Thursday 19 May 2016

Danceday Was Cancelled...

Yup! We didn't dance today. I'd put a sad face right after that sentence if I came home feeling that way but I didn't. Got to class. It was just Jay, Cindy and I.
One of them were sore 'cause she, who is one of my closest cousins, wants to do evvvvvvery exercise known to the human race. The other one, who is our instructor was exhausted from rehearsing all day for a week and then performing seven shows thereafter. Weak bastards! Hahahaha! (Notice how I'm tryna throw unjust shade on them when I just got finished whining for dayyyys on end about how jet-lag kicked my own ass.)

So we just sat for a while and laughed a whole bunch which is just a good a medicine as dance is so it's all good.

Plus? We get to make up the class, hehehe! Now you see why sadness had no place in tonights events. That means, two classes in one of the upcoming weeks. Double dose of happiness! :-)

How can I complain?
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