Tuesday 10 May 2016

LAST Night

Tomorrow, this time, mum and I will be en-route home to South Africa.  We were very happy to hear that we had received some heavy rains over the weekend.  We were near having to adhere to water restriction timetables. Infact?  There are areas on KZN that have long since begun water restrictions due to the drought.

However, I can't be at all happy to hear that most parts of KZN flooded, killing a few people and displacing many living in informal settlements.  This is why it is so difficult to support our president.  Or the current ruling party for that matter.  It's been too many years now and too much money spent on court cases dealing with his corruption trials where I'm quite sure that R53million could have been better spent on keeping more people safe and sheltered through housing projects.

Anyway...I really don't want to spend my last night here thinking about crooked shit.

Still coming to terms with arriving here to two people and having to leave three behind.  I know I'm gonna be quite the wreck tomorrow.  Punk that I am.  But ay I don't mind being a punk like that.  I'm not sorry for feeling.  Just grateful that I won't be alone.  

Grateful too that my babygirl is settled and safe here and doing a good job so far as being on her own.  Keeping house, paying her bills, rarely partying, resting enough to prepare for her work days.  

Aside from my initial sick days, I really have enjoyed my time here in Chiang Mai.  The people here are extraordinarily motivated, kind and humble and it's been an eye opener for me to see that one doesn't have to have an abundance, to be happy.  Truth is, I don't believe that I've seen happier humans in my entire life.

I've seen everywhere that kids are happy to be involved in their parent's business and it helped me better understand that that's how one builds not only family stability and future but also a stable, working community. I havent seen much of any form of loitering.  Far as kids just walking around or standing around on street corners or simply hanging out even.  It's almost as if time is never wasted here.  

I don't see any competitiveness as far as ".....well you can't sell food in this street..." or "...you can't pitch your salon here because I have mine..."  Nope. Everybody works side by side, peacefully.  Whether it be next door or across the street.  For me that speaks volumes about the kind of work ethic, for starters, that exists in this place.

The hospital that we went to last week was spotlessly clean and organized.  The nurses and doctors were patient and joyful.  They even had a last playing the piano in the waiting area.

There is very little road rage.  As full as the roads are!  I'm mentioning random things where normally these would be stress sources or general problems where I come from but here?  Everybody just seems content with what they have, what they have to do to make their living and just waking up to see another day. 

It gives me some peace knowing that my grandchild will be amongst these types of human beings.  It gives me some peace knowing what a great physical support system my daughter has in both her partner and Lindsie and Ning as well as her colleagues at the school that she teaches at.  Not to mention the pouring in of support from everyone at home.

With all of thay said, I'm going to bed now, it's almost 2am.  Big day tomorrow.  

Sent from my Samsung device

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