philadelphia was. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I miss him. My eyes are starting to sting. Did Damon finish his Ronaldinho project in school? Note to self...check with him. I think I did a good job on Paige's hair last night. That's what mums are for. Partly. Dye and iron their daughters' hair while falling asleep. While. Praying they don't accidently singe off the prints on four of the fingers on their left hand as they periodically go limp as she dozes off to the sound of the iron. No. Iron's don't sound. Make sound. Shhhhhhhhhhh! Not you, the iron! Hairdryer sounds can put a person off to sleep. Having ex-fingerprints would be painful. If they don't? Mums. Then who will? Where are aunty's when you need them? Nooooh! Just remembered. This school term will end with control tests! SHIT!!!! Late nights of testing soon. Wait?!? The chair issssss done, right!? Yes! Yes! We got an A+. I still will never understand the grading of the chair versus the report. Shrug. I just thought-shrugged without lifting a shoulder. Damon's dance show was great tonight. Nevermind, I didn't wake in time this morning. That's...not what mums are for. To get up late on dance day. Any day. On any day, it's not a good day. Late days are bad. Bad mum. Where was the alarm when I needed it?!? Oh yeah? Next to my head. God! I'm exhausted. No, that wasn't a statement. It's me telling God, that I'm exhausted and that he needs to step in before I break, fall and shatter. I should be sleeping right now. But I'm too high on tiredness to do the right thing. Rest. I had twelve hours straight sleep the one day while I was at Geese's. That's half a day! He was so proud of me. What time do I have to be awake tomorrow? Soccer...my head. Hurts. Let's hope I hear my alarm this time. This morning was a disaster. Let's ho........"
It's a good thing that it's not Saturday or else you'd have to listen to me ramble on and on about the week I've had. Heheheheheheh! "So?????????? You're stressed out? Already?" Lasssssst week, I was. Pshhhhhhhhhh! Puleeeeeeeeeeaze! Whose blog are you reading?.................................................This week? I have different...like? See? Last week, it was all the chair and hair and work and get up early, the show, dance and little sleep. But this w...Sighhhhhhhhhhhh, yeahhhhhhh! Yes, I am.
Didn't take long, did it? Some of you might want to point and reckon, "Weak woman!" And you have every right to. Most of us are free to do as we please but I'll be honest with you. I am weak in certain areas. ESPecially when it involves cold. And well? Cockroaches. But this has nothing to do with either. Neither does it have anything to do with swimming in the ocean. Sea sand...ewwwwwwwww! This has everything to do with coming home and immediately being bombarded with too much for someone who's just arrived from being totally relaxed for three weeks in a different time zone.
But it's like? Okay? Lemme put it to you this way. Did you see that thing spinning on top of that tornado this past week? "There's a TOP of a tornado!?! O_o! Wait?!? There was a tornado this past week?" In the life and times of me, The Rambler? Yes there was! And I was the thing on top of it. That's the very reason I haven't blogged since I've been back! Aside from the fact that it felt kinda impossible to keep a single thought together while getting spun dizzy? I didn't think you'd appreciate slurred typing where most paragraphs ended with my thumb pressed on zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Even in that state, one still has to take the time to be considerate. It's been so bad that my body has completely forgotten that Geese made sure that I got alllllllllllll of that rest while I was over there. Which is just sad! Because he made a point to ensure that I relaxed out all of the past one and half years since we've seen each other, and leave from there, feeling loose-shouldered!
I don't know why I keep thinking that life will somehow be on a slowdown, just because I'm jetlagged! Until I get a painful reminder that you'd have to be realllllllly special, Jesus-special, wouldn't you? For life to take your fatigue into consideration. I should create one of those text pics of myself looking all bedraggled that reads, "Life be like...AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FA DAT!" That one's for you Geese! Lol! (I showed him that video and all I've been hearing, is, Sweet Jesus, it's a fiurrrrrrre! Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!).
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
Sunday, 7 April 2013
All Good Things Come to an End!
Do I have to see this? I just step onto the plane, having jussssssssst left Geese out there? I watched for him 'til I saw him turn the corner, once I'd gone pass security where he couldn't see me anymore. But this woman is throwing up in bags and bags and uuuurgh. More! Oh god! Where is alll...#*@+ it! I'm not gonna sit here trying to make sense of the amount of....ohhhMG! I am more than a fairly sympathetic person but nottttttt now. Not now.
Not now, when I'm the at this moment, desperately seeking sympathy. The attendant has rightfully advised that they stay at the airport, grounded, for a few more hours and catch a later flight because she doesn't look well? But? No! Appears she's feeling well enough to fly. Her son is now crying for water, OMFG....I swear he is crying, "Haiyor! Haiyor!" Those at home will know why that's an OMFG moment! I am nothing less than perturbed that I was this clueless about the fact that Indian people didn't only use "Haiyor" to express sadness, or shock, at home!
But?!? For real, though? "Haiyor" is universal?! O_*! Don't ask me what face I just made. It looks like a have a black eye. I didn't mean for that to happen, I just needed something more than the normal confused look I usually use to show how much finding this out has affected me.
Well? The DC airport isnt as busy as I'd imagined it would be. Keep looking for him. This sucks. I miss him. Already! I will say this much. He's dead on target when he talks about how this back and forth has to stop. One heart can only break but so many times!
Time to board. :-(
Sitting on this plane now. Just feels like I'm going in the wrong direction. When ur heart, your affections, are spread across countries? It never feels right having to leave either one of them. I guess it won't surprise you to learn that the first on-board movie I watched was Thunderstruck staring Kevin Durant. As Kevin Durant! Did I spell his name correctly? Basketball! That is one of my fondest memories from being over there! I truly got a feel and understanding for the game and thoroughly enjoyed watching and pointing my hand at the TV in disappointment when our team would do something stupid, blending beautifully with Geese's very loud words of disgust. Or just when Hawes was being his dangly, clumsy self.
And now? It's time to turn off all electronic devices. Bastards...you'd think they'd have come up with a way to be able to google-chat with the loved one's you're leaving behind, whilllllle ur leaving them behind! People have time to threaten nuclear war but when it comes to love? Nobody has the time to come up with one network to service all countries, which doesn't affect aircraft mechanics while you google-chat! "Ensure that your cellphone is set on flight mode when you turn it off, so that when you turn it on? Whooooo? The heck wants to turn it on anyway, when it can't do anything but stare back at you saying, "And the reason ur draining the life outa me right now, is...?" Hmmmmmmpf! I'm sensing some messed up priorities here! And then it's, "All's fair in love and war." Nohhh, it's not. Okay, the attendant is coming! Shit! I'll be back in a whole lot of hours time!
Sometime in the afternoon of 7th of April....
Well? I'm back home now. Almost! I left Philly at 13.50pm yesterday, sat and sulked in DC for three hours. Was in the air for another sixteen hours and now? I'm in Johannesburg! It's 5pm and they're asking for my right arm and my two tired limbs, which include the swollen feet I'm having to squeeze into my Timberland boots, to get me on an earlier flight to Durban. All. That means? Is that I get to sulk for fourrrrrr more hours before my next flight! Ohhhhhh yeah! I'm not done with aviation jusssst yet! But?! On the bright side? I cannnn talk to Geese while I sulk, so it's at least gonna be bearable! So...excuse me while I do that!
Annnnnnd back to the off with the cellphone garbage again! This is getting tiresome. I'm gonna have to write to someone to see what they can do about this on-off cellphone crap! It's dark now. I've dried my eyes. And I'm off to Durban. I have a question. Has you're heart ever been heavy and light at the same time? Well? Fly a-way from your man and to-wards your kids and you'll be able to understand exactly how that feels. And now? I have to go, my gran is already barred from flying...I can't take that chance!
Touchdown in Durban! Nothing like watching your son running towards you when he gets sight of you and then feeling him hold you so tight 'til you think you're gonna break in two, to lift your spirits. Paige was waiting at home with my other surrogate daughter, Lindsie with more uplifting hugs and happy faces! I think I've been missed! And Geese and I haven't stopped talking other than when we had to! He's over in Philly eating now. I know that because now that I'm on the ground? Google-talk works! As for me? It's pass 2am and ofcourse, I can't sleep! Before I go, I am really glad that you guys got a chance to formally meet him...
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