Friday 23 October 2015

The Reading Room Competition

Ohhhhhhhhhh how I wish that I could find a permanent cure for my cousins menopausal hot flushes!
Pssssssst-------I hear those episodes are not anything to write home about! Actually, word on the street is that they're like small fiery waves of lava sent straight from the depths of hell! GASP!

Why I'm even talking about this? Because I might not get the flushes but I do sometimes get the side effects. I mean, sinus effects.

Like Tuesday.

Aside from bobbing and weaving. Know what? Why not be totally upfront?! Aside from being crushed to smithereens by unruly, reckless public transport taxi's on the road, the ride to work mostly consists of AC on, AC off, AC on, AC off! It's like the change of life version of Karate men or martial arts....just men-o-pause!

It's been less than fun realizing that sinus brought on by someone else's menopausal flushes behaves rather differently to the norm. Like kinda wrath-y and overly-possessive! I'm not exaggerating. Normally, I would start sneezing until whomever's around me is like, "God bless you. God bless you-------------God BLESS you! You know what?!? GOD BLESS YOU for all the sneezes to come too!" People can be so mean! Then I'd take a tablet, do what I gotta do, sleep and wake as good as new!

I took me a blue tablet.
A white one?!
One and a half yellow ones plus another white one! You'd think with ingesting a rainbow, I'd get some relief, right! There was a better chance of me waking up to find my lips sipping on a strawberry daqari on the island of Mauritius!
So today?
I changed my strategy. Took a brown one, thought I'd go for earth tones and hope for the best. Oh! And I used my pump! Nnnnnnnn-------I feel a slight improvement but let's see how it goes as the day progresses.

You must really be wondering what the subject of the blog has to do with menopause or sinus. Nothing really. Something told me you'd be interested in how I spent my week. I could be wrong but it's too late now. As for the subject of the post? A colleague of mine sent me the link to this competition which is being hosted by I won't be entering but;

The prize for submitting the first 500 words of your unpublished novel?
1. USD1000 cash prize
2. Session with a world renowned literary agent
3. An author profile page on The Reading Room

Oh and last but not least, all finalists will also win a voucher to be published on IngramSpark.

Not too shabby, I'd say!

Here is the link;

Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

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