Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Chills of June

Damon and I were outside earlier, he was about to take the trash down and I looked up. The crescent moon looked sooooo gorgeous against the black sky. In that moment, it felt great to be able to see it.

Mornings are darrrrrrk and chilly these days. Thank you, Winter. :-/ Lol, I'm not thaaaaat grateful for you though. You make me feel cold.

Right now, I'm getting myself ready to leave in about fifteen minutes. As you can see from the picture that I just took, the sun has just risen.

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Upcycling Mania

So I've decided to start with my shoes. #shoesmustfall. I thought I'd be a little more emotionally attached to them. You know. Since they were there for me all of those years....tirelessly trudging with me on whichever path I chose to walk, gravel, grass or smooth cement. But, hm-uhm. It was a fairly painless process.

De-cluttering isn't as much fun as people make it out to be. Hmmmmpf! Admittedly, I haven't personally met anyone who made it sound like a hoot, but even I know. There IS someone out there who does. Even might belong to a de-cluttering group, "De-cluts...." Or something. Mannnnn, I hope the brand name graphic designer doesn't have a touch screen and fat fingertips! That name could turn crazy in a hurry. Lol!

Now the clothessss??? That's a whole nother story! Before I knew that there was an official name for it, I've turned a t-shirt into a bag a skirt into cafton, another into a dress and some other t-shirts into cool crops for dance class but since I'd downloaded Pinterest?  


'Cause I'm thinking as I inspect, "hmmmmmmm....I can cut here, here and there! Here's when parting becomes a boat-load of sweet sorrows 'cause see, good intentions, right?  Those bastards keep sneaking up on me and trying to get me to clean out my closet.  Like I have space in my day for another to-do.  But I play along.  Hurting good intentions-----is bad.  Least I can do is humour it. So I stand there.  Pretending to be serious about looking at my clothing.  They're just hanging there, unconcerned and unmoved. Rather confident in their knowledge that just like the last time, I won't be finding them new owners.  My closet is open-plan----------not my plan, but I ammm grateful!  Standing there, sizing up items that look like I wanna keep them and also look like I don't like them anymore.

The confusion begins.

Forgetting that I'm pretending, I'm on the verge of slipping them off the shoulder of the hanger and bundling 'm in a bag and taking 'm down to my mum to give away and then CLICK 'N FLASH----(my minds camera or my memory, I can't decide)----both already viewed upcycled images and possible future upcycling ideas begin to bash the walls of my mind. 


Now?  I'm in a dilemma of sorts.  I gotta make a decision.  To bundle or not to bundle?! 

I then settle on the lame yet hopeful goal of, "Another time…"  Which essentially always means that there'll be a really lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng gap between almost bundling to repeating the process and following through. 

This bag though? I plan on making that at some point. Just need to get me to a craft store for that embroidery cotton.

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Love Conquers All.....A-HEM!

Hahahahahahaha! Not! Except for in the movies.  But that's bullshit.  And this is real life!  Not Pretty Woman!  Not The Notebook!  This is real life with real beginnings, fucked up middles and awful endings.  A-hem!  Too early in the morning for that there language!  Bad Rambler!
In some cases. 
I'll be fair.
I believe in love, don't get me wrong, with allllllll of my dextrocardia'd heart and situs inversus'd spleen but I don't believe in all types of love. Especially when it comes to their conquering abilities. 
I don't believe in 'narcissistic' love where it's all about the person you're with and you doing everything to make them happy and then fuck what makes you happy. 
Dammit!  I'll do better.  Promise!  Gimme a few sentences and you'll see signs that I'm trying to behave.
'Abusive' love where it doesn't have to be physical abuse but emotional or mental and when it is the latter?  I'll say this.  Physical bruises heal.  It takes years and work to rid yourself of the results of emotional abuse.  It's not okay to tell yourself that "At least he/she is not beating me…."  And yes, you read that right, I said she. 
'You owe me' love where the person you're with won't release you from that relationship, no matter how unhappy you both are, because you owe them the time or even loyalty that they'd spent on you throughout that relationship. 
My question is.  What do those conquer?  Your self-confidence?  Your expectations about love?  Your freedom?  Your sanity?  Your hope for actually wanting to enter into another relationship?  Boyz II Men said it best in my car this morning, ".....don't have to stay with someone that makes you cry.  You'll end up killing all the love you have inside......" 
I believe in a love where everyday feels either just like yesterday or better, with your partner.  A love that fuels an endless excitement about your partner, even if they're sitting next to you staring into space. I've felt that kind of love.  It's the most beautiful thing in the world to me but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that out there in this huge ol' world, real love has never been conquered or shaved away by other crap! That real love has never existed between two people who're no longer together.  I'm not gonna sit here and pretend that sometimes even the most selfless love doesn't turns bad.  It does.  And this is why it is so vital for when you find that?  To nurture it, care for it and keep fanning the fires of it so that you don't lose it. 
Relationships need effort, constant effort.  For some lucky bastards, *fuck*---lawwwd, my mouth?  It's a natural, blissful co-existence where loving that somebody feels effortless, where all it takes are those deep feelings to lead your actions in loving them, right.  For some, it feels like work work work work work!  Worthy work, though.  But just like with everything in life, any form of lobsidedness when it comes to the requirements, causes conflict or impossibility.  Will you be able to continue driving a car if one of its tyres politely just rolled off into the opposite direction?  Will you be able to run a marathon if you lost one of your running shoes, without hurting yourself?
Thought so.

Everything in life, whether it be love, hobbies, driving, cleaning……….have requirements.  If any part of those are missing……you might get away with it for a while but it will be difficult, or you might not because it's just impossible to succeed without it.
Just like I believe that not letting someone back in your life has nothing to do with forgiveness, you cannnn forgive and make better choices, it's possible.  When a certain amount of shit happens at soaring, ruthless levels, then it has to become about your choice of WHAT you are letting back into your life as opposed to WHO you are letting back into your life.  It can't be "Okay, I forgive you, now come back for round two 'cause uhhhhhhh, I just wanna see if I'll be able to scrape my broken ass off the floor a little better this time, once you're done with me."
Forgiveness is meant to free YOU regardless of whether whomever you are forgiving is still in your life or not.  Ask God, He'll tell you.  Often, you find yourself glued to the exact spot at which they walked away and while you are still mourning the situation either with sadness or anger?  They're long gone, living la vida loca and not giving you or your unforgiveness a second thought.  Pffffffffffft!  Is that fair on you?  Nope.  But?!!!  Who's stopping you from lavid--ering you own loca?  That's right.  You.  And that's really the part that not fair on you.  Blocking your own progress and know this………..Nobody can forgive themselves for you TO BE ABLE TO move on from them.  For you to dissolve your grudgery.  I knowwwwwwww that's not a word, just.  Go.  With.  It. 
Alright, let's---------let's pretend---------How you gonna know?  Even if it did work that way.  How you gonna know?  I. Hear. Crickets. 'Cause ay, things blew the fuck UP and now y'all don't deal.  And I don't blame y'all too.  Things turned just nasssssssty! 
Man, I love pretend worlds.  Things can be however you want them to be. 
Now, on pretend planet, is that person gonna send you a smoke signal about, "I forgave myself for my part in the explosion, you can now take the first step towards your healing……" 
Planet earth---------Only you can do the forgiving for it to matter to YOU and change what's inside of YOU!  It's something that you do for YOUR OWN healing, for YOUR OWN progress from one emotional and spiritual place to another.  YOUR OWN peace. 
It's heavy, otherwise. 
Too heavy.

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Tuesday, 24 May 2016


'Tis not the weather to be outa bed, tra-la-la-la-la-la-laaaaaaa!

Grey skies and huge raindrops were correctly forecasted for today. Back pat to the weather person for getting that right. With the patterns these days, I'd imagine it's quite a nerve-wrecking guess to make.

You see the picture that I took for yall? It's that typaday where you and your other half should make a unanimous decision to call in sick and then play nurse and doctor and make each other feel better all day.

Wink. Wink.

Jussssst giving y'all some ideas to warm up them cold days. Don't say that I kept the best ones to myself and left y'all out in the cold. And rain. With clothes on. Look, it's either that or you stand beside an open oven to relieve the chills! You choose. There's more to life than freezing in an office all day, don't you agree? And it's not standing by an open oven. Ay, if ya wearing a chain, that shit burns. Unless that's ya only option. Which is sad. But true for the limited-option portion of the population. Fortunately, options can change. Even more fortunate, is that they will!

Whaaaaaaaaat? Don't look at me like I'm not supposed to have naughty thoughts. The moment that you acquire a birth certificate, it becomes a right. Those mean you're alive, birth certificates. They mean you were born. Naughty thoughts help keep you feeling alive. Don't you wanna feel alive? And all of you who deny it and gasp and wanna fall outa chairs at the sheer mention of any word beginning with 'se'......there's no fooling this here Rambler! I know what you thought this morning!

And that's okay.
Forgive yourself!

And simply enjoy the creative side of your brain. Imaginations have feelings too.

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Sunday, 22 May 2016


I just finish clean and hang the washing. Ima get showered and dressed and go down and see my neighbours grandbaby before I head out. Saw him only once since he got home last Friday, awwwww he's just the cutest, tiniest, spikey-haired little man! ^_^!

Standing out there in the sunshine, feeling that warmth splash against my skin, I couldn't help but be grateful for life.

What a beautiful Sunday morning!

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Saturday, 21 May 2016

Still Settling It Seems!

This is getting outa hand now. I don't understand why my health is straight messing up like it is. I'm home over a week already. For the most part, the tiredness is gone. But then...?


Haven't thrown up in I can't tell you how long but I did this morning. Uuuuurgh! I'd have remembered, even if it were fifteen years ago and the fact that I can't? That's how long it's been. Couldn't even finish my coffee! Ate my toast, sipped my coffee and rannnnnnnnnnnnn!

Just horrible.

Running is thee worst! >_<!

I managed to NOT throw up again throughout the day by not eating too much, even being at a party that I'd committed to being at. Which as you know isn't a problem since my appetite is nowhere near where it should be. I'm hoping that whatever is going on with my body, that it's over soon.

I've heard of husbands getting morning sickness and pregnancy symptoms when their wives are pregnant. I worked once with a couple who'd experienced that and I found it to be a beautiful thing. Hahahaha! I'm sure any guy reading this would be like, "Nooooooooh! Take that back! Take that back!!! That's yalls job!" but I've never heard of mother's getting morning sickness when their daughters are.

Just? Just, I guess, grasping at straws 'cause this makes little to no sense and I know for certain that that's not the case. But something is, somethings the case and I can't stand not knowing what it is. Surrrrrre, I could go see the doctor but all he's gonna do is push meds down my throat. That will leave me as uninformed as I am, typing this. So nope! I'm not tryna pay to be just as confused as I am right now.

A quick word. Take care of your relationships. Take care of that woman or man that you have beside you, especially if they're doing all that they can to take care of you. You might think that what I just said doesn't relate to everything that I've said before this but it does. It might be that I make sense of things in a different way to a lot of people but I know for sure that when anyone is feeling the way that I am, they want a lap to lay on and they want to feel loving fingers stroke their hair and when you have that, make it count, nurture it because lawwwd knows some couples under-estimate the power of touch and it's easy to take things for granted when you believe that you will always have it but once it taken away from you, you feel it's absence!
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Thursday, 19 May 2016

Danceday Was Cancelled...

Yup! We didn't dance today. I'd put a sad face right after that sentence if I came home feeling that way but I didn't. Got to class. It was just Jay, Cindy and I.
One of them were sore 'cause she, who is one of my closest cousins, wants to do evvvvvvery exercise known to the human race. The other one, who is our instructor was exhausted from rehearsing all day for a week and then performing seven shows thereafter. Weak bastards! Hahahaha! (Notice how I'm tryna throw unjust shade on them when I just got finished whining for dayyyys on end about how jet-lag kicked my own ass.)

So we just sat for a while and laughed a whole bunch which is just a good a medicine as dance is so it's all good.

Plus? We get to make up the class, hehehe! Now you see why sadness had no place in tonights events. That means, two classes in one of the upcoming weeks. Double dose of happiness! :-)

How can I complain?
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Goat Outa Here!

I see the EFF has once again been thrown out of parliament. It's become quite a common occurrence in that circus. Hmmmmmm, I guess that's one way of avoiding working a full day.

In other, front page news? Some fled, five were arrested, when a policeman, who during a routine patrol on a small convoy of vehicles, finds 14 stolen GOATS in a minibus taxi. At first, I thought, "Ohhhkay! I know the cost of living in SA is through the roof right now and we all need to find a way to supplement our income? But multi-species-transporting----again?"

I mean, do you blame me? There was an incident, I showed y'all righhhhht at the beginning of my blog, where people annnnnd goats exited a minibus taxi. But then I see this though and it puts some kind of perspective on that situation. 'Cause now I can't be mad at that goat owner. It might have been more of a pet than livestock. And I now know how much someone can love their pet. And y'all know how pets become family! If they're stealing cattle like this? In convoy. Why wouldn't she want to take ol' Billy wherever she goes.
Trip to the city.
Grocery shopping.
Ya know, visit to aunty?

Meanwhile, when questioned, the driver and some of his "assistants" were like, "Uhmmmmm.....huh? Why are there 14 goats in the taxi? That's a good question. Let's just---let's ask that guy in the other vehicle. Oh shit, he's the one running away. Okay....what was your question again?"

I'll attach a picture of the article that I took but I'm not sure if y'all are able to read it. I can't miss just how chilled the goats look though. You know when we were young and we'd go on an excursion in a bus with our school.....look at them? Facing the back, goat chatting with their squad....

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Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Feels like Winter out there. Shewwww! It's colllllllld today! I hear you, wind! When I was in Thailand, all I wanted was some sort of a cold breeze to hit even the tip of my ear and now that I have that and more, I want that sunshine back again, LOL! Never grateful, are we?

Talking about grateful. It's already Thursday tomorrow and ya Rambler's undoubtedly looking forward to returning to her happy place. Yes, I am. Dance class has been very much missed. It's been a mere two weeks since I've been there yet it feels so much longer.

That's what happens when you love something or someone, isn't it? Small feels huuuuge and short feels like forever in absence. Then you get the times in presence when hours never feel like enough.

Crazy but beautiful.

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Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Transitions and Decisions

Have you ever just needed to be quiet? Since I got back from Thailand, I feel different, somehow. Sure, I am, I'm not just a mother anymore, I'm now preparing to be a grandmother as well. And sure, toothache prompts less talk too but that's not it. Oh oh oh! That reminds me, I gotta call the dentist! Thank you for the reminder. I mean, thank me for the reminder!

But shew??! Almost as if there is a transition happening in the background of my life somewhere. I've been going to sleep feeling heavy and waking up feeling heavy, my appetite is gone, it's as if my mind is bursting with thoughts and things but I can't properly focus on any of them. Believe me, I've been here before. About nine years ago. Just?!? Those feelings were diagnosed as depression. And that's a place that I don't want to go back to.

I've been really happy that I've gotten back into the swing of blogging on almost a daily basis. I've appreciated the fact that my readers have stuck by me, no matter how long the breaks that I've taken have been. I'm being real about that. I appreciate yall very much. I don't wanna stop. I don't wanna bore y'all either, being in my feelings like this.

So here I am. Dilemma'd about whether fading into the background or whether writing about it as a form of therapy, is what I should be doing. That's the downside of being a Libra though.....decisions don't come easy.

Being that as it is, I have no choice but to be patient, guidance will come because I've asked for it.

You guys, be good. Infact, be better until you become your best!

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I truly love the meaning of this greeting. I guess that's why I have it tattoo'd on my arm.

I was reading earlier about meditation and chakra's and the Heart Chakra, in particular. You're shocked, aren't you? Nottttt so much! Yeah, yeah, I thought so. HA! Okay, so I'm pretty new to the theory of meditation and chakra's, to be honest. Haven't really taken the time to really read about it, but I am now and I'm very interested.

What it is, if you're unfamiliar, is in some Indian religions, a chakra, (there are seven chakra's in your body, located from the top of your head to below your naval) a chakra is an energy point in our bodies through which energy flows. Energy like, love, spirituality, well-being, self-expression, imagination, etc. So you have the Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Crown Chakra, etc. All representing these different emotional issues.

As far as the Heart Chakra, yup, I zoned in on this one first! Stop ittttttt, I am what I am, and that's a Libra. See? L for Love, L for Libra. Balance, peace and love are vital in my world. That's not to say that they always exist. But I s'pose that's why it's a constant search. I fall, I get up, I fall, I get up and I keep searching.

The ultimate goal is to work towards having an open Heart Chakra, or Anahata, since this is where love, compassion, joy, all the lovely things, this is where they flow through. This made me think. So much about so much! I'm still finding myself, in life, my place in it, for the most part. To be honest, I'm uncertain how to feel about that. I have questions. Questions like? Do we ever completely do that? Find ourselves? Or is it just a continuous ever-changing journey until we cease to journey?

I'm on the fence on that one. I mean, you look around you and some people don't seem to be looking for anything. They just seem to have it all together. All figured out. Life, love, marriage, family, career.

So this where I am at this point in my life. Trying to reach that place where I fully appreciate my own value, my worth, without always questioning whether all I will ever be are the bad decisions I've made. To recognise that if I am not at peace within my own self then I can't bring peace to somebody else. Sounds cliche'd but I can't express it any other way. I've been trying so hard to be a better me. Better than I've ever been. In all areas. Pulling on past experiences every so often when the need arises and letting the results of them repel me from repeating the same thing.

Half my life has been lived already and like many of us, I've made a ton of mistakes. I've wasted a lot of time pitying my life for things I've had control over but never exercised that control. I find it strange though, when I think about my life, that I divide it into two parts; before my divorce, and after my divorce. And again, before forgiveness and after forgiveness. Then again, maybe it's not so strange since they were both turning points for me.

Fear, at times, helps. Forces you to think twice. It can prevent you from mindlessly walking into someone's life and having a negative effect on it at the end of it all. Walking into someone's life and turning it upside down, or? Walking into someone's life and having them regret that you were ever in it. That's a fear of mine, added to whichever pre-existing fears I already have.

It's never the intention though. To hurt or be hurt. We're all better than that.

But the truth is that we're not better for everyone. For some, we're a storm, not calm waters. We're turmoil, not solace. And if we've already seen that we're not someone's peace or someone's "better", then we should take that truth and act accordingly. According to what we already know. We have to do that for those people as much as we have to do that for ourselves. Failure of any kind affects us, as much as it affects what or who has been failed.

Ultimately, I want others to learn to love and forgive and care. Care, truly. Not for show. Not out of feeling pressured to. More than anything, I want to be an example of all of these things. My life is not over yet. Which means that it's still possible.

What I need to do is continue to learn how. My life feels like a constant evolution. Inside. And out. Am I crazy to feel that way? I don't think so. Because are we the same people that we were ten years ago? Five years ago? A month ago? No. We're constantly experiencing, we're constantly changing and some experiences ofcourse, change you HARDER than others. Some make you think for a minute, while others cause you to change for a lifetime.

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Monday, 16 May 2016

First Day Back....

I won't complain too much. I'm alive. That always helps. When you have work to do. Right?!

Took this Monday by the balls though, regardless. :-) It might have had very small balls. Shrivelled, even. Like ninety-eight year old balls that have no breathe left in them. Balls that resemble prunes more than prunes do. I dunno. I can't judge, I barely have vision right now. Judging takes energy that I simply don't have in excess today. Yeah, it's that bad. Me? I only had energy to do what needed to be done. And whatever balls today had?!? I took 'em!

But I'm not gonna complain.

Doesn't Monday strike you as.....? Monday strikes me as having prune balls. 'Cause you know how bullies are! They're always compensating for something, aren't they?

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Sunday, 15 May 2016

Too Much Sex? I Think Not!

Remember I told yall that we had that get together at my cousins yesterday? Yeah, so the last of the mohecans were left and sex became the topic, hehehe! Fun! There was a clear divide amongst the healthy and the, hmmmmmmm? What can I call them? The "how the hell can you have sex every night" group! Hahahahhahha!
So there was a couple there who said they had sex every day, sometimes more than once a day. One member of my family was flabbergasted like, "Every day?!?! WTF!? Who the fuck has sex every single day?????? Sicko muthafuckers!" "Well?" I thought, ".....them! And lot's of other couples who are married and still very much attracted to each other and there's nothing at all wrong with that."
So I tried to explain to her, "That's called having a healthy sex life!" Flabber (I'll call her that) was not receiving that! She was breathlessly opposing the healthy part and calling it all kinds of crazy and I said to her, "But don't you see how close they are as a couple? That plays a huge part in a relationship!"
One of them claimed to have sex once every six months! O_O! YIKES! And that statement too was simply dismissed as lies, lies, lies and more lies by another family member! Hahahhahahahhaha! As I said? Fun! I remained quiet for the most part. Except for my many outbursts of laughter at the funny shit that was being said!
I enjoy being quiet. Taking it all in. At some point, I begin talking to myself about what it is that's being discussed and then I really looked at it? I saw the stark difference in the relationships of the opposition parties seated at that table and when I compared the two? It was crystal clear that a healthy sex life within a marriage, whether married for ten years or thirty years, dramatically improved that relationship.
I was Flabber once. Yup. I was one of those people who said out loud, "I can live without sex, who needs that shit!" But a Flabber, I am no longer. Not because I'm a nympho but because I have lived and I have learnt. And everyone who hasn't experienced such attraction will never understand the NORMALITY of being that sexual with their partner. Now? I will never understand why a couple would want it any other way!
Who wouldn't want to be with someone that they wanna run home to every single day? Who wouldn't want to be with someone that they can't take their hands off of? Be excited about? Fantasize about? The intimacy between couples who have a healthy sexual relationship, from what I see? ls unlike any other.
It's not to say that sex alone makes a relationship. Not in the least! But like communication? It's hell important! And it's not to say that that's all ya gonna be doing like bang, bang, bang...no! But dammm, it makes you feel alive and in love and it ultimately the effects of that excitement and intimacy spills over into everything else you do, together, as a couple, as a family because how much more beneficial is it for children to witness the kind of love between their parents where so much affection and so much closeness is a constant sight for them as opposed to the kind where nothing inspires their parents to even want to sit on the same sofa?
We really do teach our children how to love and how they should accept being loved, by the relationship that we have with our spouse. We're the first example of love between a man and a woman that they will ever have and I finally understand that. I finally understand that staying together for the sake of the children harms more than it helps because what are we teaching them? That love is miserable and angry and distant?
No. No, it's not.
It's quite the opposite.
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The Aftermath

What I'd love right now?!? I'd love to be able to close my eyes.
That's it.
Just close my eyes. I HAVE been sleeping but I'm still tired.

I haven't been home much since I've been home. That confused me too. I'm dead tired with a headache so anything would confuse me now.

Friday, we spent the day up at my sister 'til after midnight playing scrabble and colouring in those pictures that are meant to relieve stress (I've attached some pics) and yesterday, after waking and having to rush out the door to get Damon to his soccer match, I cleaned the house, fell asleep for an hour or two waiting for him to come back and then shot off to my cousin for the little get together that he was having. Ofcourse, it's Sunday today, so I had to get them loads of washing done and hung.


My sister leaves today too, gotta go see her and I gotta go see my sister in law, I missed her. Another run around day. I keep feeling light-headed! Randomly. Why, though? Is that part of jet-lag? I don't remember ever feeling like this. Not gonna lie, I've just been like wow, travelling undoubtedly kicked my ass, this time! I know I'm not twenty-one anymore but dammmm!

Work resumes tomorrow....sob!

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Saturday, 14 May 2016

Home Is Where The Heart Is....

That means?!? I have within this little double-breasted chest of mine, a heart that's split into multiple pieces! You get a piece, you get a piece, you get a piece! EVERRRRYBODY GETS A PIEEEECE!!!!


It means that I am a part of many homes.

Yeah. Think Ima go with that version. It's a better way to look at it, right? Uhm-hm...I'd say! My glass is half full. Positive self-talk! Yup! That's what THAT is. And see what it does?

Do you see what it does?

It takes the feeling that you're broken and replaces it with the feeling that you belong.


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Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Bye-bye Chiang Mai

This is how I feel right now..

It's been unforgettable.

I love you Paige, I love you Linds and I already love you my lil grandbaby.


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Tuesday, 10 May 2016

LAST Night

Tomorrow, this time, mum and I will be en-route home to South Africa.  We were very happy to hear that we had received some heavy rains over the weekend.  We were near having to adhere to water restriction timetables. Infact?  There are areas on KZN that have long since begun water restrictions due to the drought.

However, I can't be at all happy to hear that most parts of KZN flooded, killing a few people and displacing many living in informal settlements.  This is why it is so difficult to support our president.  Or the current ruling party for that matter.  It's been too many years now and too much money spent on court cases dealing with his corruption trials where I'm quite sure that R53million could have been better spent on keeping more people safe and sheltered through housing projects.

Anyway...I really don't want to spend my last night here thinking about crooked shit.

Still coming to terms with arriving here to two people and having to leave three behind.  I know I'm gonna be quite the wreck tomorrow.  Punk that I am.  But ay I don't mind being a punk like that.  I'm not sorry for feeling.  Just grateful that I won't be alone.  

Grateful too that my babygirl is settled and safe here and doing a good job so far as being on her own.  Keeping house, paying her bills, rarely partying, resting enough to prepare for her work days.  

Aside from my initial sick days, I really have enjoyed my time here in Chiang Mai.  The people here are extraordinarily motivated, kind and humble and it's been an eye opener for me to see that one doesn't have to have an abundance, to be happy.  Truth is, I don't believe that I've seen happier humans in my entire life.

I've seen everywhere that kids are happy to be involved in their parent's business and it helped me better understand that that's how one builds not only family stability and future but also a stable, working community. I havent seen much of any form of loitering.  Far as kids just walking around or standing around on street corners or simply hanging out even.  It's almost as if time is never wasted here.  

I don't see any competitiveness as far as ".....well you can't sell food in this street..." or "...you can't pitch your salon here because I have mine..."  Nope. Everybody works side by side, peacefully.  Whether it be next door or across the street.  For me that speaks volumes about the kind of work ethic, for starters, that exists in this place.

The hospital that we went to last week was spotlessly clean and organized.  The nurses and doctors were patient and joyful.  They even had a last playing the piano in the waiting area.

There is very little road rage.  As full as the roads are!  I'm mentioning random things where normally these would be stress sources or general problems where I come from but here?  Everybody just seems content with what they have, what they have to do to make their living and just waking up to see another day. 

It gives me some peace knowing that my grandchild will be amongst these types of human beings.  It gives me some peace knowing what a great physical support system my daughter has in both her partner and Lindsie and Ning as well as her colleagues at the school that she teaches at.  Not to mention the pouring in of support from everyone at home.

With all of thay said, I'm going to bed now, it's almost 2am.  Big day tomorrow.  

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Monday, 9 May 2016


Sawadika, from Chiang Mai!  

Tell me, how am I gonna do this?  

These goodbyes are a part of what I hate most about distance.  Where you have to courageously leave huge parts of your heart and soul in places that are somewhat, unreachable on a whim.  This is when being your own boss and being the dictator of your own time, money and movements comes in handy, huh!?

Mum and Paige are fast asleep right now, it's almost 1am if not after and as exhausted as I am?  I mean, we've been busy since this morning, moving outa her old apartment and into her new one.  That was phase 1.  Phase 2 begins tomorrow.  Packing.

No, i'm not ready.

What I truly need is a full body massage and for time to stand very still.  I'm trying to be strong........... oh wait,  just failed.

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Sunday, 8 May 2016

Last Set

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Second To Last Set

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Pics, Pics, Pics

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More Pictures

Since yesterday was Mother's Day, it's now early hours of Monday morning here....we went to dinner and the Sunday market. It was too full. Mum and I ended going to the other night market. Paige has work tomorrow so they left early.

Here are more pictures.

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I know that I'd abruptly stopped posting about my trip in Thailand, it took me a minute to get settled, health-wise. No body aches and abdominal pains have returned, thankfully. None of which I expected to have when I got here. Shew! All that's left now is this body rash from this very intense heat and the same cough that I thought I'd antibioticed away before I left home. I know where that comes from. Just like back at home, it's from being in and out of heat and ac, constantly. I used to have my aircon vent in my office closed, for a reason! And recently, they've opened it because of some bullshit about it causing a blockage or leakage or sommmmme crapage! My sinus and nasal drip came back with a vengeance almost immediately. That's okay, though. I have a sinus condition which after I'd researched, found out that it comes with my dextrocardia and situs inversus condition. So, I just have to live with that.

Other than that, we did a little more sight seeing. We tried to get all of that done before Lyle left on Friday. We had dinner for his birthday at the Riverside Restaurant, was lovely!

Mum and I visited the school that Paige teaches at. I had to meet those kids, I'd seen video's and pictures of them for a year and meeting them was just delightful. What personalities, wow!

We finally did the temple visit. Very beautiful. Very commercialised. The monk? The monk in the temple we went into was texting and talking on the cellphone. >_#! My eyes squinted in confusion. I can only imagine what my face did. Sometimes, I clearly an't control myself. It's almost a reflex. I've been told that my facial expressions give me away. Far as where my thoughts are. I find that very disturbing because if I'm saying nothing, it means that I don't want someone to know what's in my head. Which also means that I'm being betrayed by my own face. -_-

I imagine a monk, right? And immediately following that image? Is a further imagined story of an extremely basic, simple life that they lead. So now it's your turn! Imagine, if you will, my surprise at finding out that it's not that way. I can't tell you how I thought they communicated? But I can tell you that I didn't know that they used wordly things like that. Here's why I was so taken aback! Lyle went in before me, the monk called him, said a blessing for him. It was his birthday and his goal for the day. Go Lyle!

So I go to kneel next. I then see a guy rush pass me with things. Like soap and other stuff that he's obviously donating and the monk completely forgot about me sitting there. While the guy is setting the stuff out on these gold trays? Monk pulls out his cellphone and starts texting. This is when the squinting started. That's the moment right there. Meanwhile, I'm still kneeling. Praying. Shifting. 'Cause time is passing and my knees are not twenty-one years old. Annnd I'm kneeling and I'm kneeling some more. I wanted a blessing. He then makes a call, the guy is still setting up this stuff. After another 5 minutes? I changed my mind about the blessing and walked out. It didn't mean anything to me anymore. Coming from him. We walk back around and on our way out, I then see them chanting over the donation while other people are sitting and waiting.

Not. Nice!

But hey? At the end of the day, who am I to judge when messages need to be sent and calls need to be made? It's not as if they're able to run down Doi Suthep mountain in a hurry. It's not exactly a small hill! Plus that just may be how they do things. Donated Lux soap bars comes first. Or something. Walking up to the temple, there is a boatload of stairs, strained my calves for three whole days after that! But that's not what's important! What is important is that it seems as if, here? Everybody works. From the youngest to the adultest! There are these little kids as you walk up the stairs, the cutest little girls ever! I took some pictures with them and them I'm teeth talking to Lyle very softly about, "Lyle, what do I do now? Do I give them money?" Just then the little girl stretches her hand out to me and says, "Put. Money." Question answered!

The next day, we saw an elephant show up in the mountains. Those elephants play soccer and basketball and paint pictures and act the fool too! I was amazed at first but then after I thought about it on our way home, I don't know anymore how to feel about that because I noticed that sharp thing on the stick that the handlers were holding. They didn't poke them. Then! But I do know that Dumbo didn't tumble outa his mum's vagina talking about, "Aaaaaaah, I think today?! Ima paint me a scenic picture with paint, a paintbrush and my trunk!" I mean? Do elephants know those words??? No! They have to be trained and I know that some cruelty accompanies that.

I think that was the last bit of sight seeing that we did.

Here are some pictures.

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Life As I Know It.....

.....................................................Has totally changed.

I had no idea that that would happen on this trip. But it has. In more ways than one.
BUT?!? I'm calm.
Frighteningly calm.
Even after my "so THIS is why I HAD to be here right now....." moment.

I thought that I was simply coming here to spend time with my daughter, in the place that she now calls home, since she left just over a year ago, and on more than one occasion, I caught myself wanting the same thing. To make it mine.

Especially now!

You might be asking yourself why? Why especially now? Well? I found out this week that I'll have a grandson or a granddaughter either at the very end of 2016 or just as the 2017 begins. My daughter is six weeks and five days pregnant and I'm filled with tons and tons of emotion as I type this. You have no idea! All shooting this way and that way, up and down. Joy and then worry, excitement and then sadness, and I end at the realisation that at the end of everything, I'm being blessed.

The biggest source of worry and sadness for me right now is that she'll be so far away. From home. From me! From me! From meeeeeeeeeeeee and won't be coming back to either have the baby or to raise the baby. Her job, her child's father, her life? Is here now. I'm honestly not unhappy about that part, simply because I have to make a choice between knowing what's in South Africa and what's here in Thailand, for them. I HAVE to be realistic and selfless about what awaits her as far as their future, in South Africa as opposed to where she has now settled. All good and well, her entire family, except for Lindsie, is back in South Africa. And yes, we're all bummed about the fact that so much distance separates us but she would be coming home to no job, to instability, to a country that on some level, we all wish we didn't have to be stuck in because it's future there is so uncertain. I can't be selfish. I won't.

Crazy thing is that I fell pregnant with her almost exactly a month before she did, at the same age, 21 turning 22 years old by the time that baby is born. I am grateful that I've had some time to spend getting to know her boyfriend. I've both heard and seen that he treats her well, and that they're settled in their relationship and talking seriously about plans for their future together. Her father, brother and grandfather will also have that chance soon.

Mannnn, I'm also so excited, because that's my grandchild, my very first grandchild and no further explanation is needed as far as that.

I'm very grateful too that my mum and I are here right now. That we were able to go with her to her first ultrasound and doctors visit on Friday and when I saw that white little dot on the screen?

Everything became real.

Everything is REAL now and I'm not even tryna focus any thought on the fact that before the week is out? I'm leaving both of them behind 'cause if I do. I would possibly drown in my own tears.

The fact that our grandbaby will only know us but so much? That's pulling harrrrrrrrrrrrrrd at my heart strings. Urrrrrrrgh? Seriously though? What is it about me and long distance things? Now I gotta have a long distance grandchild too!


I guess at this stage, all I can do is offer her as much support as I can, from home, and simply trust God's plans for this situation. One things for sure though, I'll be back here as soon as my grandbaby is born! MissionSaveLikeMyLifeDependsOnIt begins as soon as I get home!

This heat? My skin? I had to go to the pharmacy to get meds for that too! You don't get sunburned but if your skin is as sensitive as mine is? You're gonna break out into one big itchy rash.

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Sunday, 1 May 2016

More Grand Canyon Pics

I hit send by mistake.....that's 'cause I'm thinking about my little Cruzzicles!

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Grand Canyon

We still haven't reached the temple yet. Today it wasn't because we were late, it's because the heat was just crazy! We'd planned to go to the Grand Canyon and Doi Suthep. Made it to one and then just came back and cooled off in the ac in the apartment.

The Grand Canyon here in Chiang Mai? It has got to be theeee most breathtakingly gorgeous piece of earth in existence! OMG!!!! And Sunday was a good day to go out there too. Everyone swam...not me! Hahahahha! No! Thank you very much. I don't swim in a hurry. Not if a shark isn't chasing me from the dry ground into the water and back out again. Yeah, then I'll breast stroke the fuck outa that swim! Other than that? I'll watch the bags.

We had lunch from the restaurant at the Grand Canyon and what I liked about that place was that compared to everywhere else I've eaten here, the prices were on par. It wasn't overpriced like a normal tourist attraction would be! You know, normally they're out there trying to help you go broke on ya vacation but not there. I had the chicken fried rice with a mixed berry yoghurt smoothie. Delicious is an understatement! Smoothies are quite popular I see. Dammmm, I had a mango smoothie the other night at the market, I swear it was like eating the mango itself! M-M-Mmmmmm! I really can't say that I've eaten something that I couldn't swallow so far.

We all enjoyed the view for about three hours and then we got back into our Song Thaew and came back home.

Been here ever since. It's just too hellish hot out there.

Tomorrow? Hahahahahahha! The temple is the plan...that's all Ima say for now. It's Lyle's birthday and he wants to spend it there and hey? I'm not complaining 'cause the wait has been longer and longer!

It feels like it's gonna be an early night tonight. Last night, it was another 3 or 4am night. It's not a matter of not being tired. It's more restlessness. 'Specially my legs? Can somebody tell me why I only have restless leg syndrome when I'm not sleeping in my own bed?

Got a message from my ex husband today telling me that Cruzzy isn't eating so I guessed it was because he was missing me and sent him a voice note. The dog. Yes! He's a person, too! -_-

I then get another message and a voice note back to tell me and let me hear that he's barking all sad listening to my voice. My heart sank! :-(

Dogs and their owners....

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