Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Ranting at Random

I don't know about you, or you!  Yes, you.  The one pointing to yourself asking, "Me?"  There’s nobody behind you.  But times sure have changed, haven't they?  I don't deny that change is good.  We all need to change and evolve!  Or so they say!  Me?  I say why fix what's not broken.  These people, on the other hand, keep tinkering with shit that's working fine!  Only to +#*@ it all up and blame dead presidents!

So then we sit.  I'm on my desk chair right now.  I don't know where you're sitting.  Hopefully not on some white sanded island, because I’m not in the mood to feel jealous today.  But wherever you are?  We sit.  And wait.  For the next thing to change.  And all of a sudden?  Looking for a high school for your child becomes beyond painful?  Ay!  I don't need thaaaaat much change.  I just need a high school for my kid.  Period.  Preferably, one that I don't have to sell myself, my house and possibly my children, to finance.

I was alive and so were you, when we were promised free education.  Remember that?  It might have just been the euphoria of whooooo-hooooo, no more apartheid.  People say stupid things when they’re all joyful and happy.  Whatever it was.  Joke time is over.  Not like we knew it was a joke to begin with.  But what isssssss funny?  Is how the good change never sees the light of day!?  That would be too much like right in a wrong-run situation! 

Instead, not only do we have to pay a gazillion times more than what it costed back in 1994?  But it's become quite obvious that we may very well die waiting for that to actually happen.  Some people were like, "Whaaaa-what?!?  O_O!  Free education?"  Popped out twelve more children, "Viva free eduation!  Vivvvvvvva!"  Just so that those twelve could get what the previous six didn't!  And now all they can do is stand there and look shell-shocked about, "How the hell are we supposed to educate our children, you lying bastards!"  I wasn't one of them but I know how some people think.  And then promptly go and vote these liars back into government!  "Viva, a packet of sugar and three loaves of bread, Viva!" 

Okay!  Cool.  Then, we'll pay.  The best things in life are free, apparently.  Education not being one them.  By now we’ve concluded that!  They could only be talking about one thing!  Chocolate. Which makes that saying, about as true as the free education bullshit we were sold two decades ago.  But when you're considering looking for a place that pays for the donation of your hard-earned blood to be able to afford these schools?  Yes!  My blood is hard-earned!  Don't forget that my heart is on the opposite side of my chest to yours.  That qualifies as hard-earned, in my books.  Free education, then plain passes the mark of a broken promise and moves straight towards a blatant lie

You know?  It's not even so much the paying part.  Okay, it is.  The amount.  Not the principle!  But then, you have to practically send your kid seventeen thousand kilometres west of the eastern border to be satisfied that they're getting at least a decent education!  Us?  We went to our community schools.  We walked there.  In the rain, sometimes.  And still, countless successful people have emerged from them!

In our days?  And I purposely left out the word, olden!  That's for when I describe my seventy-year old dad.  Who by the way, agreed to homeschool my son once he saw that I was on the verge of tears over this whole school issue.   Meanwhile?  I was at a party.  How embarrassing.  "Booooooo-hooooooooo!"  That's me crying.  "Why are you crying?"  That's someone asking me why I was crying.  "I can't deal with this school palava!" "Shutup and dance, you're ruining the mood, you moron!"  "O_o!"  That's me wondering how I managed to surround myself with insensitive party animals!  But thankfully, I caught my tears in time!  So nobody had to call me a mood-ruining, moron!  However?  I immediately started googling and managed to aggravate whoever sat on my table by reading out aloud, everything I could find on homeschooling.  Jussssssssssst in case someone wanted to call me a moron!  I'd then be one up on them!  I didn't care.  Nothing was stopping them from getting up to dance!  I was in the middle of a crisis.

Now?  Where was I?  Oh yeah!  Back in the day?  There was little to no thought about the schools that you would attend.  My mum and dad worked very hard for us.  Just like many other parents in our community.  At work.  That's where hard work SHOULD take place.  Everything else, should be enjoyable.  Enjoy the kids when you get home.  Enjoy feeding them.  Enjoy scolding them.  You know?  In these times?  Everything has become hard work.  Work.  Play.  School.  Walking...especially on the beachfront.  Tourists?  Please?  Moonbags and walking in the dark.  No!

This rant is only because I wanna be as calm, cool and confident as my parents were where school was concerned.  Maybe I should rename my blog, Ranting at Random...I do alot of it.  But do you blame me?  I live here.  I need to talk sometimes.  And you’re the one’s who are forced to listen.  I’m sorry.  And thank you.  As I was saying, I don't want to have to agonize over education.  It’s a right.  Supposedly.  But it’s fast becoming a privilege to afford a good one.  If I send him, here?  Am I a bad parent?  If I send him there?  How the f+@# am I going to pay?  If I send him to that one?  How will he get there?  I want to go back to the days when I was in school, except I wanna be the parent! 

You'd think that with the advancement of technology?  Brains should follow suit.  I mean?  Brains do invent technology, don't they?  Oh wait.  What was I thinking?  None of them are from our cabinet. I wasn't thinking.  MUCH like our cabinet. Those are brand, spanking new brains.  That belong in a wooden cabinet, if any!  Aaaaaaaaaaah-ti-shoooooooo!  %$@$%#^%^%$%

Bless me!  


I think I might be allergic to thoughts of our government.  Aaaaaaaaaaaah-ti-shoooo!  Damnit!  Gimme a moment to sneeze them outa my system!  What I'd really love is if they were out of THE system!  And I've just said to myself, "Are you honestly that surprised?"  It’s been almost two decades of this crap!  Because I KNOW manners, as Summer would say.  Lol!  Kids!  I answered myself with a big fat, "No!"  Still......doesn't help my dilemma but here, dilemma is the order of the day, nonetheless.

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