Well? Another weekend comes to a close and when we wake in the morning? We'll be one day closer to the next! As for I? I'm one hair wash closer to galloping. With a head full of thick, healthy, shiny hair, I hope! If not? I'd have joined the horse shampoo club? Just to confuse my hair folicles. Either way, I won't be without a result, so? I'm gonna take my chances! Long as I don't end up bald? I won't complain! Did you hear me, head? I said, long. as. I. don't. end. up. bald!
Do you suffer from chronic ageing regrowth? I mean, grey hair? In my personal quest for one-tone hair? I've been seriously contemplating investing in a black permanent marker! I can't do the emergency mascara cover trick. The ozone layer has become too sensitive. One minute it's hot and you're wearing white? Next minute it's raining buckets and then you have trails of black running down your face. Then people stare and make you all uncomfortable and shit. Too much trauma...
With the permanent marker? I can just lay on my bed. Get Randyl or Damon or Randyl annnnd Damon to colour in my head? Wait a few seconds! Annnnnnnd?!? Bob's my uncle! And I'm not just saying that! Xavier Bob was my uncle! The dye clearrrrrrrly states, "Lasts up to five washes" or something untrue like that! And it talks about being permanent!
Look? I know you're meant to say that something clearly states something if you don't need to follow it up with, "or something"! But, I'm covering all my bases. That's all. I'm not gonna mention names, brand...names? But sommmmme things promise coverage too! You know. Hmmmmmpf! So, I'm not tryna have those "brand names" see this and sue me because I said five washes when it should've been four. "Or something" ensures that I don't get a summons for defamation of character. Of the product. In this case, it would be dye. Defamation of the dye's character. My logic? And if I'm way off here, just stop me. Good luck though. 'Cause you'll only read this once I'm done writing it. Which means, stopping me after I've finished typing it? Would be like finishing allllll the food on your plate and then putting half of it in the microwave for later!
Back to my logic! If I wash my hair every second week, right? According to the sales pitch? I should have no grey for 10 weeks! Right?!? Right?!? Wrong! I dyed my hair two weeks ago? This is what I got!
O_O! That reflection of me in the mirror!
Is there something soooh wrong with making a dye that lingers around the base of each thread of hair? So that when it grows? It dyes it! Jusssssssssst enough to last those however many washes they promised? Because I've had hair all my life? I have enough experience. So I am well aware that hair grows. But growth? Is no excuse for not delivering what was promised!
I can't go around selling a pencil, carrying a big sign saying, "Lasts up to two pages" when I know that the lead is so soft? You have to sharpen it after every three to four words, depending on the length of them! At least?!?!? The very least! They could do, is write somewhere on the box that, "Dear Person. If your hair grows like weed, then...put this box where you found it? Thaaaaaat's it! Just set it right there! Now? You might wanna use the box marked, COLOUR:GREY! Because, if you use BLACK? When you look in the mirror in two weeks, this will be your reflection O_O!"
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