Saturday, 25 July 2015
The Cropped Slouch Pullover
Hope you guys have started on yours! I didn't use a pattern, I just knitted what I saw in my head. And I've learned two new stitches in the process!
^_^ Happiness ^_^!
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Oooooooops! My Bad!
Correction: The cost of the "security upgrade" to the Presidents Nkandla Estate was over R230 million.
NOT R23 million. Incidentally, it was initially reported to have costed around R23 million. But hey?!? Who's counting extra zero's when they're not paying for it? Or when a huge population of your people are without food and shelter!
Not Zuma! That's for damn sure!
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Random Complaint
It just goes to show where education really stands on the rank of importance in this country. That and the fact they're soon introducing, if they haven't already, a Grade 9 certificate. So kids? Aaaaaaaaaah, leave school in Grade 9 if you want. Not to worry. Not like scores of university degreed students can't find work. You'll be okay. With your Grade 9 certificate.
Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth over this continuous stupidity. But?!?! Lemme not dwell. I'm cold but in a goodish mood. I don't wanna mess with my goodish mood. It's too cold not to be in a goodish mood.
Either way, winter is no time to sit without electricity. :-( That thought makes me feel both guilty and grateful but also heavy-hearted that there are children and adults out on the streets right now freezing their asses off in this rain and cold without a bed, a blanket, the possibility of a hot shower or a door to close. Yet some people find it quite alright that an upgrade for the presidents village for him and his hundred and one wives and children at R23 million is an acceptable way to spend our money. Why not numerous shelters around the country instead? Why not?!?!
And oh oh oh oh wait? That's still not the bottom line figure anymore 'cause apparently the security is not good enough and we're about to foot that bill.
More throw up.
You know what? Lemme hit the shower and shift my thoughts to August.
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Monday, 20 July 2015
Finished The Front and....
I'm halfway through the back and one sleeve. I got bored with knitting the sleeve and started on the back. Lol! I know. I know. As if it's any different right? But thaaaaaat's me. Don't snicker. You can laugh. I don't mind being laughed with.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd! There go the lights once again. It's crazy that we don't have loadshedding for ninety nine point six percent of the school holidays and as soon as they go back to school?! guessed it!
Oh well? Knitting by cellphone torch it is!
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Circumcision and the Super C's!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 12 July 2015
As Promised!
See wurrumsayinnnnnn with those holes?!?!? A-hem!
Now? I'm off to breakfast, great start to my Monday morning!
When Your Mum Says....
So I call my mum before I came down and we chat and she asks me why I woke so late today, where did I go? I tell her that I sat up at home until 1am, knitting.......
Mum: "You need to find yourself a chap now, can't be sitting and knitting whole night. You don't need two knitting needles, you need two legs. Knitting needles won't keep you warm......" LOL!
Me: #_# +_#. >_o O_o!!!!!!!!
I laughed about it driving down to see them. She said, I was laughing to myself in the bath thinking about the knitting needles hahahahhahha! My mum is so mischievous and she's been that way for as long as I can remember!
Anyway, I had an idea last night! I had this t-shirt that I adorrrrre but don't wear because well? It's one of those with no real stretch and I need my t-shirts to accommodate my body shape. Love handles need a lil stretch in ya t-shirts LOL! So? I found a way to be able to use it anyway.....I turned it into a weekend bag! :-)
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Saturday, 11 July 2015
My Gift To You For Valentine's Day!
Ima put a little tutorial video up soon. I figured I'd get a head start on Valentine's Day! For you guys, that is! That gives you men enough time to knit a sexy bikini....uhhhhhhhhh----okay, maybe that's a bit too ambitious. To knit a pullover for your woman for V-Day. >_<! Get ya mind outa the gutter already! Sheeeeeesh! You see a V and immediately start up with the freaky visions! You should be ashamed of yaself!
Actually, no.
No, you shouldn't!
A healthy, perverted, sex life is nothing to be ashamed of!
IF! It's between you and your woman!
Hahahahahahhahhaha! I hear the booooo's but I'm ignoring them and I say again. It's nothing to be ashamed of IF its between you and your woman.
So, I'm giving you the chance to do just that. See? My thinking is knit the veil stitched pullover for her right? She'll be so mushy and taken up by the fact that you used your own fingers to knit it? Please use your own fingers and don't pay ya mum to do it. That'll take you halfway to the bedroom. The next half of the journey depends on her. Ask her this, "If you had this short and sexy pullover with big open stitches to wear, would you wear it without a bra on?" If she says, "Nooooooh, then my nipples and all are gonna stick out!" After you think about what she meant by, and all and then mumble to yaself about, "That-thats the point woman!" Then don't knit it. She doesn't deserve it. Rather, give her a cutlery set or something.
If she's all glazy-eyed and excited about, "Hellll yeah, I'd wear it with no bra on??!?! Where's it, where's it! I'll put it on fa you right now!!!!!" Then you got a winner right there! Best you start knitting man!
Ima give you time to think about day! And then ima post the tutorial.
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Meet Jace
Infact, none but one of my ex's and I aren't on speaking terms. Hahahahaha, funny story? A few months ago my ex-boyfriend from high school visited my mum and dad and he asked her, "Do you think Stacey will take me back?" Ofcourse she said no! Hahahahahaha! But it's crazy because I received a text just the other from my ex-husband after he read my Facebook status, telling me that "my guy" is very lucky to have me, that I'm a care bear and love with all I have and he is sorry that he didn't appreciate me when we were together. We had an honest little tet-a-tet and I told him, it happens that way all the time between couples where one doesn't appreciate what is in front of them when it's actually in front of them and some of the time it takes losing someone and watching from the outside to realize that they were actually worth the work it would have taken to keep them, now he has to learn from that going forward.
This post started out with me introducing Jace and look where it's ended up. None of the above is to toot my own horn, Lord knows I'm the furthest from perfect and I will never profess to be anything else. Maybe I'm meant to tell you all to appreciate your man or woman while you have them. Put all of the impressing of your boys and girlfriends aside, put your ego in your pocket when it's necessary, don't put them in positions where they feel as though they have to fight for your attention, give them the time and the effort that they deserve. Just-----just work hard at loving them, while you have them. When it's over, it's over, sometimes there is no going back and there are no more chances to be gotten. So? While you're in there, be all there, not just parts that you have to spare!
And now? I can't wait to meet my lil nephew today, so lemme get cracking. Gotta go get an eye test first. I really don't need one but they won't give me night driving glass without an eye test. The glare from the on-coming traffic is a real biaaaaaaaaaaatch!
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Friday, 10 July 2015
I will NEVER stop laughing at this! I must have this picture saved on my phone for about a year and everytime I come across it, it's like I'm seeing it for the first time!
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Open and Shut Case...
Now, imagine if you will, your daughter comes to you asking for $30 and you’re like, “I don’t got ittt!” (Sorry, in my mind, that’s what I just heard my ex-husband say when Paige would ask him for money…LOL…that was his line. Until he suddenly got itttt.) Imagine that she immediately begins to pull out the poster that she prepared, saying, “You’re ruinnnnnnnning my life!” You ignore her and go back to doing whatever you were doing and she’s like, “Hmmmmmpf!” then scribbles on the other side, “I didn’t ask to be born, you OWE ME $30 for making me!” Now? Imagine her holding that up while she breaks out in hop-hop-double-hop-sing her demand song-hop-hop-double hop routine and doesn’t stop until she gets that $30.
Thursday, 9 July 2015
This Just In....
Forgive the lack of clarity but she just Whatsapped this pic to me but...............?!?!?
That's my babygirl in the newspaper!!!! Yes! Yes it isssss!
Smiling huge
First the amazing results from her beautiful little students and now this.
Don't mind me....I'm just excited.
The Joys.....?
Wednesday, 8 July 2015
I Told Teacher Randy...
So few of us get to do what we were born to do. I can't get enough of knowing that she actually is.
Neither do I ever get my fill of looking at the way that that little girl appears to be inhaling Paige! Lol! The cutest thing I've seen!
Keep up the excellent work, love!
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Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Here it is.....
It doesn't matter how many weeks I go without listening to it? When I do, it gets me all over again. This is actually my cooking song. Sometimes when I need to drown out the world, I cook with my headphones on and ofcourse, dance...don't judge..
..........Still on Repeat
These words crawl under my skin, thank you Jussie.
Monday, 6 July 2015
Here is the article I found on the net.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Bill Cosby testified in 2005 that he got Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with, and he admitted giving the sedative to at least one woman and "other people," according to documents obtained Monday by The Associated Press.
The AP had gone to court to compel the release of the documents; Cosby's lawyers had objected on the grounds that it would embarrass their client.
The 77-year-old comedian was testifying under oath in a lawsuit filed by a former Temple University employee. He testified he gave her three half-pills of Benadryl.
Cosby settled that sexual-abuse lawsuit for undisclosed terms in 2006. His lawyers in the Philadelphia case did not immediately return phone calls Monday.
Cosby has been accused by more than two dozen women of sexual misconduct, including allegations by many that he drugged and raped them in incidents dating back more than four decades. Cosby, 77, has never been criminally charged, and most of the accusations are barred by statutes of limitations.
Cosby resigned in December from the board of trustees at Temple, where he was the popular face of the Philadelphia school in advertisements, fundraising campaigns and commencement speeches.
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Wet Wet Wet
I'm watching the news now and Bill Cosby has admitted to the allegations against him. Damn! That makes me sad. :-( like this. I was hoping against hopes that it wasn't true.
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Popping By....
I won't be on here very long, I have washing and drying and sleeping to do. Don't feel the best right now, on any level. And when that happens, I tend to sleep a lot. Or try to. It's never a complete, rested sleep but it's all I think about doing. And then I'm on that pillow and I lay there, then I doze off and then I'm up and then I doze off and then I'm up and then I doz---------okay, you get the picture.
Feel like I've fallen into a funk and have zero energy whatsoever to climb out of it. You know that feeling? That feeling where you're just lost?? Something like that. Restless mostly and somewhat angry. Not at anything in particular. Just a general anger. I get that way sometimes and it eventually passes, the harder that I push it. Backwards. And downwards. I've never been a confrontational somebody. Guess that's probably why I've always had such a big ass. Pushing all the anger backwards and downwards, LOL! An ass full of anger! That does NOT sound cute nor does it give for a decent vision.
But I haven't felt this way for a really, really, long time, kinda took me by surprise on Saturday. I mean? I fell asleep on the couch, fine. I woke up, not fine. Not like I had a couch dream. Maybe I did. Maybe I don't remember it but something sure did happen in my sleep. Annnnnnnnnnyway, I'm alive and that's what I keep telling myself, "You're alive. Just go through the motions until you feel yourself again." Would be kinda weird if I wasn't and this blog post suddenly showed up, huh?
Some great news though? We had a little more rain today. Just a little. I think we need a few weeks of rain to help the drought situation here but a little is a start, isn't it? And a start is good. A start is always good.
My blinks are starting to draggggggg now, so I'm gonna go lay down, after I drink my warm turmeric milk. It's good for a lot of things. Natural anti-inflammatory for one. I don't know what I'm trying to anti-inflame right now...maybe my angry ass. It's possible. But do yourself a favour and google the benefits on turmeric milk. Tastes good as well, I know you're like, "Drinking turmeric....ewwwwww." It IS ewwwwwwwwwww with water, yeah. With milk, it's just delicious.
And now? Ima be on my merry way. You guys have a good day, night, afternoon, whatever time it is where you're at. Have a good----THAT time of the day. See y'all again, soon.
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Friday, 3 July 2015
I Appreciate You All
However, judging by the way that I have been feeling since Wednesday? My gut is insisting that it's time to be still. I'll be honest though. I'm not ready for an all out closing of Rambling At Random, you know? This is like my babbbbbbby. And it's no secret that as a Coloured South African, I battle with letting go of my off-spring. You already know this. LOL! Who knows? One day I just might return with a whole buncha new crazy experiences to tell you about!
So? I'm going to listen to the ol' ticker for now and remember...........

You all be blessed and safe and beautiful. And if you promise to be good, I'll promise to keep working out! :-)

Thursday, 2 July 2015
Contemplating a Good-bye
Think I was just opposed to this type of exercise for too long which is why it took me so long to get gym started. And I did have a nice little home exercise routine going but after my operation to remove all of those cysts, I couldn't do any for six weeks so I lost my determination and it was a battle getting back into it.
This will be my final gym blog because I absolutely don't mind you laughing with me at my pain but most importantly, I really don't wanna bore you. And?!? For personal reasons, I'm seriously thinking about closing my blog on the whole as well but I'm still contemplating that. Once my mind is made up, you will be the first to know. Could take a while, though. I'm an indecisive Libra, afterall. HA!
I will tell you this. It won't be easy, this blog has been a part of me for some time now and I'd initially started it so that I could use what I encounter to lend some humour to my readers' day where they know that they are able to go someplace that takes them away from the seriousness of life and enjoy some light-hearted laughter. At certain times, it's shifted from talking absolute random shit to a few serious issues like it has with my recent letter blogs.
I still try to stick to my initial plan, despite the subjects that I choose to talk about but recently it's done anything but that and that doesn't make me happy on any level because it totally defeats my own purpose for why I am doing this. Ofcourse, many of you have seen the Google+ comment left by my ex-partner on the Rrrrrrrrrrrr post and that is honestly where this decision is stemming from.
This is my blog and the topics are my choices which makes me accountable for whatever feelings it is that I leave my readers with, whether or not whatever I talk about here is directed at them but overall and most importantly, when I started this blog, I didn't ever intend for my posts to hurt or aggravate anybody and since that is what my subjects have begun doing, I am now uncomfortable with continuing. As far as that particular post alone, over the past year and a half, I have actively been staring in the face of a horrid situation where a once very close family has been literally torn to pieces because of a manipulative partner and I chose to post that so that others might be able to recognise or relate to a current similar situation that they might be in.
For my own emotional well-being, I can't take the chance of having the things that I say on here misconstrued or taken personally as if they are direct pokes and then turn around and talk about inner peace and shit when I am on here causing someone else turmoil, so? It might be a better idea for me to just document my thoughts about the world around me, the old-fashioned way, in private.
Either that or I leave the serious issues aside and stick to Rambling at Random about the foolish things I come across.

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Pat Pat!
Now? I'm off to take a well-deserved shower! I hit the treadmill, the bike, that nasty-ass stepper and then the other hand held stepper thingy! Cardio had me tight-chested but it didn't stop ya Rambler! Cigarettes? Who said cigarettes? It can't be the cigarettes because I wasn't smoking at the time! Let's not throw blame around unnecessarily now. Be nice. Don't be like that stepper. You're better than that.
I heaved and tried to suppress my impending coughs to avoid the ab pain that Gillian caused me over the last two wasn't pretty but I got it done.
But now....shower time!
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I Bought A Dress
And the packet fell as I was closing my bag. >_<!!!!!!
Never happens.......this NEVER happens. I do not drop thinnnnnnngs, especially not when they have new dresses in them!
I hope that when they heard me say, "Uuuuuuuuuuurgh!" That they at least knew this...........

H for...............

Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Dangling strings?
Pick any of those, that's what ya Rambler feels like! But I'm typing this anyway! Quivering arms and all! Because I need y'all to know that I'm not giving up. Thigh cellulite shall not defeat me! NO! Not even this full body aching can stop me!! My-my legs?
I remember her saying, "Now what the fuck....?" I don't-------it coulda been because I was blank-staring at the weights or .......I really-I really can't recall! The trauma of squatting WITH and without weights gobbled up my memory! Squat----squatting is evil!
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Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch!
I'm an hour away from my second day at gym.....just wanted you guys to know how I feel right now! Plus?!? Plus?!? You know it's messed up when your own belongings turn on you! My own body was like, "Ima get!" 'Cause I woke up yesterday LIKE A BOSSSSSS!!!! As the day progressed? I could feel my abs start to misbehave! As today progressed? I. Could. Not. Even. Cough!!! Let alone walk without mind-crying about, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!" Hahahahahaha!
See y'all after gym! Gills said we're doing arms today...not sure if I'll be able to type once she's done with me >_<!!!!
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