Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Dog Whisperer!

I've been slowly downloading his episodes from the first season.


If you have a lil' barkaholic Cruzzy like I do? You want to train them. I know I want to train him. Because then they think they're the boss of you and wanna walk in front and feed you dog food-----hahahaha-----he doesn't do that! Long as I give him a treat, LOL! But, hmmmmpf! Because he spends a lot of time at home and just with my son and I? He doesn't have a good foundation of social skills. I've taught him well, hahahahaha!

That's not to say that he will just charge at you, no. He only does that to certain people which completely baffles me. He can meet you for the first time and absolutely go on as if he knows you for years and then he can actually know you for years but then gives you nothing but aggression. If I had to guess, I'd say its because he feels ya vibe towards him. I'm pretty sure of that actually. Considering who he does that too.

Aren't humans like that too?

I was thinking about taking him for formal training but then I imagined all the different dogs and then fleas and NO! He's a house dog and I'm not about to fight fleas. It's too hot for that!

Know what I wish they had here? Maybe they do, I dunno. Since I'm not the dog owner who carries him in a bag with me, everywhere I go and dresses my puppy up in diamante's and crowns and shit like that? No doggy play dates and doggy-mom clubs! Information is limited.

I wish they had a doggy hotel, affordable for the "average income" dog owners like ourselves hahhaahaha! They take them, like on Vince and Tamar, and when they come home? They're trained! Anyway....here's the link to Cesar the Dog Whisssssssssper.


Happy whispering!
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