Sunday 11 October 2015

Another Year. Another Blog!

Surprised to see me, are you?
Well, I am too. Surprised to be here but I can't deny it! I miss my blog and I miss talking to you guys. Hello, everybody! How have these past months been treating you?

Stopping by real quick to tell you God's not dead, He is alive! Just like I am! Shout out to my beating heart! Whoo-hoooo! Wrong side and all, she serves me well. Sometimes! Sometimes she causes me unnecessary trouble, LOL! My kids are great and I've been fortunate enough to have my daughter home with us for two weeks.

Oh, oh, oh! While I was away, my dance class started up again.
"That's the best news!"
Awwwww, yeah, it really is.....(I heard at least two of you say that 'cause at least two of you have GOT TO remember how much I loved my dance class). We had a three-hour session this Wednesday! You already know I was in my element! Breathless! Sweaty! Spaghetti-legged! O_o! Sounds like I'm describing some hot sex, doesn't it?!! Hahahahahaha! Well? That's how much ya Rambler enjoys dance!

I thought I'd choose my birthday to come back and visit you all. It's a new year for me and I really can't complain about these recent ones gone by because they've been filled with nothing but peace, love and hair growth. Yeah, it's down to my ass now, hahahhaha! That's all I've really wanted out of life and I finally have it. Not long hair. I've had ass-length hair almost my whole life. Then I took a break from it. Then I grew it. Cut it, grew it, get my point! But I'm emotionally stable now, hahahahhahahha! No more depression round these parts, so the hair stays!

Crazy, the difference a few changes can make, huh!

The main thing for me was accepting what couldn't be changed and embracing what has. Add to that, that living your life according to the standards of others will never leave you feeling anything but in the middle of do I or don't I! Especially when those doing the dictating, the judging and the standard setting were never worth your stress, time, effort or hard-earned money to begin with. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I really gotta laugh at some of the dumb crap I did in the name of "love" and "support". And that's how I know I'm over the past. I can laugh at myself, remind myself that I know now what I should have known then and I keep it moving.

If any of you ever do something for me ever, not like you owe me anything, but let's pretend. Love yourself, love your flaws, love your triumphs, love your dreams and love your failures. Love yourself enough to give yourself time to grow at your own pace. You thought I was gonna ask you just one thing, huh? No. It's my birthday, I get a pass today. You cannot love yourself through the eyes of someone else. Why? Because when they stop loving this part of you or that part of you, then what?! What are you left with? No. Be stubborn about the love you feel for yourself so that if some man or woman, romantically or otherwise, happens to enter your life? Once things end, if they do, you walk away with the same self-love that you walked in with.

Here's the thing. Life is unpredictable. Our family buried a 12 year old boy last Tuesday. Did his mum think he wouldn't come home that day? No. That, my friends, can happen to any one of us, at any age. You don't want to meet your life's end, hating on yourself! There really isn't time to waste on losing love and patience with yourself over the opinions of NOBODY!
Not everybody will give credit where credit is due.
Not everybody will think about or talk about the times that you brought light into their lives.
Not everybody will be as blatant about their own shitty part of the story as they will be about yours.
Not everybody's gonna do right by you.
And guess what?
You're not always gonna do right by others either.
That's a fact.

That's life!

You have two choices. Crumble over it or build from it and if you're gonna beat yourself up over what didn't work, relationship-wise, goals-wise, whatever-wise, you might as well be tying your own hands and ankles together because failure can imprison you, if you let it! Opinions of others can imprison you, if you let it!


Tomorrow, the sun will rise and the sun will set. Despite what happened yesterday!

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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