Tuesday 1 March 2016

Marching Along!

Soooooo much going on this week.
My sister's Dubai chapter comes to a close and she arrives home tomorrow. Needless to say, she's not the happiest about that. I can't blame her. All there is to look forward to in this bastard, is unrest and more unrest! But luckily, it's but a temporary pause in her journey. In a few weeks, she'll be leaving us once again to make yet another far away country, home.
Thennn.....my mother's eldest son ties the noose. O_o! Pardon me, the knot, on Saturday. Oops. I didn't make a mistake. Hey? From afar, I wish the future bride and groom------choke----I wish the future bride and groom--------uhmmmmmm----whatever they deserve.
Who me?
However, I do see how one could simply leap to that conclusion. I probably would've too, if I were one. Of you. But contrary to popular conclusion? My heart has learnt the art of forgiveness. For my own good. I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing that. Too bad. It's exciting!
Far as this whole palava?!?! I just don't see the point anymore in faking shit. It teaches nobody, nothing. The fact of the matter is-----I never did support the relationship and I never did hide that fact so why would I want to be a witness to the marriage? Further to that, just like it was pointed out on Sunday? Should anyone one of us actually be in attendance when three out of his four kids are deliberately and consciously not invited to his wedding?
There you go, the answer is NO! No, we shouldn't! I'm forty-three years old and it's about time that I stood for something other than "You have to do this or you have to do that, it's your brother." Aaaaaaaaaaaah, shudup! IIIIIIIII don't have to do shit that I don't wanna do. Even if it means that I do the standing, alone.
I'm just tired, I guess. Tired of watching the wrong and feeling pressured into pretending that it's alright. That's typically how an entire generation or two of my family have lived their lives. It's gotta stop somewhere.
All I care about at this moment is the end of April getting here already! Like come on-come on-come on-come onnnnnnn!!!!
Now though? My eyes are making desperate and determined attempts to look at EACH OTHER because a girl is exhausted. That only means that it's time for me to wish you a good morning, afternoon, evening? Whatever it might be at wherever you are!
Be safe. See y'all soon!

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