Think I was just opposed to this type of exercise for too long which is why it took me so long to get gym started. And I did have a nice little home exercise routine going but after my operation to remove all of those cysts, I couldn't do any for six weeks so I lost my determination and it was a battle getting back into it.
This will be my final gym blog because I absolutely don't mind you laughing with me at my pain but most importantly, I really don't wanna bore you. And?!? For personal reasons, I'm seriously thinking about closing my blog on the whole as well but I'm still contemplating that. Once my mind is made up, you will be the first to know. Could take a while, though. I'm an indecisive Libra, afterall. HA!
I will tell you this. It won't be easy, this blog has been a part of me for some time now and I'd initially started it so that I could use what I encounter to lend some humour to my readers' day where they know that they are able to go someplace that takes them away from the seriousness of life and enjoy some light-hearted laughter. At certain times, it's shifted from talking absolute random shit to a few serious issues like it has with my recent letter blogs.
I still try to stick to my initial plan, despite the subjects that I choose to talk about but recently it's done anything but that and that doesn't make me happy on any level because it totally defeats my own purpose for why I am doing this. Ofcourse, many of you have seen the Google+ comment left by my ex-partner on the Rrrrrrrrrrrr post and that is honestly where this decision is stemming from.
This is my blog and the topics are my choices which makes me accountable for whatever feelings it is that I leave my readers with, whether or not whatever I talk about here is directed at them but overall and most importantly, when I started this blog, I didn't ever intend for my posts to hurt or aggravate anybody and since that is what my subjects have begun doing, I am now uncomfortable with continuing. As far as that particular post alone, over the past year and a half, I have actively been staring in the face of a horrid situation where a once very close family has been literally torn to pieces because of a manipulative partner and I chose to post that so that others might be able to recognise or relate to a current similar situation that they might be in.
For my own emotional well-being, I can't take the chance of having the things that I say on here misconstrued or taken personally as if they are direct pokes and then turn around and talk about inner peace and shit when I am on here causing someone else turmoil, so? It might be a better idea for me to just document my thoughts about the world around me, the old-fashioned way, in private.
Either that or I leave the serious issues aside and stick to Rambling at Random about the foolish things I come across.

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