Monday, 16 July 2012

Did You Miss Me?

^_^!  I did!  I missed us allllll.  The past weeks have been two of my worst and no, I’m not outa the woods just yet!  Just when you think that sense of calm you felt meant that the storm was passing?  Uh-uh!  All it is, is bringing truth to the saying…”The calm before the storm!”  At one point I just felt like a zombie...roaming the earth.  And filing.  Aaaaargh!  Do you love filing as much as I do?  I don't.  I'd swop the paper age for the ice age any day!  Annnnnnnd?  The trees just swayed enchantingly in support of my last comment!  I am now in the midst of a daydream.  White, fluffy ice surrounds me.  Frost bite doesn’t exist!  Brain freeze?  Mmmmmaybe!  At any given moment, I am able to just scoop up and enjoy the sweet taste of heavens icy raindrops melting against the flat of my tongue…crunching impatiently here and there because I can’t wait for the next mouthful.   

You hear that?!?  No?!  That loud screeching sound?  You didn't hear it?!?  Concentrate!  You know when you're driving and suddenly an indian myna bird flies into your car with a piece of samoosa in its mouth and with the shock of that, you accelerate instead of brake and then your senses return only when you're two metres from the car in front of you and you brake and skid and brake and skid and your face starts distorting as if you can already feel the pain of your forehead being punched by the driver of the car you're about to hit?  I'm gonna be honest right now!  It's happened to me...nevvvver!  But it’s something that I'm sure will cause the screeching sound that I'm trying to describe to you right now!  Yep!  My ice daydream just came to that screeching halt! 

And why?  Because school has begun again today!  Uuuuuuuurgh!  That means that breezing through the evenings without having to worry about tests, and homework and uniforms are a thing of the past…three weeks.  And see?  Damon just called me to say, “Ma?  Can you please print me pictures of things that can fly?”  Day one.  Should I include a picture of my shoe?  It flies at the sight of a cockroach? 

Can’t get this song out of my head……..“Wherrrrre is the misssssssing one?!?”  That's a song by Stevie Wonder.  It says, “I'm tryna find my whereabouts, what shall I do?  When nothing seems to follow through.  In me, trying to find my whereabouts, I'm turning blue.  But wait I may have found a clue.  My whereabouts are somewhere lost in yesterday with you”...nice song. 

We're always searching for something or the other, aren't we?  From that one sock that didn't come outa the wash.  To that one perfect solution to a problem.  To that one person you always believed is out there waiting to be the mate to your soul.  Just….searching.  Endlessly.  Uhm.  I remember how endlessly I searched for my silver dress!  :-/  I still haven’t been able to locate it yet!  Maybe it’s out looking for the sock I lost and one day they shall both make their safe return…along with my sense of self.  ‘Cause I’ve since lost that too.  Lemme tell you though…I’ll be mad as hell, if my sock prances in wearing my dress without my permission.

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