Friday 16 October 2015

Fuck This Shit, I'm Outa Here!

Today, we're once again on our way to see another one of our younger family members off at the airport. Bittersweet moments! Mostly sweet, for me! Ay, I'm happy to see them go and not 'cause the electricity bill drops with one less in the house but 'cause unlike our generation, they know better than to stay in South Africa. The grass is brown and dry here!

I heard a track yesterday and the chorus went like this, "Fuck this shit, I'm outa here........!"

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it gave me goosies, I telya! I was like, that feeling when the lyrics jus.....jus speak to ya soul!

Looks like we were the have children and get married generation. This lot?!? They're the "Fuck this shit, I'm outa here........!" generation! And I'm there on the sidelines yelling, "Runnnnnnn, Forest, runnnnnnn!"

If I had to do it all over again, I'd have ran outa here my damn self when I was their age too! Fuck the plane, gimme a good running shoe and direct me to the nearest exit. But noooooooh. It was all about love and hip-hop for me. Well not hip-hop, really. Breakdance. Yeah, love and breakdance! But that's okay. We live and we learn and I chose my path! We often talk about the fact that my dad had gotten everything setup for us to move to Australia when we were younger but my mum was like, "Fuck that shit, I'm staying here......!"

The rest is history. One subject I could never grasp in school. All then its all about that war and greediness and dying?! Uh-huhhhh! I have no interest in knowing when Napolean died. I can't go to the funeral anyhow! One subject I won't attempt to grasp right now either. I'd rather close my fingers around some peanut M&M's and a mug of tea! And knit! You get people, like my dad, who simply read things and they never forget them for a hundred years after. History? Me? I couldn't remember that crap for a hundred seconds after! Geography? I maintain to this day that my geography teacher scared the information outa my brain! I'm not kidding. You even blinked in his class and he would smack the eyelashes off of ya eyes!

Ya Rambler cannot learn under such violent circumstances. No. My brain doesn't respond at all. Whatever you're trying to teach me is like, "Fuck this shit, I'm outa here!" Ofcourse, I dropped geography in my third year of high school because I couldn't deal with sitting in that classroom, scared outa my wits for a moment longer than I needed to and once I did that? Don't even ask me NOTHING! ABOUT GEOGRAPHY! You wanna know where's what?! Google maps!

Seriously though, I've always performed better when I was learning something where at the end of it, I could hold that thing that I made, in my hands. One example was Needlework. I was really into sewing and knitting and I didn't learn how to crochet at school but our domestic worker, Betty? Our other granny! She taught me how to crochet. Today? I still do it, it's calming and when I'm done, I'm proud, you know? Like, I did that! I made that! Writing? Writing for me is like therapy. Whether its a book, a poem, a video's where I figure things out.

I gotta start cleaning but I must say, I watched my daughter leave again, I didn't the airport but mannnnn, I couldn't help but stand there in awe watching her go through that scanning point, at how much she's grown over these past six months of being on her own in a different country and having to actually deal with adult things like, budgeting, paying bills, waking up on time for work....all those nice things that make you wish you were back in school and your only job was to study and bring home good reports. I always worried about how she'd deal with that transition when the time came and when I say I've been pleasantly surprised, that's putting it mildly!

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