I won't be on here very long, I have washing and drying and sleeping to do. Don't feel the best right now, on any level. And when that happens, I tend to sleep a lot. Or try to. It's never a complete, rested sleep but it's all I think about doing. And then I'm on that pillow and I lay there, then I doze off and then I'm up and then I doze off and then I'm up and then I doz---------okay, you get the picture.
Feel like I've fallen into a funk and have zero energy whatsoever to climb out of it. You know that feeling? That feeling where you're just lost?? Something like that. Restless mostly and somewhat angry. Not at anything in particular. Just a general anger. I get that way sometimes and it eventually passes, the harder that I push it. Backwards. And downwards. I've never been a confrontational somebody. Guess that's probably why I've always had such a big ass. Pushing all the anger backwards and downwards, LOL! An ass full of anger! That does NOT sound cute nor does it give for a decent vision.
But I haven't felt this way for a really, really, long time, kinda took me by surprise on Saturday. I mean? I fell asleep on the couch, fine. I woke up, not fine. Not like I had a couch dream. Maybe I did. Maybe I don't remember it but something sure did happen in my sleep. Annnnnnnnnnyway, I'm alive and that's what I keep telling myself, "You're alive. Just go through the motions until you feel yourself again." Would be kinda weird if I wasn't and this blog post suddenly showed up, huh?
Some great news though? We had a little more rain today. Just a little. I think we need a few weeks of rain to help the drought situation here but a little is a start, isn't it? And a start is good. A start is always good.
My blinks are starting to draggggggg now, so I'm gonna go lay down, after I drink my warm turmeric milk. It's good for a lot of things. Natural anti-inflammatory for one. I don't know what I'm trying to anti-inflame right now...maybe my angry ass. It's possible. But do yourself a favour and google the benefits on turmeric milk. Tastes good as well, I know you're like, "Drinking turmeric....ewwwwww." It IS ewwwwwwwwwww with water, yeah. With milk, it's just delicious.
And now? Ima be on my merry way. You guys have a good day, night, afternoon, whatever time it is where you're at. Have a good----THAT time of the day. See y'all again, soon.
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