Monday 15 February 2016

Maybe In Another Life.....

It's dark outside. I hear them teeny weeny little raindrops. They got jokes, I'll you that much. Either that or they got it real bad for a game of peek-a-boo! Even on the rare occasion that it pours down, it's not going on for days and days. Hell! It's not going for even half a day. And before it can settle into any kinda puddle, the sun blareth once again and gone is the water from whereforth it came.

Our water situation is still grave and growing worse by the day. Sigh. I can't wait for Feb to be over. I'm hoping that March will bring us some decent rainfalls, if the rest of Feb thinks that because it's got 29 days that it has the right to misbehave! This heat in Durban is something else, it's as if you can actually feel that there is either little or NO filter between us and the sun.

Spoke to my souly earlier and he told me that it's snowing out in Baltimore again today. Which is late for the US, right? But then I don't really know 'cause when I was out there in an October? It snowed. When I was out there in a March? It snowed. I guess at this stage, the secret's out. Weather's alllllllll fucked up and then some.

Mannnn, I remember my first experience with snow out in Philly. We don't even smell snow in Durban. Unless you're willing to drive three or four hours when it snows in the Drakensburg mountains. Me? I'm not about that driving three or four hours when it snows in the Drakensburg mountains life. Unless someone else is driving. You're lucky to get me to drive forty-five minutes to Umhlanga Rocks!

I'd never, EVER, in my entire life, felt such cold but lawwwwd that snowfall nothing short of spectacular! Colllllld, cold, ice cold snow, LOL! But still, breathtaking, unforgettably beautiful snow!

Hey? Do you ever wonder about peace and why it is that it's so difficult for when you find it, to keep it? I have been. I feel restlessly peace-less since Friday. Hey? Unless three years was all that was allocated to me. Hahahahaha! My mind is laughing like a crazy person at how ridiculous that even sounds.

Maybe I'm jumping the gun because admittedly, I do get these short spurts of downward spirals as far as my spirit and then it eventually passes but it's an extremely tiring period because that's when my mind won't let me rest. Not about anything. And you know when I think to myself, "Lemme play some music...." And immediately thereafter I reply, "Nah, not today."

Maybe in another life......

Sometimes I wish that it were possible to jump back into that picture that I see in my mind right now. I'm wearing a yellow shirt and bellbottom jeans and the only thing that I really had to worry about was which doll I should play with that day.

I'm off to bed.

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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