Monday, 29 February 2016

The Ring or The Marriage?

I just saw this stupid shit on Facebook and my first reaction was, "Wow? As if it's actually ABOUT the ring?!"

Ofcourse, because I so often converse with myself. I answered my own question too. My mind, she's but a war zone, I telya! "No, ingrate. It's about the marriage!" At that point, there was a further unwelcomed influx of thoughts and visions and memories streaming mercilessly into my mind. Blinking them away, didn't help. Unfortunately.

I, myself---wait? Why do people say that? I, myself included! Isn't I, myself? Like, you? Yourself?

>_<! Sorry. Sidetracked as usual!

What I was starting to say is.....When I got engaged about three years ago, awwwwww it was the prettiest ring, dainty and charming. Prettiest, prettiest thing! Really was. But because quality is no longer what consumers are offered in exchange for their money, it broke and I had to post it back to be fixed under it's warranty and then the relationship ended? Talk about signs. I never saw it again. Now the crazy thing is that here in SA, I don't know about anywhere else, but the woman here don't buy the man a ring for their engagement. They buy the man a ring when it's time to exchange vows in holy matrimony. But it was a long-distance relationship so I decided that I'd buy one because well? He doesn't have me there but at least when he looks at his finger, I will be in some form.

Thaaaaaaaat? Didn't go as well as I'd hoped. Let's just say, I know what it feels like to have a ring that I bought, hated. He gladly accepted the ring and at first, he didn't say it out loud but there came a cringe-worthy moment where no words were necessary. I knew it the instant that I was sitting on his bed and he walked out of the room and back in to show me the wedding ring that his ex-wife had bought him. Ofcourse, I was hell embarrassed but I swallowed it, quietly while trying to pretend that it didn't hurt me. It did. I did that a lot. I still do that a lot. I've been doing that practically my whole life. Not a good habit to carry through life because when allll the things that you should have said in alllllll of the moments that you should have said them, are left unsaid?

Hold on a second......I gotta breath after that one.


They sit inside of you and fester and without knowing it, it begins to negatively affect that relationship with whomever you're swallowing embarrassment or anger towards. Eventually, it begins to negatively affect the feelings that you have for that person. Too much resentment built up inside for all of the things they have said to you where you heard them and felt something but did or said nothing to let the EFFECT of them out where maybe if you expressed yourself, you might find that that person didn't really mean it the way that it came across or that they did and it was in the heat of the moment and they apologize and then it's over and you can release it. But, saying nothing? You will never know. All you will know and remember is how it made you feel and you will simply continue feeding the sore inside until it becomes untreatable.

I will admit, it was a boss ring too. I see why none that followed would ever compare. See? The time that I got married back in 1997? Unless you were extremely wealthy? That's what the men wore. A plain, gold, wedding band. So that's what I bought. Plus we weren't getting married to begin with and I really wasn't meant to buy a ring for the occasion. But to me, it was fitting and as far as I knew, he wasn't the flashy type either. So I THOUGHT I did alright. NOT!

Lemme just-----lemme just take a minute to ask myself something.
ME: "You know what thought did?"
ME: "What?"
ME: "He planted a feather and thought a chicken would grow."

I'm feeling this invisible man's pain right now 'cause eventually, when things turned real bad, he did say it. So I know what it's like to have the ring that I bought referenced as "the piece of shit ring you bought."

I was at a baby shower on the weekend. Yes, we did just go from rings to baby showers. Be patient. Madness always has a method. Well? Seeing as it hadn't yet started-----------four or five hours---------- after it was meant to and we up and left? I'd say, I was allllllllmost at a babyshower this weekend. Just as a sidenote? I think that's pretty disrespectful of someone else's time. I coulda been curled up on my couch. That's how I like to spend my Saturdays. Doing the bare minimum and most times, I get it right. I don't particularly jump at opportunities to leave my house. This starting a hundred hours late seems to be the order of the day with functions in recent times and it's unacceptable.

Not too long ago and by that I mean, ten years or so, baby showers and kitchen tea parties used to be all of the ladies sitting huddled in the living room of the host's house while the mum-to-be sits on a comfy pillow in the middle and tries to guess who bought what. Occasionally, when she was wrong, she would get slimed with an unsavoury flour mixture and cracked eggs. I, myself? LOL! I don't like all that messy crap but it's all in the fun. Just not when it's time to shower.

Imagine if you will, that scene from Something About Mary--------but with ya hair standing stiff in all directions because of a flour and water mix! Attempting to wash dried flour mixture outa your hair when you're that pregnant is far from fun but eventually. It comes out. :-/ These simple, less sophisticated parties were the best.

These days? It's all about gardens and halls and decor and candy corners and outfits. Women today are just too deep into that high-rolling, flashy, materialistic crap. Look, I don't blame a woman for needing to know that there will be a measure of financial stability in her future but the deal breaker can't be the calibre of car or the size of the mansion or the amount of zero's in his bank balance. A steady job still pays the bills. It shouldn't be where if you can't be kept then he's not good enough. There's nothing wrong with you being part of a working couple. He works. She works. No woman's ever died from having to go out and work to help support the household and her habits.

This shit about I want a man who can dress me and feed me and wine me and dine me and pay my way through life while I sit on my ass and look pretty, is bullshit! And you will see just how rotten a plan that was when that man decides to up and chuck with all of his money and you're left staring at ya newly manicured nails with no experience out in the workplace.

I'd assume that someone who laughs at the ring that her man bought to propose to her with, would be one of these types of "keeping up with the jones'" woman. I hope that he took his ring back along with his proposal because if the size or the type of ring is what has her questioning her future with him then she doesn't deserve that husband. Before you look to a man to support you, you better make sure that you can support yourself without one! That's just the reality and it works both ways too.

We're far from perfect, us woman and men. I'll be the first to admit that. But this crap? Maybe I took such offence to the way that this woman tore her man down because I just never really was one for gold and diamonds, I don't know. My weakness is clothes and sneakers and even those have to be something that I can afford to by my damn self by way of cash, NOT credit!

But lemme tell you something? If I had a man whom I believed TRULY loved me? I'd proudly accept his proposal with a twisted fuckin wire around my finger. And I know, I know there are still plenty of women out there who would do the same.

It's not about the ring.

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Sunday, 28 February 2016

Happens All The Time

Talk becomes cheap when you've heard it all before
The wait feels too long when actions have a zero score
Nobody has a lifetime to waste hanging onto words
From a mouth that's never proved they had any worth
You become weary of the war and you make the decision
That it's either go or it's stay in that same ole position
Keep being the one faulted, the one holding promises
As empty as a holey water can tryna contain its droplets
You wander off, recalling the journey, recounting the stages
But when you turn back, miraculously they've written new pages
I've seen it all before, it happens all the time
Mistakes made on the first try become the last of that crime
After spirits have been ruined, lessons suddenly resonate
The next gets the best of the effort that shoulda been made
Can't argue with life though and the way things unfold
What's meant to be will be, that's what we're constantly told
Doesn't help any when you're left feeling like a pilot project
Clutching desperately to lost time like a slippery object
You begin questioning your importance in the life of that someone
And wonder why change came only after you became the last one

By (c) 2016 Stacey Kell

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Tuesday, 16 February 2016


We're having rain today!

WITH thunder and lightning and I'll bet there are some old schooler's who have been feverishly running for sheets and towels to cover every mirror in the house but hey?

We're having rain and that's allllll that matters.

Keeping my fingers crossed that it's gonna last beyond today.

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Yup, it's barely reached lunch time here in Durban but it's been a very interesting day so far.

Truthfully, I have the urge to burst into tears right now because I just saw a piece of who I WAS in someone else and honestly, it wasn't a pleasant sight.
And now?

Finally, I get it.

I finally get why it becomes SO damn frustrating to the point of anger to hear someone bending and burning your ear repeatedly with the same shitty complaints and the same bullshit talk where after the hundredth time, you think they've heard you, where even for a brief second, they've shown you that they've heard you and then.........

It's back to the same ol' same ol'.

Yeah, I actually do get it now and on some level, I used to believe that it was a cold and insensitive thing to say or do but THIS is the reason why people end up not giving a fuck about what others are going through anymore. Why they very quickly turn to look the other way when they hear that all familiar sound of empty complaining. Complaining to complain. And I call it empty because it contains nothing. Only words. It's a momentary thing and it's draining at best. They stop giving a damn because it's a waste of their time and energy and precious breathe to open their ears to listen to and open their mouth to talk about.

The thing is this. Inside, I knew it.  After it was taught to me.  Because I have verbally passed on that very same teaching over these years. And that is, if you're not willing to change it, then don't complain about it.

Now I just saw it, live.


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Monday, 15 February 2016

Maybe In Another Life.....

It's dark outside. I hear them teeny weeny little raindrops. They got jokes, I'll you that much. Either that or they got it real bad for a game of peek-a-boo! Even on the rare occasion that it pours down, it's not going on for days and days. Hell! It's not going for even half a day. And before it can settle into any kinda puddle, the sun blareth once again and gone is the water from whereforth it came.

Our water situation is still grave and growing worse by the day. Sigh. I can't wait for Feb to be over. I'm hoping that March will bring us some decent rainfalls, if the rest of Feb thinks that because it's got 29 days that it has the right to misbehave! This heat in Durban is something else, it's as if you can actually feel that there is either little or NO filter between us and the sun.

Spoke to my souly earlier and he told me that it's snowing out in Baltimore again today. Which is late for the US, right? But then I don't really know 'cause when I was out there in an October? It snowed. When I was out there in a March? It snowed. I guess at this stage, the secret's out. Weather's alllllllll fucked up and then some.

Mannnn, I remember my first experience with snow out in Philly. We don't even smell snow in Durban. Unless you're willing to drive three or four hours when it snows in the Drakensburg mountains. Me? I'm not about that driving three or four hours when it snows in the Drakensburg mountains life. Unless someone else is driving. You're lucky to get me to drive forty-five minutes to Umhlanga Rocks!

I'd never, EVER, in my entire life, felt such cold but lawwwwd that snowfall nothing short of spectacular! Colllllld, cold, ice cold snow, LOL! But still, breathtaking, unforgettably beautiful snow!

Hey? Do you ever wonder about peace and why it is that it's so difficult for when you find it, to keep it? I have been. I feel restlessly peace-less since Friday. Hey? Unless three years was all that was allocated to me. Hahahahaha! My mind is laughing like a crazy person at how ridiculous that even sounds.

Maybe I'm jumping the gun because admittedly, I do get these short spurts of downward spirals as far as my spirit and then it eventually passes but it's an extremely tiring period because that's when my mind won't let me rest. Not about anything. And you know when I think to myself, "Lemme play some music...." And immediately thereafter I reply, "Nah, not today."

Maybe in another life......

Sometimes I wish that it were possible to jump back into that picture that I see in my mind right now. I'm wearing a yellow shirt and bellbottom jeans and the only thing that I really had to worry about was which doll I should play with that day.

I'm off to bed.

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Sunday, 14 February 2016


Felt like I needed to post this. So I am. I feel exhausted today and my head hurts. Lol, maybe I'm thinking too hard, huh? I should stop before smoke starts coming outa my ears but that's something I've never been able to master stopping once it starts. Not the smoke. HA! Not the smoke. Just the fire going on in my mind.

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Now Is All The Time That We Have...

I'm about to go to bed.

Hope you all had a good day today. I HOPE that you realize that life is unpredictable where one day you're here and the next, you're not. My day? It was a mixed bag. Death always makes me think. And question and wonder. Whether or not whomever has passed was known to me, or someone close to me. It doesn't matter. It's always had an effect on me and today it made me really restless where I had more questions than I had answers. Which is something that throws me off balance completely simply because it prompts over-thinking on my part, and that usually prompts unrest within me.

So I HOPE that whomever you have in your life right now, I hope that you are taking cognisance of the fact that tomorrow is a mystery to us all and every single day after that. There are no guarantees that once you part ways with anybody, be it for a day, an hour or even a year, that you will ever see them again.

I've had many experiences with death throughout my life just as I'm sure you have. Uncles, aunts, baby nieces, grandparents and friends and what sticks with me for a while after is that there is no time left with that particular person anymore. There is no time left to say you're sorry, no time left to show love, no time yet to sit and have even a short conversation. So much is left unsaid, undone, unfixed because we take the familiar sunrise for granted and the fact that whomever was there today will still be there tomorrow.

It doesn't always work out that way and when it's too late. It's just that. Too late.

I acknowledge Valentine's Day simply because I'm a hopeless romantic but if there is someone who means something to you, you need to show them now and not wait for days like these to come around. If there is someone who's hurting because of you, make peace with them now and not while you're standing over their coffin.

Now is all of the time that we have.

If any of my family and friends are reading this right now, I'm sorry that for the most part, in recent years, I've become somewhat reclusive and selfish with my time and energy. It is not your doing. It is mine. With every day that passes, I am not who I was all of those yesterdays. We all change and transform over time due to experiences and growths thereof. A little for the better and at times for the worst but even in times of hibernation, I am aware that I'm not one person made up of just me. That my entirety is made up of little bits and pieces and people and places and moments that I've encountered, both present and past and even if I am not thinking of you in congregation, I am thinking of you at some time. I don't pretend that you knowing that will make your life or at the very least make up for moment's lost but I sure HOPE that knowing that I see every single one of you in everything that I am surrounded by, whether it is a word, a song, a quote, a smell or my reflection, that that will bring to you even a pin points sense of acknowledgement and remembrance.

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Saturday, 13 February 2016

Happy Love Day!

I wish all of you guys an unforgettable Valentine's Day!

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Congrats Are In Order

They did it!  DUN DUN DADUUUUUUNNN, DUN DUN DADUUUUUUNNNN,......what?!?!  Too soon?
Hmmmmmpf, I'll calm my excited behind down then.

Anyhoo, they musta heard my biological clock ticking, huh?!?!  Musta been real loud, hahhahahaha!  Or maybe not, but he did propose to her today, so Ima go with that!  As I said yesterday, this is the wedding that I am looking forward to seeing both happen and succeed!  And we're just about two steps closer to seeing her walking down the isle all beautiful and glowing and him watching his bride in awe!

I told my brother, "your arms look like monkey arms with all that hair!"  LOL!  Don't they?  Meanwhile he took her to this special place and then they passed by the mall on their way home.  He said she told whomever made eye contact with her in the stores, whether or not she knew them, that they just got engaged!  Hahahahahaha!  I love her craziness!  He reckoned, "I'm surprised the mall didn't throw us a party!"  Hahahahaha!

Couldn't have asked for a better Saturday, all the way round!

Had an interesting chat with my niece the other day and she was like, "So the person that you marry isn't always the person you should be marrying, huh?  I always thought that it worked out that it was."  And I told her, "Nope!  We see it all around us.  Most times we already know it but we go through with it anyway for whatever the reason might be."

There are always signs and not just where love is concerned, that's why we have intuition and we need alot more practice on listening to it than we do ignoring it.  Lawd knows, we have the latter down pat.

Strange as it sounds, I'm glad that I married my ex-husband, with all of the bullshit that eventually happened, we share two kids that we love very much and at the end of it all, I gained a great friendship.  I almost got married again and as much as I want to say that a huge part of me doesn't regret that relationship, I actually do.  Nope, it's not for the reasons that you think.  It's not about bitterness, it's not about hatred or anything of the sort but I realize now that it was in both our best interests not to have entered into the relationship to begin with but instead to have maintained the friendship.  Some things are best kept at a certain level, especially when there is personal work to be done on both ends.  And especially when one or both of your entire hearts are not it from the very beginning.  The truth is that I was in love with someone else and so was he.  It started out that way.  Which is not good.  Even with the challenges and difficulties that that brought into the relationship, we still carried on.  That's aside from everything else that was going on on both ends at the time.  So if I had to do it again, I'd do it differently for sure.  But in life and in his words, there are no do-overs.  And he was right.  There aren't.  But we live and we learn, don't we.  I guess that's the light at the end of the tunnel of our fuck-ups and falls during the course of our lives.

It's not the first that time a friendship was ruined because of feelings.  I remember in my final year of high school, one of my best friends was male and eventually, after having talked to his mum about it, he told me that he'd developed these feelings and I wished that day, that firstly he didn't develop those feeling but also that he hadn't told me that because I didn't know how to relate to him thereafter.   It's not to say that we stopped being friends and yes we remained close for a while after but we eventually went from seeing each other almost everyday to now not seeing each other for almost twenty years.  And it wasn't only because I didn't develop the same feelings for him but because I enjoyed our friendship so much.  He was a wonderful person, kind and funny and caring but as soon as he said that, because the dynamic of our friendship changed, I felt lost on a way to relate to him so much so that he had confronted me and asked me why it was that I'd pulled away from him.  Ofcourse, I tried to deny feeling any different because his feelings were not feelings that I wanted to hurt and as time went by, I eventually felt a little more comfortable again and then school ended.  We all hung out for a year or two after that and then found our respective partners, and the rest is history.  Plus you know when you're best friends, you kinda tell each other everything and guys tend to be wayyyyy more graphic than girls are, hahahahahaha!  What I will say though, I will always remember him though as one of the best friends that I've ever had because, well, he was.    

Damn!  It's hot in this house!  :-/  Hold on.

Just had to go get the ac remote.  I'm melting in this bedroom of mine.

Impact of Love

Throughout our lives, we're loved. By different people. Different ways. We already know TO LOVE but it is through this blend of people and their unique ways of loving, we learn HOW TO love. But most importantly we learn how NOT TO LOVE and I say most importantly because loving is embedded within us from creation but sad is the fact that we're most times more affected by negative than we are positive and that's what we carry forward with us.

We've all encountered someone who refuses to get close to anyone because they were loved but their feelings were trampled on, someone who refuses to trust another person whether or not they are worthy because they were loved but betrayed, someone who has deliberately become selfish with themselves because while being loved they were taken for granted or taken advantage of.

The thing is, these experiences could have been one out of ten yet the impact of them, reverses that ratio going forward as if they were hurt more than they weren't.

We're so much more fragile than we think and the sooner we realize that, the sooner we will at least think about how our way of love will impact someone else.

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Friday, 12 February 2016


What's new in the zoo, you asked?


My parent's eldest son gets married in three weeks.
.............Four words
Needless to say, I don't support that union but hey? Can't tell your parent's eldest son who to love. But I can choose whether or not I want to be a part of it, in any sorta way.
And I don't.
End of story.
My tooth hurts.
No, really. My tooth hurts.
It has nothing to do with the wedding invitation and the final outright show of "who wears the pants" that was staring back at me. I always thought that the husband was the head of the "family" or "home" or fuckin barn or whatever it's called these days. At least, that's how it normally starts, right. How things go from there is another story but more importantly, I got a quick lesson on how much things have changed in the arena of respect.

But nope, it has nothing to do with any of that.
I-I had a sedative filling put in today and right now, it's aching. Just popped two pills, pop pop, in the hope that I can at least fall asleep.

Ay. I'm just waiting in much elation for my other brothers wedding! Can you two hurry up already?!? My biological clock is ticking here! Tick-tock-tick-tock
Oh wait....wrong argument! >_<!

Just hurry up already!

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Tuesday, 9 February 2016

U R Me!

U R Me!

I'd fall in love with you
Eighteen and a half years ago
And when I wake tomorrow

I'd fall in love with you
Without touching
Out of sight
Just dreams
With how loud my soul screams

I'd fall in love with you
With your laughter
And voice
My heart wouldn't give me a choice

I'd fall in love with you
Each moment
In life
And beyond
In any lifetime I have, I'd live in this bond

I keep falling in love with you
With the memories
Your presence
Our story
Our truth

Right now
I just fell in love with you

By (c) 2016 Stacey Kell
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Saturday, 6 February 2016

Free College Grants

This was on The Real today. I was cutting my Cruzzy's hair and I heard them talk to Michelle Obama and also about the fact that so many Americans don't know about this grant that the money just rolls over and rolls over.

Check it out if you're interested in going to college but can't afford to do it on your own. This is a free grant offered by the US Department of Education.

Good luck!
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LaLa and Louise Evans

This is such a beautiful story......just beautiful.

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....That's All Folks

Thankfully, nothing crazy has happened since the tremor! It's calm and HOT, geeeeeeeeez it's HOT but I'm still thinking about the eery feeling that I got when I felt the house tremble the way that it did. I really didn't wanna die alone with my dog. I really just didn't wanna die, period!

Clearly, I didn't!

Far as I know, nobody did and that's a good thing!

It's been a lazy day today, pretty much ate my chicken and vegetables and slept, ate and slept, ate and slept, all day. This heat boy!

Something I've pretty much realized, eating clean is really beneficial but soooooooh not enjoyable. To me! Too much curry exposure, I guess. Although, I'm happy to report that sticking to the cleanse has proved to be the right decision because I already feel the weight loss in my clothing. That's a great reward for holding on even when I wanted to say, "Fuck this shit...I'm eatin' the chocolate!" I said it so many times.....

Tomorrow is the last day and it's the cabbage soup allllll day! Now to just keep the weight off. I don't really want to lose anymore because I've come to love my curves so it will just be a matter of maintenance.

Yo! Did you know that for quick weightloss there is a three day diet of just banana's and milk? Potassium overload?!

Ya think!?! I was treading pretty cautiously on my banana and milk day, paying close attention on Thursday to any strange feelings, LOL! Not tryna pass the fuck out. No thank you very much! I've done enough of that in recent years!

My niece's father in law overdosed on banana's and landed up in a short coma just three weeks ago because his potassium levels shot the hell up! So my cousin comes to visit and tells us the story and guess what he asked for when he woke?
"You got R5?"
"What you need R5 for, dad?"
"I wanna buy some bananas!"


No R5 was given, and no more banana's were consumed in this story!

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Yup! I Wasn't Dreaming!

This tremor was felt far and wide across the province of KwaZulu Natal at 11am on this Saturday, 6 February 2016!

That 15 seconds shook more than just the earth up! Nerves too! 'Cause what exactly do we know about earthquake survival other than what we see on the movies!

Ima go Google....better safe than never!

Even Cruzzy was like, "bark bark bark bark......!" My translation, "wtf wtf wtf wtf......!"
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I was dozing off and just woke from feeling a tremor! O_O!

I see that I wasn't the only one too....FB is blowing up with "Was that an earthquake tremor I just felt?!"

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Thursday, 4 February 2016

Updates and Things!

Well I haven't turned into a mushroom which is always a good thing, I guess!


I do feel somewhat lighter and energised today! First three days saw me draggggging myself from one step to the next! Plus?!? Dance class starts up once again and it couldn't have come sooner!

Today is banana and milk day! Whoooooo-ooooo oooooooo-ooooooo!!!! :-) (Insert----Balki's dance of joy).

Can't say I'm mad about that. It sounds like caramel slice day in my mind, to tell you the truth, compared to eating nothing but fruit then vegetables and then fruit and vegetables yesterday! When I tell you ya Rambler was mumbling rotten words in the direction of that plate, believe me, I was!

Meanwhile? I could just quit, right? But I'm NOT! This is not the gym!

Yeah, yeah, I left that hell-hole! The place itself was really nice but there should be a law against paying for pain!

This cleanse together with dance and whatever little bit of exercise I muster up at home? My body will thank me for it later. So will my medical cover. You know? It's cuuuurazy! 'Cause while I'm typing this, I'm reminding myself that I have a standby dental appointment on Saturday. But medical aid rates to go to the doctor!?!? What the F is that all about?

If I pay cash for my visit on Saturday? It's R300 for a filling or a clean. If I use the medical cover to pay for it? It's R600! That's ludicrous, isn't it? Why not R350? Hell? Why not the same R300 for goodness sake! Not like you get extra laughing gas?! Extra nothing you get but.....

Lemme stop! Too many exclamation marks already. Ima go sip on my milk.

And see this is whyyyyy---------come July, medical cover is done! And regardless of the fact that one still has to pay the monthly premium? One has to pay cash for any doctors visit thereafter! I think it's daylight robbery. That's what I think!

Okay, okay, Ima stop for real!


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Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Our president says he'll pay back the money , let's see, shall we?

Jussssssst another day in paradise! Or ploy to win votes? Hmmmmm? Hmmmm?

An excerpt from the article;

All parties are jostling for advantage ahead of municipal elections due later this year that could see a fall in support for Zuma's African National Congress (ANC) party, which has ruled since the end of apartheid.
The president, who has often been accused of allowing corruption to flourish since he came to power in 2009, is under pressure over South Africa's sharply slowing economy.
He will make his annual state of the nation address in parliament next Thursday.
The occasion descended into chaos last year when EFF lawmakers scuffled with security after interrupting him to protest over the Nkandla scandal.

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Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Here I Go Again.....7 Day Cleanse Diet

This diet? Is a headache! At least it's giving me a headache! But that's the aim.


So I decided to start off February, the month of lurrrve.....doing this. Which means I'm on day three. Yesterday was vegetable day. I'm very unhappy. Thought I liked veggies. Well NOT taaaaday! Contemplating never eating another vegetable in my life but then I go and do something stupid like that and then how the hell am I gonna eat curry again? You know I got more Indian and Durban in me than all of you! Who aren't from Durban....or have Indian grandfathers on both sides!

Ofcourse, I'd much rather be munching on a Cadbury's Cashew and Coconut chocolate slab but had I been doing a little less of that? I wouldn't need to be doing things like this, now would I!??

I'm noticing how the days have been flying yet when you start a diet?! Suddenly time has alllllllllll the time in the world! Maybe that's the secret to stretching it! Go on a diet! Except you'll be miserable. Miserable for longer! Uh-uhhhhh, I vote no! Hold on with all that misery shit!

I've been on a lot of diets throughout my life! The easiest weightloss that I've EVER experienced? Depression! You think I'm kidding but I would never joke about depression. I'm being real! When I went through it, I literally would wake up, thinner and thinner and thinner! Within one week? I'd dropped something like four kg's! It went on and on for months like that and the weight just kept falling off because the first thing that went was my appetite. Together with gallons of water by way of tears! Listen? When I can stare a chocolate in the face and be like, "Urrrrgh!" somethin' is very, very wrong!

The trigger to my depression was seeing my souly again after four years. I couldn't eat, I couldn't smile, I couldn't function because well? He was right in front of me on minute and then the next he was gone, came down to do a live show and then who knew when I'd see him again. I'd never experienced anything like it before and while I was enjoying the effortless weightloss that came with the trigger, it began what I now look back on as quite a tumultuous time in my life. Whatever other emotional issues I was burying, came to the fore. Needless to say, I'm pretty thankful today that they did 'cause now they're gone!

As far as diets go? Weightwatchers is the best long term eating plan, in my opinion! The worst thing about a diet is the restrictions. That's where the misery comes in, along with the cravings for all and anything that you can't eat anymore! With Weightwatchers it's about however many points you are allocated for the day so whatever you eat? That's ya business! And ya business includes staying within your daily points. Ofcourse, you're encouraged to take the healthier route as far as food choices!

Right now, doin this? I'm just trying to get a weightloss boost before I start that plan!

On a more serious note, I'm grown enough to know that it's vital that I keep my weight under control. My thyroids are like, "Pfffffffffft! Ya on ya own on this one, dude!" See that's what I don't like about thyroids! When those muthafucka's wanna take a hiatus? They could care less about your PCOS! I'm here fighting against two weight-gaining conditions. So, it's up to me to just......just..... look at the chocolate and all of those other yummy foods that make life worth living!


Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--------------ya Rambler must simply relax and remember that it's not about total abstention, it's about control.

That's the hardest part!

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