Right now? Even though Geese did warn me that I'd be sitting right here, in this very spot at some point? Alot has happened. Ever since I can remember, I've worn these rose-coloured glasses. They're pink. As tomboy-ish as I am, I like pink. And the only time I take them off is when disaster has struck and it's to wipe the dust from flying rubble off of them. Annnnd back they go.
Learn from that, if anything. Warnings? They come from all types of different sources. Be it a person, or a premonition? Or a dream, or a blatant in-your-face act? Most times, we ignore them because of, well? The rose-coloured glasses orrrr the temporary discomfort prevention might cause, or we don't wanna be seen as the boogie-man, or just? Plain ol' misplaced trust. Too much misplaced trust.
It's been..... Wayyyyy too long a week. I honestly tried to blog yesterday but my mind was just blank. Packed to capacity, but blank, if that makes any sense. I tried to blog again today, until I faced up to the reality that I'm as uninspired as a broken twig right now. Broken twigs, last time I checked, just laid on the floor, dried up and became part of the soil. They can't write or grow or recreate themselves. Let alone be funny and jovial about how their purpose has changed. Something about detachment, I guess?
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I have to go. Thank you all for the support you've given me as far as my blog. I hope? That once life becomes less draining than it feels right now? And my blogsession returns? I hope to come back and share more with you. I've had as much fun sharing my rambling random thoughts as I know some of you have had reading them.
If I taught you anything about anything? I'd hoped that it was to Ramble Responsibly! By that I simply mean that there are nice ways of saying not so nice things. Taking that approach? Less people in the world hurt. If your wife's butt looks big in those jeans, say..."Yes, but it's the best butt I've seen in my life!" She will appreciate your honesty annnnd the boost of confidence! Trust me. If your child cooked you a horrible meal, try a spoon of it and say..."I'm not hungry right now? But I know I'd enjoy it better once I'm hungry again." Then make sure he/she doesn't see you throwing it in the outside bin. You get the picture, huh?
Until then...
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